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Error 8007



  • Member Posts: 11

    Reinstall Microsoft store and Xbox app. It's a Xbox bug.

  • Member Posts: 5

    So did the customer support help you? Like can u help us? lol

  • Member Posts: 19

    Thanks - the download installed without issue eventually, but I still get error 8007 after launching the game.

  • Member Posts: 11

    Have messaged the devs again to receive another “we need more time”

    Im becoming frustrated now as it’s gone completely quiet and it would be nice to have some clarity to what the issue is and if there is a fix as Mandy mentioned. why after all this time has this fix still not been provided to other players. I’m just really quite confused. I don’t understand if there is a fix and if there is why can’t all the support team be able to provide it.

    I’m just really hoping for a fix today. I’ve put so much time and money into this game to not be able to play it for the last week. This is so upsetting.

  • Member Posts: 3

    It's probably an accounts issue. The game works fine on the new account.

  • Member Posts: 19

    Nearly 24 hours since I followed up with support per Mandy's update, no response.

    Submitted a new ticket a few hours ago, thinking my ticket from last week was probably buried in the inbox somewhere, no response.

    Is there some way we can access our cloud/player ID without launching the game?

    Really thought there would be a hotfix by now. Expected more from Behaviour. At this point it seems like that was a mistake, and that all the time and money I invested into this game was a mistake too. This is one of the few games I play with a handful of friends, so I'm losing out on that on top of everything else, and to be quite honest I'm on the verge of tears.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    FPS x Undead#9376

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    FPS x Undead#9376

  • Member Posts: 19

    I found the ID that my friends used to add me, and replied to my original support ticket with that. Fingers crossed that helps in some way, and that someone sees and responds to my email.

  • Member Posts: 14

    They need the User Name with the # code, so I think that's this.

    I asked the support at 10pm (in France) and they gave me an answer the following day at 11am.

    "We are currently reviewing your case and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as we're able to. We appreciate your patience and understanding!"

  • Member Posts: 17

    how do you uninstall the Microsoft store or xbox app to reinstall them?

  • Member Posts: 17
    edited April 2023

    I reset Windows Store in app settings and uninstalled xbox app, neither worked

  • Member Posts: 11

    I know someone already has, but I’ve contacted Xbox and spoke to their windows store team to see if they could and they’ve advised they can’t do anything aside from refer us to the developers website to seek support there.

    also surely they will provide some form of compensation for us all missing a week and a bit of progress on tome/rift, game time progress, codes for blood points and now double xp. I wouldn’t imagine they would completely ignore that. It seems it’s gonna be a waiting game.

  • Member Posts: 19

    Is there something else that needs to be done to get assistance from support on this? It's been over 24 hours since I followed up on my original ticket, and I haven't heard anything back. I submitted another ticket in case my old one was closed or buried in the inbox, and have heard nothing back there either, though that was only 4 hours ago. My player ID is AllisInWndrlnd#e3ff if that helps expedite the process. Thank you for your help on resolving this issue.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Hopefully the devs are aware of this already but the update/version number of this most recent update is labeled as "". This is both on Gamepass (when viewing the update through the program/app) and in the files (at least for the "MicrosoftGame.config" file). Assuming it's just this and nothing else, which would make sense as to why none of the troubleshooting methods are working (restarting game, uninstalling/reinstalling, etc), then why does this need 1-2 weeks to fix? CTRL+F, search for "", replace with "6.7.0". At this point they're probably waiting for the global 6.7.1 update to make Gamepass match with everyone else but this should've been fixed and updated out separately to us last week when it would've made sense. Again assuming this is the actual bug/problem.

  • Member Posts: 16

    appreciate you Mandy, i know your hands are personally tied until the hotfix. at least you are responding to the best of your ability. Usually a lot of games stay radio silent and keep us in the dark.👍️

  • Member Posts: 12

    Look it's the 25th I have reinstalled windows I have done everything it still won't work is there anything that can be done today?

  • Member Posts: 11

    Would love to say yes mate but it truly seems we need to wait for dev's to manually fix our accounts or wait for the hotfix. Unfortunately we don't have much of a choice.

  • Member Posts: 27

    Here on Xbox one and have not been able to play since the update. Ridiculous

  • Member Posts: 90

    With the communitys reaction to the 6.7.0. patch (just look at Steam reviews for example), I assume the hotfix will need to contain some sort of reversal of some changes in the patch to pacify the community, which probably means it'll come a bit later than usual if I would have a guess. I wouldn't be surprised if our issue is just shoved aside once again, and doesn't get solved with the next hotfix, which is why we're now getting recommended to contact support to have the issue manually fixed, even knowing it'll probably take a week or more at best to get it fixed.

    As many have already mentioned, contacting support so far hasn't really helped except maybe in a small number of cases. I made a new ticket now, directly pointing to this thread and what's been said here, hoping that I might be able to skip two weeks of "have you tried this?" from support when it's confirmed that the issue is fully on BHVRs side. I'll update with whatever response I get, and if they manage to fix the issue for me personally. As none of my friends are able to access the game right now either, I can't get my cloud-ID though. If that's actually required to get your account fixed, I'm screwed, as is probably the vast majority.

    Please, prioritize us and MAKE SURE that we're included in the next hotfix, and push to get it out as soon as possible, even if there's other fixes you wanted to include in the patch. Dealing with minor bugs is a world better than not being able to access the game at all for over a week now. We should be prioritized at this point, and the number 1 focus should be to give us access to the game, even if it comes at the cost that people have to wait another few days or a week to get some minor fixes. This is beyond ridiculous already. Please, don't just ignore us once again.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    I pray for people who will cross me in game killer / survivor, I will play the dirtiest possible for each day that DBD did not react to our problem

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,579

    I've passed your ID to our support team and I can get that looked into for you.

    The difference in number is not part of the issue.

    Right now there is nothing that you can do on your ends, this is an account specific issue - and it's also not widespread, it is something affecting a small percentage of players. Which is why I've asked you to contact support directly for them to assist - you will need to go through the normal support steps ie their troubleshooting, to ensure that your particular account is affected with a certain problem. So please give as much information as you can about what you have already attempted that sort of thing, when contacting support to save as much time as possible.

  • Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2023

    If there is a known fix available, why do [some of] the support agents seem to be unaware of it? Why is the response we get from them “we’re investigating, but be aware that it could take a while?”

  • Member Posts: 14

    DBD Twitter : No update today until next week, we lost 200k bloodpoint with the code, rank rewards, the rift, no compensation.

    If we are a small percentage to be affected by this error code, why does nobody from the technical team answer us !!

    It's a shame after all the announcements that have been made we are treated like less than nothing.

  • Member Posts: 3

    my id is BakaGaming6368#7bb1

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    my id is northerner6401#949a if you could please pass that on to support, Mandy. thank you!

  • Member Posts: 5

    Well, I will give credit where credit is due. The team got my account fixed and assured me that there will be mass compensation to the affected players at a later date, to keep my eye on social media for when that will be. I wish it didn't take an entire week, but I'm glad it's finally fixed. I did not do anything on my end, it was just on behaviors end. It took about a full 24 hours after I got in contact with customer support for my account to be fixed, so I'm guessing for anyone waiting right now in this forum that that would be around the time you'll have to wait.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,579

    Thank you for updating that your account is fixed, yes it will take some time as it's a manual process that has to be done.

    It's obviously not something we want that people have been unable to play the game and we are in discussions about compensation when this situation is fully resolved.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    I already have and their responses to me have not implied that they are doing anything with my cloud ID which is why I posted it here.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,579

    I am not taking ID's from this thread...so please direct everything to support, thank you.

  • Member Posts: 19

    Thank you Mandy, I appreciate that very much. Haven't heard anything back on the ticket I followed up with, but this update from you reassured me that something is being done. I literally breathed a sigh of relief.

    I'm sure this is a headache for everyone involved. It feels like there is a light at the end of the tunnel now at least. Thank you to you, support, and the tech team working on this.

  • Member Posts: 3



    I would like you guys to try something I just did without having to uninstall the game. IT WORKED FOR ME, I DON'T KNOW IF IT WAS A CHANCE OR IS THE SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM (FOR THE MOMENT)

    Go to settings - applications - installed applications - select the app and click on advanced options

     end and reset microsoft store.

    end, reset and UNINSTALL xbox app.

    reboot the pc





    I would like to upload a screenshot but the forum throws me a notice saying that I need some kind of permission

  • Member Posts: 19

    I tried this out and it didn't work for me unfortunately. Maybe your account was manually fixed by the team in the middle of your troubleshooting? Either way, glad you're able to play again and hope the rest of us will be able to join you soon.

  • Member Posts: 14

    Glad to heard that ! But same thing here it doesn't work ;)

  • Member Posts: 11

    Hey All!

    Just woke up and my game is working!! I must say it is truly a waiting game but they are making it happen. So a big thank you to dev's and support for sorting mine out and I hope they get to everyone else's real speedy!

    I appreciate them being so active here in the forums which was great! Fingers crossed we do get offered to port to a different platform one day soon, who knows! :)

  • Member Posts: 14

    It's fixed for me too

  • Member Posts: 19

    Coming back to confirm my account has been fixed too. Thank you!!

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    my account is back, i guess the cloud ID did it !

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    Please guys what is the solution?

    I've been having the same problem for 10 days and nothing so far...

    ID: Gekkolandia#d467

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 4

    Please guys what is the solution?

    ID: CGY Magmar

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    Nothing yet?

    I just sent an email to support and via chat too, I'm waiting...

  • Member Posts: 90

    My account is now fixed as well, surprisingly quickly I must add!

    I made a new ticket about 18h ago, got a reply about 10h ago asking for a screenshot of the error which I replied to about 10 minutes later, I then got an email saying they were working on the issue, and then about 2h ago I got another mail saying the issue was fixed. I can indeed now access the game.

    In my ticket, I referred back to this thread right away, the posts by Mandy confirming that this was an issue on BHVRs side, not mine or Microsofts, I mentioned that I have tried most of the usual things already (reinstall the game, reset router etc), and asked to not have to go through those steps again, since they have been proven ineffective for this specific issue.

    I also supplied the information that I could, which was my in-game name and player ID, I was unable to access my cloud ID, so I could not give them that information. Turns out that it's not needed.

    The only thing I had to add to my original ticket, is the screenshot of the error itself. I'm not sure why exactly they would need that, perhaps just for verification that you indeed do have that specific error (I did say I was affected by that error at the start of the ticket).

    Anyhow, it seems as though we've gotten some priority on the support-side to get this manually fixed, which is great. I appreciate that it could be handled this quickly, it's just a shame that it had to take over a week, as well as contacting support to manually solve the issue on a case-by-case basis.

    The person who emailed me saying my account was fixed, also confirmed that there will be a compensation at a later point, more specifically, she said "Regarding the time you have lost due to this error, please know that we will be sending out a mass compensation to all players who were impacted by this error at a later date. We recommend that you keep an eye on our social media channels, such as Twitter, for more information about when this compensation will be sent to players."

    It's a shame that the "SHOPPINGSPREE" 200k bp code has already been deactivated. @Mandy, any chance that the code could be re-activated on Windows Store for another week minimum? Even if we get a compensation for the lost week or more that we haven't been able to access the game, we should still be able to get those 200k like everyone else did. Also, any chance that the rift could be extended by a week or two, since we're all already behind at least that long?

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 4

    Hello brother.

    Do you know where I can create the ticket so that they can fix it manually?

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 4

    @Mandy help me with my account please

    id: CGY Magmar

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