Gen rushing is a huge problem.

Orthane Member Posts: 455
edited May 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

How is it that a gen can finish before my TVs spawn as Sadako? How can I constantly have 2 people on me, and 4 gens are done in 3 minutes? How is that even playable? Gens get done so fast that I can't even play the game even though I have 25-50% of their team occupied. It's driving me insane because it feels unplayable.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    You have to have at least one gen regression perk to have a chance, most of the good streamers I see run multiple, consistently. Corrupt and Deadlock are solid choices, Jolt on M1 Killers. Meanwhile Survivors have 4 free perk slots and can do just fine with any build.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333
    edited May 2023

    It exists because there is a median time in which gens can take to get done, but the actual time can be pushed to be much faster and on the opposite side we used to have more ability to make gens take much longer to complete.

    Yes the survivor objective is to repair generators and escape, but in order for the killer to try and do their objective they need to be able to keep up with the speed at survivors do their objective. If the objective is being done faster than a killer can reasonably be expected to match then they are literally being rushed. The game is balanced more around the median time to complete survivor objective than it is at the rushed pace. Some killers do not have the ability to keep up with a rushed pace because some of them don't even really have powers until later in the game.

    Why try and play pedantic word games and make it seem as if the OP didn't want them to do their objective? A game having a time variance of 3mins and 60mins when the sweet spot is supposed to be between 10-15mins is a problem. Sadako doesn't even start with the bulk of her power and has no other mobility at the start of trial. Even highly experienced players would find it a bit difficult to match a rushed pace with her on a majority of maps considering they're far too big for her until her tvs turn on and there isn't really much early game stall available to her via perks. She needs to snowball and that takes time she might not have in a lot of circumstances.

  • KingDeathly
    KingDeathly Member Posts: 149

    Why I stopped playing. Waiting for a time when gen speeds get nerfed again.

  • lifestylee
    lifestylee Member Posts: 263

    Pop and scourge together can be pretty good on high mobility killer i think, i was running Corrupt intervention/Pop/Scourge/Bamboozle on wraith and seems like a decent build, with sloppy butcher add on and faster uncloak add on.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    I agree but same argument can be made for camping and tunneling. Killer is just doing their objective.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Just pressure gens, bro!

  • miniwengsel
    miniwengsel Member Posts: 410
    edited May 2023

    I feelt the same with every killer under A Tier. I mostly played Pig, Dredge, Fredy etc. So mostly weaker Killers. I always got genrushed as fu and called a baby killer after the match. So what I do now is only playing Nurse. It seems like Survivors want that so they get that. Now I think I had 20 4ks (hatch escape not count) in a row and the average gens that got done where 2.

    So if they bring the best stuff I bring the second best Killer. So dont complain if the first down is in 15 Seconds, when there are 2 strong Medkits and two strong Toolboxes.

    Btw all of these matches where 12 hooks so no tunnel no camp and with brown addons. So if they want more sweat they allways can get more.

  • miniwengsel
    miniwengsel Member Posts: 410

    I would say genrushing causes the camping and tunneling. Gen rushing got countered by Regression Perks for weaker Killers and Camping and Tunneling by good survivor teamplay and skill. Now the Regression Perks are gone weaker Killers need to tunnel to counter gen rushing. It isnt relevant how mutch gens where done, because mostly min two get competted at the same time. So the game can turn very fast. So if killers now cant delay the Survivors objektiv zhey need to do there objektiv faster (camping and tunneling). For me as a Killer main that loved to play wesker Killers these Perk nerf where rlly rlly bad. The game turned from hard but fun to unplayable without tunneling. So I dont play weaker Killers at the Moment and switched to every Round Nurse, because you get slowdown from quick downs. Something weaker Killers are not able to do.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 795

    And gen rushing has always been in the game. What's your point?

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 795

    Also I'd say 1 in every 20 survivor matches I play does a killer actually truly tunnel and camp. And I'd say 50% or more of survivor games I play 3 or more gens are done by the time the killer has 2 or 3 hooks. And don't say the killers are bad because that's a load of crap. Maps are to save and no matter how you are at killer downing can be very difficult before multiple gens are done.

  • lifeisstrange
    lifeisstrange Member Posts: 300

    Yeah and then they raise their mmr so high instead of getting better at chasing gets full swf bully loopers and cry nerf swfs and survivor perks or in solo que instance wonder why survivors dc or hook sucide. Funny thing is swfs dont seem to rage quit like babies like how solo que would or if so its rare in swfs end.

  • Sylhiri
    Sylhiri Member Posts: 178

    The longer a match goes, the more of a chance the killer will kill survivors, thus there is no incentive for survivors to do anything that not decrease their time in the match. Aka, survival.

  • WashYourHands
    WashYourHands Member Posts: 261

    don't play sadako. play nurse, spirit, wesker, or blight. problem solved.

  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141
  • Orthane
    Orthane Member Posts: 455

    I do get that, but when I find someone in the first 20 seconds of the game, hook them within the first minute and 2 gens are already done there's not really a chance for me to go and shove people off gens.

  • NotAnotherDoctor
    NotAnotherDoctor Member Posts: 311

    This comment just isn't it.

    How is a killer supposed to apply consistent pressure if A. The team is full of good runners and B. Everyone brought genspeed perks and toolboxes?

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Thats the flaw in design. The gaps of strength between 3 and 4 survivors is too great. Not mention limited in resources.

    Its either 1 second of chase, that title connected to title and double pallets, that exchange to 3 seconds of Gen.

    Or holding W until getting hit in a few seconds, that exchange to equal second of Gen because teammates died.

  • xPrinceHarlequinx
    xPrinceHarlequinx Member Posts: 180

    Because the objective itself is poorly designed. I dont think I, or any other person that plays killer more than surv, want the survivors to just intentionally not do their objective because thats dumb. However, due to the devs refusing to rework the objective itself to make it take a base amount of time at its fastest, as well as making it more fun to do so that you aren't just holding m1 for x amount of minutes, here we are.

    Your comment literally adds zero value to the conversation and just comes off as dismissive. It isn't super difficult to put yourself in the other sides shoes and go "ya know what, that probably feels pretty bad to go against"

  • Kirarozu
    Kirarozu Member Posts: 240

    I mean this is literally all the survivors are supposed to do. If theyre getting gens done too fast youre chasing good looping survivors too long.

  • darksouls3600
    darksouls3600 Member Posts: 237

    Perks, repair box and addons.

    All the gen defense perks got nerfed, but gen speed perks and addons don't get nerfs, that's why.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 795

    Some games you don't have any "weak" loopers. And in that case you're screwed. Even mediocre loopers who played the game for awhile can be a problem because they know the basics and what's safe and not safe, god pallets, predropping, and they can cause problems as well. So not everyone has to be a god looper to cause a big issue. The sad reality is you need 1 or 2 weak links on the team or its gonna be a bad time. Drop chase? And then what if they next person you find is good to, this can repeat and it's GG.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561

    I think a mode where no Iri addons/offerings are allowed or whatever would be nice until they fix the current economy and balance of the game, now that everything is cheaper BNP/Killer iri's are far more common.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    So you are complaining that if the whole enemy team is better then you, then you should still win somehow? Why? How is that fair? Also you can still create deadzones and no matter how good said survivor is - he will still go down. If there are no resources to loop around, then even best player in DBD will just die.

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 357

    Sadako is a weak killer unless you have a condemn build. Her early game is difficult and she lacks pressure, like many stealth killers. Her optimal playstyle is hit and run, Sadako is not a killer that can commit to a long chase and be successful. Concentrate on gen patrolling and catching survivors off-guard and it works, though never expect a 4K with her unless you use a condemn build.

  • For_The_People
    For_The_People Member Posts: 637

    The problem is that the game has reached a stage now where #1 and #2 and #3 can be flipped. Survivors might feel compelled to get through gens asap to avoid the snowball caused by 2 and 3.

    Killers may go into a match with the intention to do 2 and 3. Because they assume survivors will do 1. And survivors will go into the match to do 1 presuming the killer will do 2 and 3.

  • Kirarozu
    Kirarozu Member Posts: 240

    As someone who only does solo Q I can assure you most of my games are full of people who can't loop for more than 5 seconds.

  • JudithMorel
    JudithMorel Member Posts: 562

    dude............ theres people getting 1000+ win streaks as killer. theres no way this should be a thing.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 795

    It's 4 vs 1. If 4 people are all better than me then the matchmaking sucks. Also anyone can drop a god pallet and escape a chase, a good looper or a horrible player can do this. The poor balancing of the maps and all the safe areas make it impossible to know if you're actually against players better than you or if the map is just carrying them to victory.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    There are 1 or 2 god pallets in most maps. Sure you need to break them when they are thrown. You also need to break some extremely good pallets too (provided your killer's ability can't play around it). But huge number of pallets can be played around and some pallets are even better left unbroken (so there's a temptation/chance survivor will decide to play it).

    Maps are a big factor, but there are no maps in this game that are autowin for one side. This is true for cowshed, garden of joy, midwitch and saloon.

    Interesting. And I swapped to killer from survivor (talking spent time in game - iri1 as killer for 10 days now while gold 2 on survivor), because I am fed up with how hard it is to play survivor if you don't have very good 4-man at ready... I can enjoy my strictly no camp/chase Bubba and still win more then I loose. While you can super tryhard on survivor and have perfect games with 0 mistakes and still get heavily screwed...

    Camping and tunneling as killer player is ok. It's problem for the game (not engaging thing to 3/4 survivors, and feels unfair to 4th) and it should be addressed by devs (sole reason being, that meta should be things that engage + are fun for everyone involved. If best thing to do is staying on a single spot, looking at unmooving target and gaving hands outside of keyboard+mouse/joystick, then the game has clearly some problem).

    It's stupid to ask killers to not play like that. But it would be good move, if those tactics were (usually - it doesn't even need to be always worse thing) worse then some alternative (yes there should be viable alternative) and that alternative should be engaging for everyone.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    I swapped to killer from survivor (talking spent time in game - iri1 as killer for 10 days now while gold 2 on survivor), because I am fed up with how hard it is to play survivor if you don't have very good 4-man at ready... I can enjoy my strictly no camp/chase Bubba and still win more then I loose. While you can super tryhard on survivor and have perfect games with 0 mistakes and still get heavily screwed...

    The thing is you're in the "baby bracket" if you're playing like that. If I sat you down on my account you would play every game vs the tryhardiest survivors and probably say "huh" at the very least.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285
    edited May 2023

    This is not the first month I got iri1 on killer. Considering soft cap exists, we do get same survivors (as supaalf and lilithomen and onepumpwillie)...

    Also. I do get such hopeless games from time to time. But most killer games are chill (at least to me), while as survivor you will loose good chunk of your games even if you play picture-perfect (provided you don't have good 3 teammates at ready). Now considering you also loose some when it is your fault, survivor is just too hard and I prefer chill killer experience...