Your ideas to make repairing generators fun

Let's all agree that fixing generators is boring, and that's because all you do is watch the progress go up for 90 seconds.
Skill checks get boring once mastered
So what are your ideas for making it a little more fun?
I like the idea to have to search for parts in order to be able to repair gens. But not in the sense of having to find one single item and bring it to the gen like gas, but instead having to find metal scraps scattered around the map , and you got a little bar that fills up when collecting the scraps. As long as the bar is not empty, you can repair gens.
to not make it too tedious, a regressing gen would lose the required scraps directly next to it so in order to re repair it, you don’t have to collect everything anew.
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So developers will need to rework a lot of perks
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Eh. Not sure. I never created this concept with actual implementation and synergies with current designs in mind. Just something i would think would go a little bit away from this whole sitting in one place as surv which gets boring while it still is needed for gen patrolling and actually have spots of interest.
not sure if there would be something actually making gen repairs interesting while not changing core designs?
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I think that the more advanced the generators are repaired, the faster the skill checks will be and become smaller and the alert will be delayed
For every 25% progress in repairing the generator, a unique and difficult skill check will come (I have no thoughts about this unique skill check, but it is unique and unparalleled)
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Sounds like something you don’t want to play on the Switch or on last gen consoles in general. And not really any more interesting than what we already have..
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no just dont- killer main
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The goal is to make repairing generators require some skill in timing and focus instead of skill checks that only require 1% of your focus and are also very easy to master.
The speed of the scans can be made to change abruptly as the generator repair progresses, Like making it move at a normal speed and in the middle of the road it moves faster by 75%, which requires higher concentration
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Strange this is in favor of the killer
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yes but just dont think its a good idea
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I really didn't like how boring the gens are, but I think it's perfect now... In among us (Yeah, I know right?) the tasks are braindead simple, because what the game's around is the chases. Kind of the same in DBD, the survivors just need a reason to be in a certain spot for the game to work. I think making the gens a little bit complicated would take survivors eyes off the map, and make them oblivious. I cannot argue that generators are the objective, but for how fast survivors could miss something is very Important.
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it just wouldn’t make it more fun. And as I said for lower spec pcs/consoles, it might just be not more skillful but outright impossible. In your OP you talked about fun not skill.
also, there are literally killer perks doing what you are asking for..
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Yes, skill is fun. If the chases do not need skill, then the chase is boring
If we want to make generators more skill-intensive, some of the perks must be changed
Figures and suggestions I use as examples and as an illustration as well
Because I don't know how to make it suitable for all platforms (consoles and PC)
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I feel like they should add some new gamemodes instead of revamping gens
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Please no. This makes the game even more ‘work’ rather than casual play. Here is my out of the box idea. The killers define whether the game is fun or sweaty. so bring DBD back to its roots where the only goal for the killer isn’t an 4K. At the end of each match, share whether each of the 4 survivors piped, reached safety (no pip), or de-piped with that killer. For every 5 games where there was a certain percentage of depiping by survivors then there is a challenge to the killers to make the game more adventurous for them - like a 2% slowness or a perk slot block. Call it a master killer challenge or something. The challenge becomes cumulative with additional challenges or slides back to typical game play over time. This encourages that in the lack of MMR killers don’t decimate for their fun at the cost of everyone else who may be less experienced. (which is why we are seeing people run from the game.) It also gives challenge to the killers who want sweaty and challenging games or are highly skilled.
The reverse can be true for killers who de-pip frequently to give them a boost (a boost benefit). This makes less need for perk and add on changes by BHVR and therefore allows new and casual players to understand these things and use them before they are changed. The responsibility falls into the hands of the players and community - where it should be.