Have you ever got 40k BP as survivor?

I have been watching Otz trying to get 40k BP as survivor and it's some real struggle, which doesn't seem right to me.
It's not really easy as a killer to get 40k, but it's possible, it's easy to get on 30k as most killers. Depends on specific killer tho, some have it easier.
But as a survivor, I am usually happy to get 20k and that's a decent game. 30K is really good game, where we got out. 40k seems near impossible.
EDIT: without BP offerings.
Your question is not correct. Proper one would be "Have you ever got 40k as survivor without FESTIVITIES OFFERINGS"
Because I did, actually. But it was when all brought event-offerings, including killer, and it was a "healthy match" (I died, though).
If we talk about getting 40k on regular basis, it's only for killer.
My usual survivor income without coordinated offerings is something between 3K-20K (usually 7-10K)
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nope, i haven't. w/o offerings most i've seen is 35k and that's being generous
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Survivor depends on the killer to get many of their bloodpoints. Healing/unhooking/chase/pallet stuns. Almost everything outside of gen repair is really tied to the killer doing something, and if you stomp the killer/get stomped/the killer is tunneling/the killer is camping/the killer is afk you will unfortunately be in a situation where you probably max out bloodpoints for gens and have nothing elsewhere.
Perhaps a system where points aren't as reliant on killer actions? I'm unsure how such a system would work or if they could just buff BP acquisition for survivors across the board but it wouldn't help in a situation where you find yourself mostly doing one thing all hame. Also to answer your question I dont think I've broken 40k on survivor
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yes i did in a regular match against a mmr mismatch Cenobite. Usually its between 20 and 30k. For me its hard to max out the survivial category.
Post edited by Nirgendwohin on0 -
I think issue is that when you play efficiently, you don't get to do every action. You often either have more chase, or more gen time. Other survivors can be in better position for unhooking etc.
Killer simply has to do everything. There is no another killer to "steal" your BP.
I think some sort of hybrid system, where you also get BP in "assist" actions as survivor would be nice. Basically make it so you don't have to do everything yourself. It kinda doesn't make sense. I wouldn't go fully for team based BP, but some hybrid system would be nice imo.
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Getting 40K as killer isn't really easy either. You can get close to 40K very easily as killer, but in order to hit 40K, you need to score all 12 hooks and have two of those during the end game collapse... That's not easy, and if you're in EGC, you're not likely to score those last two hooks.
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I got so close yesterday with 36k, but I've never gotten 40k before.
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I haven't really tracked my games BP, so I am not sure I ever had it even as a killer. I know 30k is not an issue tho, can't say same for survivors.
It simply seems weird to me, they increased maximum BP, but it's near impossible to get it, what's the point then?
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I don't think hitting 40K was every really the intention, but moreso raising the individual category caps. Instead of being limited to 8K per category, you can acquire up to 10K. When reasons outside of your control can limit you to only gaining BP in one or two categories and reaching that initial 8K cap was very easy depending on the flow of the game.
E.g. not being able to score Altruism because other survivors won't let you heal them, but being the only survivor repairing gens so you have too much Objective BP.
At 8K cap per category, you could score 16,000 between two categories, but now you could score 20,000 doing exactly the same. So your are still getting significantly more BP than you would have.
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Assuming that glyph challenges fall into the same category as BP offerings..... I don't think so...? I don't really pay too much attention to BP gained but I can't recall seeing something above 34k in a very long while as survivor. As killer I have cracked the 40k quite a few times and without ever actively trying to play for BP (though there are some killers where it's easier due to how their powers relate to score events).
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Glyph challenges fall in the 'bonus' category, so they break the 10K/40K caps. Considering the difficulty in hitting the cap in the Sacrifice category, I'd say it's unlikely you legitimately broke 40K 'quite a few times' unless you employed the use of event offerings or bonus challenges.
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I think removing or limiting category based BP would help Survivor BP (As well as Killer, but mostly Survivor). When I get a one sided stomp (4k at 5 gens) as Killer, I can still often choose to get 12 hooks, and essentially max my BP (for a common minimum of 30k). When I get a one sided stomp (less than 3 hooks before endgame) as Survivor, I can't quite choose to fill up my BP categories, (maybe Boldness if I brought a boon and toggled it between 2 totems) and rarely even reach beyond 20k.
My suggested change would be the first 10k in a category is at 100% effectiveness, the 2nd 10k at 75%, and anything after that at 50%. That way if you coop all the gens against an AFK killer, you can get 10k Objective normally, then a total of 17.5k real BP for reaching 20k objective BP, and 22.5k total real BP if you reached 30k Objective BP. There would still be the maximum of 40k total, but the score screen would be uncapped and show 30000 (22500) under Objective given the above example. The BP offerings would multiply the parenthesis BP score. So if you exlusively got 30k Objective points with a 100% Objective offering, it would give 45k total BP. (22.5k+22.5k)
To help Killers reach the 10k Sacrifice cap naturally, I'd allow basekit Mori's to be unlocked upon reaching 8 hook actions no deaths. These all death hook Mori's would give bonus Sacrifice on top of the normal Mori kill BP. They could just get more Brutality, Deviousness, or Hunter points the same as Survivor, but I also like the idea of an earned super kill, so you can brag "oh you got a 4k? I got a 4 basekit Moris!"
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I think I've only hit 40K as Killer once or twice and I've NEVER seen anyone hit 40K as a Survivor.
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I've come close in an extremely long, drawn out match against a Legion.
I think I heard Otz say yesterday that the closest he got was just 300 points shy of the 40K which I think he said was the equivalent of 1 more self heal.
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He managed to do it today with survivor (against Nurse).
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Although I don’t personally like matches against some killers that draw the game out by 3 gens or slugging - it does ironically ( - sometimes - ) work out for me bp wise due to the nature of my build (well, pre-update anyway). I used to run:
CoH, Boon Exponential, For the People, We’ll make it/Built to Last/Streetwise
The amount of value I got from CoH and Expo as well as my ability to self heal to apply for the people numerous times meant I would sometimes get a decent number of bp - above 35k on some occasions but now there near 40k.
I’ll just say that in the matches above, the killers were probably not as experienced so kept trying to slug and not realised boon expo. So probably not a high tier killer - which is fine cos I’m not a high tier survivor either! So this isn’t a brag, just context that at my MMR level, I’ll be stomped 29/30 matches and have a wonderful and epic escape on the 1/30.
off topic, but I really used to love that build! I still partly use it! When all the stars aligned, I have the ‘full combo’ special move of my build which I’ve only done a handful of times:
A team mate on hook, another slugged at the foot of that hooked survivor and another being carried by the killer. I’ll go for the unhook making killer come toward the hook to put them on it - unhook, drop a flashbang so it blind saves the carrier survivor and the quickly apply for the people on the slugged teammate and then scarper the heck ouf of there!
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I got 36k earlier without offerings
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There was a Kate in one of my games while we were facing a Spirit who ended up getting 40k, but that's only because it turned into a bit of a "for fun match" near the end. Otherwise for a more realistic match where everyone brings their A-game, it would be fairly hard to get max points.
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Btw high tier killer doesn't mean high skill player.
When we talk about high tier killer, it's about killer as a character -> nurse, blight, spirit
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Nope not the base score anyway.
Honestly though I don't ever really break 40k as killer either.
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Ah then it was probably a lower skill player in a lower MMR and probably also a lower ‘tier’ killer to boot! I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to have survived otherwise haha
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Quite a few times by comparison, aka maybe a handful. Not like I go in an be like "let's quickly get the 10k in sacrifice". Iirc it happened when there, for some reason, was a snowball during egc and a 1k smh turned into a 4k cause someone messed up timing and/or pathing - plus people deciding to not just leave if two people are already on hook. So coincidental/bothing to do with skill or intent. The only way you can actively go for 10k sacrifice is to bring moris and try to get survs in egc, I imagine.
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I didn't catch that stream? What build/s was otz using to try and reach the cap as survivor?
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easier on surivor than killer nowadays
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I know he changed it up several times but typically it was Prove Thyself, For The People, Deliverance and the 4th perk was either No One Left Behind, a boon or Any Means Necessary -- the build that got him the 40K had No One Left Behind.
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Yes, actually, though it was usually with a friendly killer.
As killer, though? Never once received 40k BP because it's literally impossible to do it without getting, at the bare minimum, 2 sacrifices during the endgame collapse (source: I did the math, and you can find it here https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/355289/sacrifice-score-events-need-to-be-increased-a-bit#latest).
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I had a survivor get 40k in one of my matches a while ago. But it basically took his entire swf throwing for it, he wasn't even that good in chases. Must have got the boldness points elsewhere? Threw a pallet and downed each time. Game ended with 11 hooks and he got hatch.
I knew something was up when the other 3 were doing a sort of "get down mr president" for him thing. They got low bp however.
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That actually sounds like a fun match - you got your downs and hooks and kills and they seemed to want me president out as some kind of personal objective which they managed - happy times all round!
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I've had it happen several times on either side. It does help using perks that give you extra BP (Like prove thyself).
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Without bp offerings 39k as survivor and 36k as killer but it depends a lot on your opponents.
With full stacked festive offerings 57k as survivor and as killer with 3 festive offerings 66k
But I have mostly 25-35k in normal survivor and killer games
Post edited by Hexonthebeach on0 -
akshully, it's near impossible to reach 40k as killer unless you have some end game fiesta going since sacrifice category will almost never get maxed. i did get 40k like 2 or 3 times as surv i think, and i get 35k not that rarely when i run PT and don't have the killer on me all the time so i can get some unhooks.
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Also depip should be remove off survivors, since killers can easily tunnel/camp and still pip up, most horrid system I ever seen. Heck even at iri am double piping fine no problem as killer yet a a survivor is near impossible, as one said above, if your team is TOO GOOD it backfires, if the team is too bad it back fires, its just no win.
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I think my maximum is slightly above 32K
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Yes I have gotten it few times even while dying. All you need to get it is friendly killer or long game.
But never ever on killer probably closest was me getting once 39K bp.
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it's literally impossible to do it without getting, at the bare minimum, 2 sacrifices during the endgame collapse
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I remember a few games with previous max (32K) over few years, but never 40K yet
A long game is required to get max BPs in each category -> easier to achieve it in SWF because you might dictate the pace of the game, depending of the lacking BPs categories
It is a very unlikely event in regular/soloQ games, unless you play a build around this specific goal
Post edited by gnehehe on0 -
1 hook action is 500 points, 1 hook phase is 200. 700 per hook.
If you hook someone during the EGC, you get a bonus 250 points, and another 500 if they die. Add that to the base hook score, it's 1450 bloodpoints.
If you hook 11 people during the match before EGC starts, you get 7700 points. You have room for one more hook which is obviously a sacrifice. 7700 + 1450 = 9150. If it's 10 hooks and the last person is on second stage, then that progression into the sacrifice phase compared to having a full separate hook action would be a net loss of 500 points. The only way to break 10k is to get another full hook action, at which point it can only be 2 survivors on death hook.
There's something you're not showing me in this video. Did you mori any of the survivors? A mori on someone who's been hooked twice would net 300 points more than the third hook sans EGC, and even then you'd still need at least one sacrifice during the EGC because (1400 + 1000) x 4 = 9600. You would need either an Ebony mori, or need to 2-hook everyone twice and then mori 3 of them with Devour, before EGC hooking the last survivor—both of which are entirely unreasonable hoops you'd need to jump through just to fill out one bloodpoint category if you ask me.
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i got a 40k today but the killer was a doctor who farmed so... yeah that explains why
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actually seen a handful of 40k survivors during the epic eruption meta due to 40+ min matches but before that i have maybe seen it once on zubats stream
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with all the dcs and suicides on hook? absolutely.
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You can see he used eboni mori and last sacrifice is during EDC, because he closed the hatch.
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Only with killer farming, BP offerings, or tome/event things that gave extra BP.
Most times I max out one or two categories and then get some BP in the other two.
Problem is you're sharing BP with 3 others and there's caps on BP categories. So if your teammates are beating you to unhooks and heals you're missing out on altruism BP but if you're only one doing gens at a certain point you don't earn anymore in objective but you need to get them done if you want to escape for survival BP.
I have a way easier and more consistent time earning BP as killer. I throw on Doctor and it's always over 30k. I play survivor and I could get under 5k if I'm first downed and camped at start of match.
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Yes, of course I did MORI. But you said "it's literally impossible to do it without getting, at the bare minimum, 2 sacrifices during the endgame collapse" and I just proved you wrong.
*Maybe my calculator is just broken and you are right....
It's up to the player to decide which of those is more difficult, and I agree that neither approach is easy.
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So, what did you accomplish? You proved that by running an ultra rare addon and jumping through hoops, my statement was off by one EGC hook. Congrats?
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No, I don’t think I have ever gotten 40k on either side
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I find it really difficult to pass 32k on surv, primarily due to how difficult it can be to get survival and altruism points. Killer tunnels you out? maybe 1000 survival points if you're the obsession. Killer chases one person and they never catch them? 0 altruism. The same can go for if you are chased all game or if the killer never chases you.
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You still need hook during EGC, so not really...
Your approach also needs iri mori, which means you are not getting extra BP from offering, so 40k BP is not really that interesting at that point.
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You are making a mistake.
"It is impossible without getting minimum 2 sacrifices during the EGC."
I literally just proved the point of 'impossible' or 'possible', didn't I?
I keep writing over and over again, I am not arguing whether it is more difficult to use MORI or to get 2 sacrifices during the EGC.
And you don't always have to use an ultra-rare Ebony Memento Mori offering to get 1000 points in MORI. You can do MORI with Hex Devour Hope. If you use The Onryō, The Executioner, etc., you don't need any perks or offerings, just the killer's own powers.
Once again, I am not arguing whether the above is difficult or not, so your future replies about whether it is difficult or not are meaningless. I was just showing you some of the "possible" ways to do it, as opposed to "possible" or "impossible".
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Yes, quite a few times I've had 40k games on both sides. It's easier on Killer for me. The highest I've hit is ~50k on Killer and that's with OG BBQ equipped and non-BP event.