We need these changes to the game as soon as possible

There are many changes needed right now to address the extremely unfair/unfun parts of the game right now. The state of this game currently just isn't it.
- Wider doorways and/or more exits near hooks. Killer's should not be able to block people from getting saves. This is an issue in places like basement, the stairs aren't wide enough depending on the killer and can just stand in the doorway to block anyone from going. Another place is the outside front area in RPD, there are only two entrances and the killer can stand and block anyone from entering to get the save, this area wouldn't be a problem with a swf and two people can come from either side but in solo q, that person is doomed. I'm sure there are more examples but these are the 2 I thought of.
- Hooks should not be able to spawn on the second floor of eerie crow, killers especially ranged killers or 1 hit down killers benefit from spots like this when camping, they get a top view and there is only two way to get to the hook, this makes it an extremely difficult spot to get a save from someone like huntress.
- Gen progression perks. Since some gen regression has been addressed, it would be great to address the opposite of that. And just make overall gen regression and progression less prevalent and overwhelming for either side.
- A SEARCH BAR for perks.
- Debuffs for Swfs, depending if it's a 4 man, nothing crazy just a little base debuff to make the match a little more tolerable and possible for the killer.
- Base anti tunneling and camping mechanics and/or incentivise not tunneling & camping and/or bigger punishment to bloodpoints and xp earned for tunneling & camping. Another possibility is removing the killers power within a small radius of the hook.
- Healthy hook grabs are a no. Was a mechanic made long ago that should not happen anymore with how the game is currently. If a killer is camping hook, you should be able to definitely get the save and trade instead of getting grabbed and dropped, then the person dying on the hook.
- Slugging... survivors should not be able to be slugged for 4 minutes being bled out by a toxic killer or a stubborn killer looking to get a 4k. Survivors should have a base unbreakable after they've been slugged for half their bleed out timer, so the killer is either forced to hook in that time or deal with the survivor getting up. The opposite of that would be a bleed out button after certain time of being slugged, so you can quickly off yourself if you are waiting a while or want to give the other survivor in a 2v1 a chance for hatch.
- Add gen progression buffs for dcs, the more dcs, the bigger the buff. You're basically just doomed if your a 3 man and have no chance as a 2 man or another thing that would be great are bots to replace dc'd teammates. I know they mentioned people would be annoyed at bots if they don't go for saves or go down easily in chase, but honestly any type of game progression is better than nothing.
These are just some of the things that came to mind, I'm sure there are more urgent things needed. Feel free to add to the discussion.
I actually like some of these a lot but ill respond in order:
1: I don't disagree at all. It is not surprising to me they had this oversight but it should be rectified.
2: They had to put a hook up there, and on second floors of houses and buildings, due to boiled over existing. Super scummy of them to camp up there but it seems them solving camping would be worth the resources more than removing the hook.
3: While I'm typically not a fan of longer gens, because holding m1 is so boring, I would be okay with them tweaking a few of them a little bit.
4: Either a search bar or make the page numbers at the bottom letters instead and just let me go to the right letter.
5: Most SWF's are just friends goofing off with each other so I don't know that I necessarily agree with this one especially considering that even if you do extend gen times, the coordinated teams you are trying to effect are going to be able to overcome the debuff rather easily. I would rather just have them push through gens quickly so I can go next, honestly. I would be open to the gen speed perks being disabled though on these teams.
6: I would be fine with them just disabling bubbas chainsaw near the hook. This meme has gone on far too long for it to still be a thing. I also feel like they should be able to just teleport the survivor to a different hook if they remain in the terror radius for too long. They can disable this mechanic after all gens are powered though.
7: Healthy hook grabs are fine. Super easy to avoid.
8: Basekit unbreakable is a hard no for me. With that being said, there should be some type of mechanic that allows you to do something about being slugged for 4 minutes straight. I would be willing to have a basekit endurance after getting picked up if you've been on the ground for more than 45 seconds. This way there is a possibility to outplay the killer from a teamwork perspective. However, if this is a "slugging for the 4k" situation, give me the bleedout option after 30 seconds. This is the killer equivalent of waiting in the exit bag to hand out the tbags and is frankly obnoxious. You're gonna pip regardless if you've gotten this far as killer, and now you are just being greedy.
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I agree on everything but the swf debuff. You can’t punish people for playing with friends, you can’t do that in any game. Sweaty comp swfs are the biggest minority of the players, nobody will want to play with friends to sit on extra slow gens, so you can’t punish average swfs for the tiny minority from the so called “top mmr”. The only way is to balance soloQ to the level of swf and give in-game tools that give the feeling of swf to solos (HUD icons to see what each person is doing was amazing for example). Maybe some aura reading perks should be base (kindred, for example), or a ping/basic voice commands system (“i’ll unhook”, “i’ll flashlight save”, etc) on a wheel. Once the gap between solo and swf doesn’t feel that big, there will be place for other changes.
Everything else sounds pretty good!
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I agree on everything except number 5, also Garden of Joy when the basement spawns in building is almost impossible to get a safe because people killer for sure can really body block it, so I hope the address that..
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Yeah idk if it's necessary. I just added it since a lot of killers keep saying to nerf swfs, so I thought I would appease them 😅 And that's very true, I only come by very few swfs that are very obviously swfs and dominate. And yes kindred would be great as basekit!
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Yes! Hopefully either add another entrance/exit to basement or make the stairway wider. Silly that killers can stand in the way.
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Why don't they just make the bleed out timer 3-4 minutes long, and reset it when they get picked up/hooked. and for hardcore slugging, have it if they bleed out the killer doesn't get any bloodpoints.
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- Agreed, oversights like this should be rectified.
- Disagree, that map is already awful to get hooks on, killers need hooks up there because otherwise they legitimately can't get hooks.
- EXACTLY. Perks that affect gen speeds should be much less prevalent, toolboxes should be the main thing that affect gens.
- Yeah.
- Nah.
- Removing power is a bad idea, just give an incentive for it. People will play like that regardless, and being looped around hook would be an outright disadvantage for killers in that state.
- Yeah, no. It's already hard enough to get trades as is during endgame, if someone goes for a bad grab they should be able to be punished. Hook grabs are needed, free unhooks aren't something survivors need.
- Bleed out button is a yes, basekit unbreakable is a no. Exponential exists, wglf exists, buckle up exists, and you shouldn't be close to other downed survivors to get slugged in the first place.
- Yeah, don't make it stack with Sole Survivor though. Those gen speeds would be CRAZY.