Balance for solo or at least more med kits…

It seems like one difficulty is if you balance the game for solo que, SWFs become way too strong. But the current changes have made solo que very difficult unless you’re lucky enough to spawn in with good mates.

Just a thought- what if solo que survivors have 5 perks slots but if you are swf with even one other person it’s the standard 4. I might be wrong. Maybe this would cause a whole new set of problems. But i think it would simplify the balance issue.

I play killer and survivor equally fwiw. May have more hours as killer.

if you’re not going to do this then FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE MAKE IT SO THERE IS AT LEAST ONE MED KIT IN EVERY BLOOD WEB LEVEL. Please please. :)

Thanks- keep up the good work!


  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 561

    Maybe, if at least 2 people are solo players, we could have some basekit info perks, like Kindred or Bond. This way, the upper hand that SWFs have (information) could be partially given to SoloQ

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    when you give solos Kindred, Bond and Wiertap base, yeah that will help a little bit but your solo mates will be still bad! Solo q needs dramatecly way more Love (action buffs) working matchmaking and and...

    I say that before solo q will hurt a lot with that patch, but its way worst then my guess was, i swear 80% matches i has after thatch patch bad mates that killingself on the hook or dcing, nice bhvr you do it well clap clap your mission to creat more swf troups cause Solo q is more misarable then before, its succsusful!

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 561

    The problem of SoloQ team being "bad" players is another issue. This is more related to MMR than any other thing.

    One real problem that survivors have is that while until 1 year ago killer gameplay was unforgiving, many survivor could stay in high MMR/winrate because of the combo of perks + map offerrings. Most of the time, to down and hook one survivor with DH, DS, Unb, Medkits, Boons and etc. the killer would use so much time that by the end of the second chase all gens would be done. SoloQ Survivors focused more on 1v1 gameplay than the 4vs1 gameplay (macroplay). Then we have the problem of experienced killer (as if you weren't focused on getting good, you would be smashed every match as killer) vs casual survivors.

    Now, survivors cannnot last as long in chase for many reasons and are not using to coordinate without communication (its harder than SWF, but its not impossible). I feel like many survivors used to rely on perks to be better at 1vs1 than rely on macroplay to deal with the 4vs1, and can't deal with killers without those perks.

    SoloQ DC'ing and dying fast is a community problem, not a game problem.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,384
    edited May 2023

    kindred, bond and windows are not perks to carry you. they help facilitate better decision making in the game. They also help bridge soloq and SWF. If your weaker player, you will have weaker teammates because you are not facing good killers.

    At high MMR, the reason why you can have bad teammates is because MMR is not strict enough due to MM soft-cap mechanic they added. They can't really make MMR strict because most of the killer powers are not balanced around 1% survivor play and will get annoyed by the games balance. I don't really see them balancing killer around top 1% survivor play either. BVHR doesn't like making killer oppressive/challenging.

    They really should just put kindred or bond base-kit but they won't do it because they worked on the UI system. UI system is alright, but the information is so obscure and imprecise that using the perks is still superior. so It doesn't help.

    Survivors d/c is survivor entitlement problems. D/C and suicide on hook is honestly huge turn off when playing survivor. If it happens too frequently for me, I just stop playing survivor and play a bit killer.