Deadhard needs to change back to what it used to be.

Ever since this stupid update where they nerfed dead hard, you pretty can't do anything against killers in the beginning of the match. Not only that, after they manage to kill you and hook and you and you get saved, they tunnel you out of the game and ignore every other player infront of them. The game is not fun anymore in the aspect where dead hard used to be the only good perk a survivor had to stay alive in chase with killer, with this nerf, there is almost 0 reason to run it anymore. I've been playing since the update came out and 90% of my games im getting tunnelled and theres literally nothing i can do about it and having dead hard after being unhooked does little to nothing if im getting tunnelled because if they hit me while endurance is up i cant use deadhard after that so the perk is pretty much USELESS. Sick and tired of this middy game and these updates that ruin the game more and more every time they release one.
let me know your thoughts guys.
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if you cant play without dead hard, then you shouldnt have it.
try sprint burst or literally any other exhaustion perk
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@AverageAshEnjoyer I have tried that meta, I've tried sprint burst, lithe, balanced landing. Out of all of them the best is sprint burst but it hasnt done me much you know. It gets me to safety but it doesnt stop a killer from tunneling me. Dead hard used to be the only perk that I could run the killer effectively on and if i slipped up i would have to time my dead hard perfectly and they would have to swing for it to even do anything. It used to be very time reliant and you would have to juke it for it to even work beceause most klilers used to wait it out. Now, every killer just immediately swing knowing theres nothing the survivor can do and you have no other option but to die and then get tunneled out the game and this has been a HUGE chunk of the games i played since the update. Nerfing dead hard like this is just promoting the killers to tunnel more people out the game since they cant do anything to counter play anymore.
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but i do understand what your saying and you are right, people should get better at looping. For me im very good at looping but the issue is that i have high ping in the game, almost 100 ping which most of of the time i make it to a pallet and drop it it wouldnt matter because the ping makes it so that I get hit anyways and the only way i can combat that is with deadhard which is why i used to run it so much. Now it just sucks to use.
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Just like how most Killers crutched on regression perks and said perks got nerfed. DH could also be the equivalent of a crutch for Survivors given how long it has been in the game. It was necessary to minimize use of DH to justify the nerf to regression perks.
Post edited by appleas on2 -
if you relied on dead hard to loop you need to get better at the game. the more you rely on your crutches the harder itll be when its kicked out from under you
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The tunneling has less to do with dead hard being nerfed and much more to do with gen regression getting nerfed. Its not a good reason because you can still play normal and be alright but on the other side of the coin due to the healing nerf and gen regression really not doing too much you have people playing as they should have been, while injured, with BNPs and prove thyselves, and resilience.
Basically, the most dramatic sides of the community are showing their discontent in the most unfun way possible which is ruining all the games for all the people that just want to play the game for fun. It sucks.
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True! It's almost like pre 6.1.0 dh when it had god validation for 10 months was the worst thing to play against ever! You can clutch onto it like tunneling shouldn't be fixed via the base game, but that perk was alch-ring/green speed level disgusting.
You know how it feels terrible to play against a high ping killer? Imagine that but 5X worse in regards to dh.
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DS need to be reverted of even basekit.
3rd health state against fair play killers should never be a thing. After double nerf of DH I still think Devs were generous.
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Not having survivors being able to run the killer for 5 gens is the whole point.
Dead Hard was giving survivors the ability to elongate chases far longer than any other perk, and to a ridiculous degree.
The killer's early game is when they're at their weakest, and survivors having the ability to make early chase(s) take so much longer compared to survivors who didn't have Dead Hard was unfun for the killer and unbalanced from a gameplay perspective.
Dead Hard is finally in a good spot.
Tunneling is definitely not fun, but to be honest I don't see how it really belongs in a discussion about Dead Hard. If it's happening to you so much that you can't catch a break, then try Off the Record with Decisive Strike, Unbreakable, and Dead Hard. If you get tunneled, you'll then go into deep wounds and get a speed boost to try to get somewhere safe, and also not make any grunts of pain which can make it easier to lose the killer, but if you eventually get downed, either use Unbreakable if you get slugged or DS the killer if they pick you up, which will allow you to then use Dead Hard when the killer goes to hit you after they've been DSed.
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If you cant play without dead hard you are not good. I never played with dead hard, learned to loop and I love If the Killer tunnel me. I have fun and the other survivor If they do gens they escape. Learn to loop, dead hard is gone and you love the game again.
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Dead hard change was good for the game. Has nothing to do with other negative aspects of the game.
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I have to disagree. Where you say “survivors can’t do anything in the beginning of the match against killers”, what do you mean exactly? I found it boring as survivor AND killer to see someone loop the killer for ages whilst the other three survivors pump out gens. No interaction, short games, boring, repetitive, etc.
remember, this game isn’t designed for all four survivors to survive, that’s the idea anyway.
DH has nothing to do with tunnelling as that’s a whole separate issue, and multiple (better) mechanics exist to punish a killer for tunelling (OTR, DS, basekit BT, etc).
DH was a clutch, the same way gen regression perks were for a killer, old Ruin/Undying, etc. I say this as someone who plays survivor mostly, it was a horrible, boring, and unfair perk. Good riddance, I say.
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while im sad that you feel very unhappy about the game, I am overjoyed that DH no longer denies me an end to like a 30 second chase for another 30 seconds. No way Survivors should have a perk that makes them able to do that.
Reason your games are losing is probably because Dead Hard pushed your MMR so high and now that its more balanced, you cant compete in your MMR bracket. It sucks, but Dead Hard had to take its medicine.
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I’m actually enjoying using lithe over DH. Yes I still miss using dh but lithe ain’t so bad especially if you know how to use it correctly!
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DbD stops being a game when a single timed button press can buy victory against anything. Imagine how miserable you'd be if killers could tap one button and make you take damage anyway after you've already outplayed them for safety...Your entire performance of doing everything correctly and being an experienced, skilled runner just gets brick walled by a weird I-win-button perk. That's some grade A "fun and fair" right? That's something that feels cool, right? That's something you totally would love to play against over and over, right?
So no, Dead Hard does not need to change back to what it needs to go ahead and count if you're defeated at a tile. It's way too bogus to have a magic button to fall back on whenever you've been outplayed.
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Screw the meta.
If none of the other Exhaustion perks work for you, try a whole other build.
I tend to default to healer builds, I generally don't use Exhaustion perks at all. While there have definitely been times I wish I'd had one, I've also had my fair share of solid chases with no Exhaustion to my name.
I tend to favor Lithe or Balanced Landing. I love the idea of Overcome, but first few times I tried it I got Plagues and one shot killers, which spured me on it a bit.
I've actually recently developed a liking for Smash Hit. Not the most reliable but awesome when I pull it off.
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I've played on 80-100 ping consistently for over a decade on everything from MOBA's to FPS shooters and I can say it's fine for DBD. Meanwhile you claim to be good at looping yet actually good survivors can destroy killers without even needing an exhaustion perk equipped. I think you've been going against inexperienced killers, Deadhard was carrying you, or it's a combination of both.
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I mean...I'm happy to see survivors suffer, but weird change. Didn't think it'd be changed again after the initial rework.
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People learnt to depend on DH far too much and now they need to readapt. Find a new exhaustion perk that satisfies you and run it until you get used and you find DH was not so necessary after all. The most used ones, at least as far as I am concerned, are Sprintburst and Lithe.
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I was always for old Dead Hard with Distance
BUT ONLY 1 TIME USE - like Unbreakable
I never understood why this perk wasn´t 1 time use from the start.
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Hello guys, update on my comments. Yes, you all were mostly correct, the game made it so that too many people were depending on dead hard way too much and had to adapt to not having it as an option all the time to rely on which i have noticed recently after taking some of your guys's suggestions of running other exhaustion perks i have gotten better at looping and do not have to rely on DH anymore to survive longer in chases. But i do still believe that at the very least what should happen to deadhard is that they dont make it so that you have to get unhooked to use it, i believe they should remove that part of the nerf and keep it so that if you miss your dead hard you cant use it anymore till you get unhooked and the same thing once you get unhooked a second time. Thanks all for the suggestions, great work guys.
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Old Dead Hard should come back but with a slight change. I think that BHVR should make it so that you still get the ability to dash forward but after dashing you get 2 status effects instead of only 1. After the dash you should get the Broken and Exhaustion status effect for 40 seconds. I think that this is a fair change because survivors get back their old dead hard and killers don’t have to worry about survivors healing after using Dead Hard. So in a way survivors have the choice to either dash forward and use Dead Hard and have to suffer from Broken and Exhaustion, or just go down in a chase. I feel like this one slight change would make the current dbd meta even better and make people more happy. Both killers and survivors get a win-win situation.
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Exactly, The killer has no real means for counter old Dead Hard, as sometimes you simply cannot wait for eye frame when they are about to drop a pallet or vault a window, any form of interaction. It made looping twice as long and make the other interaction boring if everyone has a old dead hard in their build when it was Meta. To make it even more broken, you can even counter Trapper's traps, doctors shock, and even Huntress's hachet with this perk; which make playing those killer are to play when they cannot always effectively used their power when play right.
I am glad that it is removed, and I pretty sure those same survivors are literally using clutch perks like MFT, to compensate the lack of distance that old dead hard brings. They simply need to gave up and look for a better and more healthy playstyle; old dead hard is never coming back.
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Have you tried to not use your anti-tunneling Endurance to do protection hits or not unhooking someone with the killer literally breathing on your neck? Because with 10 seconds of Endurance and Haste, if someone still see viable to tunnel you off hook I'm going to guess that instead of getting out of there as fast as you can you are staying to protect your savior, which makes you a best target than him in most cases where normally you shouldn't.
Post edited by Batusalen on0 -
I never used DH prior to the nerf, but I understand why players liked it. It not only gave you a potential health state, but it actually required a read to work in many situations. It was more interesting than alot of the perks that are simply passive by design. I wish there were other perks that worked similar to DH in function but were not related to health states. No clue what that would be though.
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This thread is from May.