Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

The current state of DBD is disgusting and devs did a terrible choice.

Member Posts: 82
edited May 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

So i took a break from this game(around a month). Before the mid chapter update, later i return, i play a few survivor matches and it's crawling with campers. I would imagine it would be cause of the slowdown nerfs. This is not fun, the mid chapter was a failure, and now what once was a good game, is only dying. Either BHVR does another big and good balance update along with a good chapter. Cause i'm telling y'all and mark my words. At this rhythm and if the next chapter is bad. This game will be dead very very soon.

Post edited by JocelynAwakens on

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  • Member Posts: 3,219

    The thing is the killers camped and tunneled before as well. Maybe you were just lucky with matchmaking, for a lot of others it was the norm and with prenerf slowdows, the match was pretty much lost once the first survivor was out, with no way to punish that behaviour.

    Now survivors at least have a fighting chance again. Yes, camping and tunneling got up (i had it really every single match after the patch), but like always, it is already slowly gobing back to the "normal" levels.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    Game would never be die quick. Too many long time players who have a lot of investment. As well as streamer. I think game will only die years after they stop making content for it.

  • Member Posts: 405

    a game is dead when devs stop working on it......i know another horror game people still play that hasnt had an update in years.

  • Member Posts: 795

    I tunnel when I'm in trouble. 1 gen left still 4 survivors alive. Or if I can't keep up with the speed of the gens. Not cuz it's easy mode. A lot of killers camp or tunnel to try and make a comeback from a bad start.

  • Member Posts: 3,755
    edited May 2023

    So i took a break from this game(around a month).

    That's not long enough.

    Longer breaks 🙂

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Even more killers camp and tunnel right of the first hook in the match. While it might be true for you, it certainly is not for the majority of killers.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    Really isnt

    This last patch had equal level of crying from both sides because the perks they were clearly relying way too heavily on were nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    The midchapter was a great success, mechanically-speaking. The "Tools of Torment" chapter was the failure, which many have stated the same.

    Some people are seemingly talking about tunnelling and camping as if this is a new thing. It's been around since this game started. The most effective, easy-mode for killers is tunnel one out and finish the rest. It's always been that way.

    As for the game dying, this is a meme. It's an ongoing meme which means absolutely nothing. DBD has no big competitors and even if one were to emerge tomorrow it would have a lot of work to do to cause that.

  • Member Posts: 300

    Cant for tcm and hope it be far better. Heck evil dead to me is more playing atm since its balanced on both sides and no1 qqs about swfs cause they got built in coms.

    Both sides had buffs and nerfs yet even if you lose you get benefits of points on both sides heck the demon can even get points for afking since his minions will still attack for them. Glad there is no ranking system either.

    Major issue with this game or some other games is ranking system. Ranking tends to make people be try hards and sweat buckets and turns a should be casual game into a drama fest to prove am americans top x game player. Maybe if they remove rankings in general and just give the 2mil bp each month people may change their ways on both sides and the game is back to casual party fun and it may even bring back old and new players.

  • Member Posts: 147

    The game's not in a great spot for Killer either: there's still only about 6 good perks in the game, with the rest being either fundamentally useless, nerfed because they made 3-genning too strong (even if they weren't really the problem) or bottlenecked in strength by Blight, Nurse and Spirit. A whole bunch of Killers are incredibly weak or just nonfunctional, with bugged powers and add-ons everywhere. Most maps are awful for the average Killer, with some actively made worse by reworks. On top of that, Survivors DC or give up as soon as something happens that they don't like, which can even be as simple as getting a certain Killer or their map offering not working out for them. The only perks I see are Adrenaline, Lithe, Windows of Opportunity and Prove Thyself, which is so boring and predictable but completely understandable given how most Survivor perks are trash and half of the ones I mentioned are insultingly strong. The strongest items and item add-ons are so common now that you just have to assume that everyone has a BNP or syringe and will fully abuse them. The nerfs to medkits counterintuitively has made them more prevalent, so a bunch of Killers feel even less effective than before.

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    But you are basically saying that it is easy mode.

    You have a tactic as a killer that is really powerful and easy to pull off: camping. You are choosing not to deploy it unless you are in trouble. I'm much the same way, I try to avoid tunnelling unless the gens are almost complete. That doesn't mean those tactics aren't easy and some killers choose to run them from the very beginning.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    I mean the way I go about it is what I call "tunneling because of an opportunity". If I see the unhooked Survivor run off to an area thats less safe than their savior, Ill just get them out.

    Capitlize on their mistakes

  • Member Posts: 286

    I would argue it's the closest it's ever been to dying personally. The meta has been getting worse for both sides this year and all the other asyms are coming out right now or re-coming out. This anniv HAS to bang or DBD might fall off in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I literally got four different notifications from you on this same post 😭

  • Member Posts: 99

    I agree that it's in a bad state and probably the worst I've ever known it. Looking at the stats, the player base is shrinking for sure, but I think it'll survive. Unfortunately I don't think it'll ever thrive again though.

  • Member Posts: 34

    Ever since midchapter release, the game became way less enjoyable so I barely play now and when I do rare ocassions on default white rank, I'm up against sweaty killers that I usually face when I'm red rank but I'm not due to not playing much. I'm up against Legions with thana and sloppy (and making survivors broken with their addon) plus camping on top of it. I'm a solo player and ever since the update its been horrible, I wouldn't even recommend my friends to play at this state of the game. I understood medkit nerf but shocked to see syringe that you can only use once yet duration is same as someone else healing you...

  • Member Posts: 498

    Even though I don't play anymore I still watch content creators from time to time and even they seem to be struggling to play consistently, with many of them outright saying they don't play offstream or are planning on taking a hiatus.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226

    means you either chase good survivors in strong tiles or just not good at mindgames/using the power of your killer. skill issue.

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    It’s definitely not dying and I don’t think it’s in that bad of a state. I have been playing for several years and I can’t really think of a time where the state of the game was better than it is now. Yes, there are still issues with the game and frustrations with the way BHVR handle things sometimes, but overall I still enjoy it and play it more than any other game I own.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    While tunneling and camping have been around, they really rose after the patch. And thats what was new, that next to every killer was doing it.

  • Member Posts: 436

    The game's actually in the healthiest state it's ever been in. They just need to tighten up the matchmaking a bit. Camping happens far less often when the killer feels they're in a match they have a chance to win.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    People say this literally all the time. Whenever a new patch is out, whenever a new meta forms, whenever a new event is released, tunnelling and camping are more prevalent than ever.

  • Member Posts: 302

    This is for sure a big factor I don't doubt that. I personally don't believe I had any crutches as my builds changed on the daily and I still think the game is in a horrible spot overall. The game just doesn't feel right on either side. Could some of this be nostalgia from years ago? Maybe. Does not change the fact the game does not tickle the right feathers for a good portion of the player base right now (myself included). I personally don't like the direction the game is heading in but I have I hopes it will get better.

    That's fantastic if you disagree and feel different it truly is. That said there is just to many reports like mine to just sweep them under the rug.

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    I enjoy playing killer unlike most people.

    The last patch took the ability away for me to regress/guard generators. But the survivors can still gen rush because those perks and toolboxes were untouched.

    Every game now I start by going for a tie. I will never let someone "off the hook" so to speak. Once I have hooked them they are marked for death. The only exception is when I get a map that is incredibly punishing. Yesterday I had a suffocation pit match with 4 gens all on main side. So I actually let them hook cycle a bit - in part to camp the person with reassurance. I had a hill hook in the corner next to two generators and the one in front of main was close too.

    I stopped playing for the win and just play for the tie so every game is light camping/ hard tunnel.

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    No it's been a hard trend over the last year; ever since we had the declaration "DBD is hockey" we have been going down a dark road.

    Most people are not enjoying MMR as it forces everyone to be "tryhard". The heal nerf meta was good for the game but the gen regression nerf without touching gen rushing was absurd.

    Otz had a video out about 8 months ago where he showed that medkits were ridiculous. To their credit the devs have made medkits "ok" and not a crazy broken item. The same video however also showed that toolboxes needed the same treatment.

  • Member Posts: 1,561

    I couldn't agree more with this, it's literally the worst thing to happen to this game. I feel like mobile DBD is way healthier rn than PC

  • Member Posts: 2,205

    There are still valid slow-down perks. Issue is that actually best slowdown perks for the game were nerfed most.

    What do you have left?

    Deadlock, Jolt, No Way Out -> those don't really force you to play differently, you can tunnel, camp, slug whatever you want.

    I still believe best meta was during BBQ, pop, ruin. This build forced killer to leave hooked survivor and target different survivors.

    Deadlock, No way out works even when you camp from first hook. You don't have to do anything for it and that's an issue. It's basically same as CoB kick gen meta. You don't need to do much for this regression.

    I love pain resonance change. It's decent slowdown that is trying to get an effect of BBQ (playstyle). I wish it wasn't scourge perk tho, but it has some benefits for sure (you can choose not to use it).

    I think they are trying to create more chase oriented meta with self-heal and slowdown nerfs, but result is different. Tunneling is simply best way to win by far and there is no reason to spread hooks, which I think is main issue.

  • Member Posts: 286

    I noticed when I reposted my comment,BHVR held my posts for review for some reason? Probably that;s why

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Oh I see. I guess it’s because you’re a newer member. Idk how it works, it’s been a while since I was new to the forums.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I don't know how common or real this actually is though. Nearly every week someone is saying "Tunnelling is the worst it's ever been", but comparable to what?

    It's not my experience that this has been common since the latest patch. I remember times gone by where it was horrendous, but I can't share that same experience. All there is to go on is what people say here and it's the same year round.

    However, I am certainly not doubting this happens. I also believe for some it has gotten worse for them. I just haven't shared this experience and have had worse in the past.

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