Is 4.4 m/s on killers an outdated mechanic?

adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,112
edited May 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

It feels like most of the killers that are 4.4 m/s should be 4.6 m/s. 4.4 m/s killers are so slow and bad on large maps and their power usually doesn't offset the slower ms. 4.4 m/s killers are mostly dependent on their power to get hits since 4.4 m/s is too slow to chase normally. Note that I suggest changing their walk speed only but keeping all of their movement speeds when using their power the same.

Trickster: low tier killer that has major difficulty with map pressure due to slow speed

Gunslinger: he's mediocre post nerf. Gunslinger's 1v1 is decent but he has similar problems with map pressure. He has a 32 m terror radius, so there is a good case for him being 4.6 m/s.

Hag: there are killers that play similarly to Hag in chase like Knight and Artist but those killers are 4.6 m/s. Hag struggles significantly on large maps due to difficulty of trapping survivors in her web of traps. If Hag chases without traps, she's chasing as a 4.4 m/s killer. I don't think it would be insane to give Hag 4.6 m/s.

Spirit: post-nerf Spirit is much weaker and much fewer people play her. Blight has far higher mobility than Spirit and a mucher shorter cooldown and is 4.6 m/s. If Spirit misses her power, she has to wait very long to get it back and getting a hit as a 4.4 m/s killer is too hard. They can increase her terror radius to 32 m to match the norm.

Huntress: she is probably the only one that may need to be kept as 4.4 m/s but Huntress still has major weaknesses on large maps, indoor maps, and maps with poor locker spread.


  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    I've not seen the reduced speed be that much of a hinderance to ranged or fast teleporting killers. I feel that there ability to attack at range more than makes up for their speed deficit, so for killers reliant on ranged attacks believe the 4.4m/s is correct for them.

    The Hag I can see a case for, since not only does she havea limited range for how far she can teleport, but also because survivors can pretty much nullify the traps entirely. Removing the lightburn (which for me was an unnecessary thing to do) means survivors can all just rub out the marks. The Hag's been much harshly nerfed as a result, so a speed buff wouldn't be out of the question.

    As for Spirit, her phasing is again more than making up for her slower chase speed, so again I do not believe the speed is needed, especially since she is still one of the strongest killers. Buffing her doesn't feel needed.

    I mean, I could be wrong and actually overall the speed buffs would be beneficial, especially for killers lower down the tiers. In some cases, Deathslinger does have a strong argument because, unlike Huntress and Trickster, his attack can be much slower and less oppressive. However, I do feel Spirit, Huntress and Trickster are absolutely fine as they are.

  • Heytherebigguy
    Heytherebigguy Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226

    No it's not outdated.

    It's to make you rely on your power that is very strong and balnace things out.

    Trickster can kill you easily with no high walls.

    Spirit's power is literally walking just faster lmao, every child can use that power in 1 minute.

    Huntress and deathslinger can shoot you but deathslinger is weaker imo, he can recieve a buff.

    Hag is not meant to chase so it's to discourage her to play normally and use her traps.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    so slow and bad on large maps

    The 0.2 m/s is basically irrelevant for map traversal. It's a 2 second increase over a 200m distance.

    The speed difference is meant to balance their powers in chase. Map size is an insignificant factor.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,112
    edited May 2023

    I think you guys are giving Deathslinger and Trickster way too much credit. Trickster usually ranks low on the killer tier list as C tier and Deathslinger in the middle at B tier. Both of them suffer from the same problem: not enough map pressure, and this directly stems from their 4.4 m/s. Giving them 4.6 m/s would probably bring them up a tier each, so Deathslinger at A tier and Trickster at B tier.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    It's not outdated, it's just on wrong killers atm that's all.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,231

    It's outdated for Hag.

    Hag might have very powerful mobility, but that power is unavailable in a chase without prior set up. When Hag is out of range of her traps, she should be 4.6m/s.

    It's similar to Trapper entering a chase with no armed traps nearby, but Trapper remains capable of catching up to survivors in a regular chase under these conditions.

  • Leidenschaft90
    Leidenschaft90 Member Posts: 77

    "post-nerf Spirit is much weaker" WHAT? xDD

    "and much fewer people play her" WHAT? xDD

    "If Spirit misses her power, she has to wait very long to get it back and getting a hit as a 4.4 m/s killer is too hard" WHAT?????????????????????????? XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    Spirit's power has like zero cooldown while Blight has a balanced cooldown as long as he's not playing the broken addons "Adrenaline Vial" or "Alchemist's Ring".

    Dude, whatever you consume, stop it...

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,112
    edited May 2023

    If the nerf wasn't that significant, let's unnerf her then since it didn't make much of a difference.

    Spirit's pick rate is only 2.5-3%. She used to be one of the most picked killers with around 5% pick rate. It's a significant drop.

    You're absolutely insane if you think a 15 second power cooldown isn't long. I think this is actually the longest primary power cooldown in the game.

    "Spirit's power has like zero cooldown while Blight has a balanced cooldown as long as he's not playing the broken addons "Adrenaline Vial" or "Alchemist's Ring"."

    I actually lost brain cells reading this. Spirit's cooldown is 15 seconds. Blight's cooldown is 10 seconds for all charges.

    Dude, whatever you consume, stop it...

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    15s cooldown ONLY IF you use your whole power. Most of the time you don't NEED to use whole power. U just use a few seconds of it = the cooldown is much shorter. Also she is #3 strongest killer. If she needs buffs... Well. I don't know what to tell you. It's almost the same as asking for nurse or blight buff. Or Artist (she even has low pick rate so that would work in this regards too). It's just pure insane

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,112
    edited May 2023

    We were comparing Blight and Spirit cooldowns. I think it's fair to say that Blight often doesn't use all of his charges. Whatever the case, Blight's cooldown is on average significantly shorter than Spirit's. I also disagree on only using Spirit's power a small amount. Unless you are using the duration addon, you will often use most of it.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,286

    the m/s difference makes almost no difference for big maps. it only makes difference in the chase. trickster and deathslinger have poor 1vs1 capacity vs good players on average dbd map. Trickster is too easy to LOS and deathslinger's gun has too much counter-play currently. these two killer suffer from power deficiency. Their power is too weak in comparison to drawbacks given. Deathslinger was a lot better... where as trickster was never powerful outside of PTB hex:blood favor.

    One element that all 3 of these ranged killer have is dead-weight time in reloading. the reloading on huntress and trickster is 4 seconds. 4 second is long time in dbd in term of distance loss. I think big reason why ranged killer feel slower then what they are is reloading. 4 second of reloading is 4.4 m/s x 4 seconds. So every time you reload, you lose 17.6 total distance for where you could have walked. this does not take into account the time it takes to walk to a locker. You have to reload to use their ability so in essence, the mechanic always punishes the killer for winning chase with their ability and heavily promotes hook camping instead of leaving hook. So my suggestion is that if you want to increase their map mobility, I would recommend making trickster, huntress and deathslinger all reload upon hooking a survivor. This would save them reload time and allow them to leave hooks more liberally.


    Hag does not deserve 110% m/s. Even if she was 115% m/s, her ability promotes camping for same reason these other range killer promote it. Her dead weight time is setting traps. each trap takes 2 second to set therefore each trap is loss of 8.8 meters of potencial walk time. Pair this with limited 40 meter teleportation range and then you wonder why survivors ask "Why you campy with hag?". "Why you 3 gen with hag?". Classic pikachu face.

    Hag could be 115% m/s but with how hag's power is structured, you will still see hag camp entire game because of the design structure of trapping killers(hag/trapper/skull merchant).


    Spirit needs to be 4.4(110%). The 15 second cooldown is there because it gives disincentive to wait for killer power to recharge at pallet loops when you fail to mindgame the survivor at loops. Most killer will not wait 15 seconds if they fail their spirit power at pallet. they will break pallet. The other aspect is that big part of her gameplay loop is centralized on survivor being 15+ meter away from spirit and spirit using her power to catch-up. By the time spirit catches-up, the survivor gets 3-4 second of travel distance allowing survivor to mind-game spirit and forcing spirit to make a read on where survivor went. The 110% m/s allows the survivor to hold-w more effectively to incentive this type of gameplay.

    TL:DR 4/5 killer should be 4.4. Hag only where you could make her 4.6 but it would not change her gameplay style.

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 618

    I don't see why they don't have the ranged killers move at 4.6 then drop into 4.4 while in chase.