Inconsistent matchmaking experience lately

I'm currently sitting in gold rank and my experience for matchmaking in this rank and the previous rank has felt very inconsistent. I will have a match that feels pretty balanced then the next match feels like the killer was competing in an Olympic E-sport. Most of my matches leading up to these higher ranks felt normal but now that I am in gold it feels like the shift in skill levels and overall match difficulty took too far of a jump. Instead of a gradual increase in skill levels ranking up, some matches just feel like I was matched against the wrong killer or maybe even with the wrong team for my current rank. I know every match won't be the same experience, but I do expect them to at least make me feel like I was matched into a proper lobby. I'm hoping the match making improves at some point this year.
Has anyone else been having a similar experience with match making lately?
There's an MMR imbalance in DBD due to more survivors being in the game, so usually lower MMR killers get matched with higher MMR survivors. But of course, sometimes a higher MMR killer can get matched with lower MMR survivors.
But with that being said, your rank has nothing to do with your MMR. Its just a reward system for pipping up, and you get a BP reward according to what your grade was by the 13th of each month.
But yeah, I'd say the best way to explain your situation is due to a lack of killers.
Have you been playing during hours where there's bonus BP for killers?
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Yea, but I'd assume my MMR changes similarly to how my rank does considering I need pips to rank up and pips require a lot of work the higher you get. So I'd make the same argument in that my current MMR, whatever it is, doesn't feel consistent with a lot of the survivors and killers I get in my matches lately. I mostly play DBD very late at night and sometimes during the day but I don't really remember how much different the matches are during the day. I just had 2 matches in a row where it felt like there was no chance at winning. Only 1 gen done each match and killer 4ks without breaking a sweat.
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Its very very bad recently, i rarely get close matches. I'll get 10 dyhard comp tunnel gamers in a row with close to 0 chance of living as a solo Q player, then i mayyybe get one less experienced Killer, maybe escape and then the next 10 matches will be comp tunneling again. I played VS. multiple killers from Comp Teams such as Infinity and Eternal while im not even at 2k hours and maybe surviving 30% of my matchesm meanwhile my teammates usually seem to be either newer players or players that only care about their tome challenges.
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I just got a sweat squad with Artist who I have played maybe ONCE in the last year. Something is definitely "off".
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Is that how the SBMM works? Is it based off your experience with each individual killer or is it across the board? If you have a high skill in one killer but try a new killer does it treat it as if you're new to that killer or have some experience with the role?
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every killer has it's own MMR. BUT - if you buy/unlock new one, then his MMR will be based on average of all your killer MMR's (minus some constant so u can learn him). At least that's the last info we got (I think a year ago or so)
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You know something is wrong with match making when the killer thinks you're a new player and you have 2600 hours played as survivor with probably a thousand or more escapes. It feels like killer players are being handed 4ks in some of these matches lately. Matches that feel like you have no chance are no fun.