Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

ban reset

Member Posts: 20
edited May 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

so becuae of internet i came to point where i got 72h ban it takes like 10dcs then after 3 days of waiting ive played like 5 matches w no issue.. then i got DC again obv another 72h ban... so i waited like 4 days without playing ... now i played few matches.. got DC again ... and again 72h ban ? ######### makes no sense.. it should reset to 48after 24h...then to 12,6 and so on ...anyone can explain ?

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 5,347

    It keeps a tally and doesn't reset after a ban, moreover it resets over time. If you have internet problems then this will only get worse, so either find a way to improve the service you have or find a new provider. Failing both (I know some areas only have 1 to choose from), you're gonna have to wait a fair few days for that timer to go down first. Sorry, there's no other way to go about this.

  • Member Posts: 3,333
    edited May 2023

    The system doesn't work like that.

    It doesn't start regressing for quite a while and definitely not like the first day after your ability to play is reinstated. You need to not DC over a rather lengthy period of time for it to regress and by the sounds of it you have very unstable internet access which means you're not only not going to see that penalty regress, but you're actively making it worse due to what seems to be fairly consistent disconnects.

  • Member Posts: 862
    edited May 2023

    For your case, you needed to wait 3 days b4 the dc penalty went out. Then right after wait 24 hrs for the ban level to go down by 1 level which would be 48 hrs for you.

    Then another 24 hrs is will reset the ban to 24 hrs timer.

    Basically, the level goes down by 1 every 24 hrs after whatever your dc penalty time was. If you got 72 hrs, i would recommend waiting a full week for that timer to go back to 1 min dc penalty level

  • Member Posts: 311

    This take is legitimately asinine.

    Some people live out in the countryside in the middle of nowhere. Some people only have one internet provider to choose from.

    You can't just suggest they stop playing online games because of a bad connection.

  • Member Posts: 363

    Something has to be done about the penalties. As said above, not everyone has a choice in provider. We had a whole week of intermittent issues where our provider would have random outages anywhere from 5pm-2am, without warning. Since I had no way to predict when it would happen, and no time to play outside that range (and no ETA from the company on when stability would be restored), I acquired penalties. I deadas had to just play other games without these unnecessary timeouts.

    That's not even counting DBD Disconnected from Host crashes, which still give a penalty, as I just experienced now.

    They CAN tell who is doing it on purpose and who isn't, but they choose to not implement that distinction. They think people will just pull out their Ethernet to avoid the timeout.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I was just gonna say this. Like, there are circumstances that people can’t help when playing online….. so they shouldn’t play at all? Bunch of bs if you ask me.

  • Member Posts: 119

    It is not asanine. You just have to pick games that aren't ruined when people drop in and out. Disconnect in DBD wastes ~15 mins of 4 other people's time everytime you dc, or 1 hour total.

    There are literally tens of thousands of multiplayer games out there. Many with round times of 1-4 mins or not ruined by a single dc. Go play one of those if your connection is unstable.

  • Member Posts: 4,187

    They really cannot.

    It is physically impossible for a network system to differentiate between a problem from the provider and the user pulling the plug/shutting off their router/etc.

    The server on DBD's side only sees a loss of signal and nothing more. Without any further data it looks exactly the same on bhvrs side and therefore has to be punished equally to deny loopholes for ragequiter.

    That's how it is in EVERY online pvp game. Most have a reconnect feature and a grace period of one or a few minutes to reconnect but that's not feasible for DBD since survivor could just dodge certain interactions by dis- and reconnecting for example when a killer is trying to pickup.

  • Member Posts: 4,187

    Is it asinine that i can't play horizon forbidden west or other playstation exclusives because I can't afford to buy a PS5?

  • Member Posts: 311

    Read what you've just said back to yourself and please come to see how entitled this is.

  • Member Posts: 311

    Who said anything about affording a better connection?

    For all anyone knows, OP could live in the middle of nowhere or could only have one choice of provider.

    This comment is irrelevant. You're money shaming someone and money wasn't even mentioned

  • Member Posts: 4,187

    My example is just me pointing out that reality can be unfair and there is nothing to do about it.

    Some people not having the opportunity to improve their situation is no reason for, for example here in DBD, there to be no DC penalty and everyone to suffer because of that.

    Nothing asinine about it.

  • Member Posts: 129

    Sounds like you're the entitled one. You happen to live in a place that has a stable provider, or options to have and all of a sudden your right to play a game Trumps someone who has a less reliable connection? They also payed for the game. The entitlement here is gross. They mess up your game 1/xxxx times (how often is any one individual actually going to get matched with you, usually) and you want to whine about it 🥱

  • Member Posts: 234

    No. The entitled people are the ones thinking 'I know my internet drops every 10 minutes, but I'm going to join this multiplayer game where one person leaving ruins the entire match. Because I deserve to ruin everyone's game and I want to play.'

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    How is it asinine to suggest that somebody not ruin the online gaming experience for everyone they play with? “Let’s make a lot of people miserable so one person can have fun” is not something I can get behind. This is like defending the person who brings their crying baby to a movie because they can’t find a babysitter. In these scenarios the individual person needs to make a sacrifice so they don’t ruin things for everyone else. I use the term “sacrifice” very loosely here. It’s not like we are depriving these people of basic human needs.

    By the way, nobody is suggesting this person shouldn’t play online games. They should stick to games where losing connection doesn’t have a negative impact on the other players, which applies to plenty of games out there.

  • Member Posts: 745

    Again, I do not go to F1 with my 2002 Ford Focus and demand them to slow down their cars so that I can have a chance to race against them.

    Same goes with the bad internet connection. It has nothing to do with entitlement. Just. Pure. Facts.

  • Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,077

    I'm closing this here as it's getting a bit too aggressive.

    Sadly the system cannot recognize between a genuine DC and a ragequit, so if you have internet issues you will end up increasing your matchmaking ban.

    I know in many cases there is not really a solution to this, but besides discussing it with your ISP, there is not much we can do, I'm afraid.

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