Sick and tired of being matched with potatoes vs try hard killers

fix the matchmaking and maybe people will stop Disconnecting/dying on first hook out of frustration of all the games that are over before the game even loads in ?
Agree with you.I don't understand BHVR not working and showing MMR.
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i'm sick and tired of wasting my time with it i'm close to just uninstalling.
I'm either matched vs a super try hard with blight or nurse etc in which case even if i was a SWF the chances are i'm not escaping.
Or i'm matched against average try hard killers that are being made to look amazing because two of my team mates are hiding in lockers and the third one hasn't touched a generator the entire game.
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I'm ok with potatos agains tryhards, I'm not ok with constant camper/tunneler trash that do exactly nothing to get 4K. Like literally nothing.
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Especially annoying when you pkay killer yourself and try to get 8+ hooks and get 1 or 2k lol.
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Sounds like a skill issue.
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Never experienced that "annoyance", probably some personal issue
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It's straight up not ok. I don't know why it happens or if it's intentional, but I've stopped playing solo queue because of it. I'm not going to sit here and waste my time going against a killer playing like it's the grand final of a tourney with one or two random teammates who have 1/20th of my hours and don't seem to have their controllers plugged in. I'll stick to a 4 man SWF of good players.
The game isn't fun when you lose from the lobby, and that's often the case with the queue times above all else matchmaking we currently have. It's honestly a plague in every PVP game right now. Developers need to get away from this constant engagement crap and let players wait a minute for a better match.
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Escapes and kills should not be how players move up in this MMR that's the problem.
Campers and locker hiding is being rewarded. Do nothing all match and you're the better player.
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Welcome to DBD, the only PVP you can win by standing still with showing 0 skill in actual gameplay. people here call it " a valid strategy".
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Hiding maybe, but camping should be rewarded generously (I'd put campers/tunnelers on highest MMR possible right away), otherwise they would (and are) continue spoil the game of majority of people. Why not use "valid strategy" amongst skillful teams, it's skillful, right?
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Out of interest, people who suicide on first hooks are mostly going down the same direction of this mmr thingy, so are more likely to meet with other people who do the same thing. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy of thinking a game is crap so I'll dc or suicide, then wonder why they end up in teams with others disconnecting or suiciding.
Not saying mmr is perfect or whatever (there's no objective evidence to prove or disprove), but suiciding to get out of games with subjectively-believed bad survivors or whatnot will unsurprisingly put you with others who are probably doing the same.
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Yes, regularly tunneling the first person you see out is reflective of a skill issue. Or at least low confidence in being able to win any other way.
But for people who are being driven crazy by the matchmaking, you might as well just pack it up, because that's not gonna change.
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What do you propose for “fixing the matchmaking”? If there was an easy fix, it would have been done a long time ago. There aren’t enough people at similar MMR level playing the game at a given time to make “fair” matches without extremely long queue times. As player numbers continue to drop, the problem will only get worse. Let’s also not forget that MMR based on kills and escapes is a terrible skill-measuring system to begin with.
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Yeah, the issues are multiple.
We saw during the SBMM experimentation what happens when they make the matchmaking too strict. Sure some people might wait for an eternity for an accurately matched game, but most people won't. You lose players if you tighten things up too much.
And as you say the conditions for MMR change are woefully inadequate, what else are they gonna use to quantify skill in this unbalanced, asym mess?
And I certainly don't see BHVR adding in a second matchmaking functionality that allows people to accept longer or shorter wait times than others when the one there is barely works.
So tl:dr, it almost certainly isn't changing much, if ever.
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If such a thing were to be attempted, I would guess that it's be the opposite. I'd bet most people would be unwilling to endure long wait times, so it'd probably be a "lengthen my wait time for more accurate matchmaking" option being the alternate, and not the standard.
But again, I don't have a high degree of confidence BHVR could implement it effectively. The whole damned thing would probably break.
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So you didn't want to play against good killers or average killers so it sounds like you want to be able to play aginst baby killers you can destroy. Of course the average killer is camping and tunneling they removed any good regression so your average player is going to have to do something to make pressure. Remember dbd is a casual game so when your casual killers lose the thing that was helping make there games fun this is the result. Casual isn't just about survivor there's also casual killers dbd just doesn't cater to them at all.
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Solo q is a wasteland because u can't consistently win in it no matter your skill level. MatchMaking keep giving u at least one low level player a match yet the meta keep shifting towards more strategies and tactics. Needing everyone on the team to know what to do is mandatory now. Skull merchant 3 gen require everyone to know where to be at all times to break it which is possible with a decent team only. Camping and tunneling require teammates to know what going on immediately and rush gens/take protection hits (which low level players don't understand). Potato teammates are just free tunnel fuel at best which at least waste time and at worst they stay alive walking around the map endlessly.
People delude themselves in to thinking winning dosen't matter "just have fun" but once they start losing repeatedly it hard to keep that attitude up for long. People don't log on a game to be cannon fodder just so the kill rates will remain balance at 60%. Swf win more on average which mean solo q must lose a ridiculous amount to keep the kill rate at 60%. You literally will lose a great deal just because your not playing with friends (not your skill). Solo q been destroy by rapid DCs/Suicides which the Devs continue to be completely mute towards. I suggest u just mainly play killer or swf much like my self.
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Honestly, I think the average DBD player is just not very good at the game. Even if SBMM were more strict, the pool of bad players is bigger than the pool of decent players. I feel like there's always gonna be one or two on the team.
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Solo is completely unplayable. I was tunneled for four gens in a game today by a Nemesis. Generally my first thought when I get tunneled is "good" because I have thousands of hours of survivor experience and I bring strong perks to make it harder. It's preferable that I get tunneled instead of my teammates who last 20 seconds in chase. What does my team do during this ridiculously long tunnel? They run around cleansing totems and then just stop doing gens entirely. Eventually the entire team starts trying to bodyblock for me. What is this supposed to accomplish? The killer will eventually catch me regardless of how much you bodyblock. I don't know why so many survivors don't understand how to play around a tunneling killer. Just do the gens so we all have the chance of getting out. It goes without saying that I eventually died. I can overcome mediocre killers who are trying to tunnel me. What I can't overcome is tunneling killers AND teammates who are useless. It's so frustrating to see an easy four man out turned into a 4K because of your teammates.
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I personally don't care if I win or lose. It's rhe nature of a game. You win some you lose some. Occasionally you can tie sure.
I just do what I can. I can't control my opponents. They should play the way they want to they paid for the game. I should not expect them to play the way I would like them to. As long as the don't cheat.
I play to the situation. If I lose I just say gg and move on to the next game. This game is way too random to think I can win every time.
Remember, win and lose with dignity.
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Yeah theres tons of matches I believe I could have escaped from if that first survivor didn't DC on first down or kill themselves on first hook. It's really frustrating. It's taken me a whole day to get from Iri 4 to Iri 3 because people keep leaving.
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I feel ya on this but personally I think it just takes practice to consistently 4k on all the killers. Also, sometimes the survivors are just better. maybe youll go against me one day and you'll get an easy 4k because all of my teammates are dumb.
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To a degree it is intentional.
The game is trying to match you up with killers and survivors of similar MMR range, but if there aren't any in your range then it expands. MMR also in this game just does not work as a good reflection of player skill. The games are too varied and rng laden to really make sense like that. It is better to consider it as a show of how much someone is vaguely successful at best. I'm willing to bet that most players have a relatively high MMR that in no way is related to their actual skill level. It doesn't seem to really even out until you're in the highest of high end or lowest of low end, but even then people with extremely high MMR are almost guaranteed to be matchmade with people lower than them because there are just less people grinding to that level.
As they explained in a previous live stream outside of kills and escapes no other data points found in dbd really serve well to determine MMR. We sort of have to face the fact the game does not know how to distinguish what we perceive as being "skilled" and the things we use to determine that are extremely subjective or generally just not quantifiable in a hard mechanical sense. The game can't tell the different between strategic proxy camping and face camping, farming vs comp level play, or the different between someone good at loops or bad at loops. Gen repair is the actual objective for survivors and the only thing that really matters to the game is did you do them or not and did you escape or not. For killers it's only looking at did people die and it doesn't really account for how outside of bp scoring events and emblems(which are also bad in their own ways).
You are probably quite correct in this regard. DBD has never really been sold as a hyper competitive skill based game and there isn't a huge benefit to sinking the amount of time energy it takes to get what people universally consider "good" in dbd. Most players tend to play this game very casually and it is one of the few games where skills from other games don't transfer over very well. So the general skill level is probably substantially lower than a lot of people think it should be. I would blame this perception on things like having a "Ranking", but not having a "Ranked" play mode. I think it creates a lot of misgivings about the nature of the game and player skill.
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Are we the same player? At least, it sounds like we both have a similar MMR that puts us in these weird scenarios where we can run the killer for all the gens, but our teammates have anti-game sense. This is actually the thing that caused me to stop playing solo queue 3 weeks ago: getting tunneled and teammates somehow failing to do the last gen between 3 of them in a 2 minute chase (Oni's entire power plus some). They started the last gen when I finally went down. I'm done with it.
It's frustrating to read these threads every day and get complete radio silence about it on the other end. Why is this happening so often? Are there plans to fix it? Are there plans to give us more matchmaking transparency in game so we can give better feedback? The most we ever get is "backfills", which...ok, what are you doing to fix that then?
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Most video games don't show MMR. Most do show some sort of rank that is loosely tied to a player's MMR I guess, but I can't think of many that actually show you your MMR rating.
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I wouldn't say using the most efficient method of winning is a skill issue.
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you did 4 gens all by yourself and looped the killer for 5 minutes or more but you got facecamped ---too bad ---- MMR decrease
your teammates were healing the whole game in corners , going down over and over , but they escaped -- good--- MMR increase
thats why ....MMR in this game is a joke for the most part.
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1 game tonight vs a doctor on "the game" and not one of my team mates were doing gens as i looped for around 2 minutes, not a single gen worked on...
1 game vs a skull merchant in which someone went down IN THE FIRST MINUTE vs a M1 killer then just killed themselves on hook
I give up, the game is balanced around entitled killers that 9 times out of 10 play random groups that are immediately handicapped by 1 or 2 bad players so they get used to winning and as soon as they come up against a good SWF team the game is imbalanced so perks etc need to change to help them.
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I believe that the main problem is that the "Everyone past this MMR score is the same" point is set way too low.
The devs have said that once you reach a certain MMR score (maybe 1500 but I can't remember) then it essentially considers you the same as everyone else with that score or higher. So you go along for a while playing against people roughly at your skill level then the moment you cross the magic threshold you can get put into matches with people with several times your score and thousands of hours in the game.
So you'll get a barely experienced Dwight with three other survivors with thousands of hours so of course poor Dwight can't pull his weight or you'll get a killer who's been around longer than Otz facing survivors barely out of training wheels.
Lift that "magic point" a fair bit higher and you'll see far less badly matched players. Yes, I know it'll make wait times longer but I'd rather wait a bit longer to get a fun, fairly matched round than wait less time to get ROFLSTOMPED.
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They had a test day last year where they did just that and they made the SBMM stricter. There were such a small percentage of players actually in high MMR that there were people waiting from 1 to 2 *hours* for a match. Considering the people in high MMR are mostly long term regular players - including a number of content creators who got caught up in the super long wait times - I honestly can't see them touching that.
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People wanted to get into games faster 1 year ago and were ok even with being camped or tunneled because they were actually playing instead of sitting in the lobby
Now people are asking for better matchmaking and some are ok with longer waits.
Duality of Dbd
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Yeah that's what they say. Daily rituals, tome challenges track what you do. They can't use something like that?
I'm not talking about "Skill" I'm talking about being active in the match
Track for survivor in match - Time on gens, chases escaped from, how long were you in chase, safe rescues, heals, dull/hex totems destroyed, chests opened.
Track for Kill in match- Putting different survivors on the hook, survivors found, hits/downs, how quick to end the chase, using the killer power to injury survivors, gens/pallets kicked,.
There's probably more that could be added.
Standing around doing nothing all match waiting for others to die, and saying their the better player then the ones that are active shouldn't be.
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i have been getting decent mmr
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Or at least offer the option. I would take "better matches, longer waits" in a heartbeat and never look back.
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Look at the things you're asking and consider if that is really helpful information for anything more than points?
Are you in a long chase because you are good or the killer is bad?
Safe rescues don't require skill just being patient enough to let the killer walk away in most situations. The game knows what a safe rescue is but it doesn't understand the conditions that led to a safe rescue. It doesn't know the difference between a clutch last minute run out and someone just waiting. Time on gens is useless stat considering doing gens requires no inherent skill and isn't considered skillful even by the players. You're more likely to have you matchmaking be even more lopsided considering a lot of the metrics go down the more "skill" you posses.
Putting different survivors on hook, well there is only 4 survivors and you just as likely to have an entire just walk up to hook and wait for death as you are to have to play a proper game and juggle them. The game of course doesn't have the ability to parse which situation is which.
Survivors found is ranges from completely rng where you basically spawn right next to them or so modified by perks that it can't be used to determine skill because your personal skill is pretty much a non factor. If you play killers with tracking built in then it is even less on you.
You ever watch a person get downed by a killer standing still and swinging due to an auto clicker? I have. You ever seen a survivor run up to the killer and beg for death because they've decided they don't want to play against [insert killer] for [insert petty reason]? You're technically ending chases really fast so that must mean you're very skilled.
Kicking gens and pallets sort of has an inverse effect on your chances of winning. The more you do it the more likely you are to lose as it is a time sink so the real test of skill would be to keep that number super low, but that often isn't a thing on some maps that have huge amounts of pallets in a small area. Why base anything on that stat.
All of the things you're wanting are accounted for by emblem score which used to sort of be a part of matchmaking in the past and it was worse than what we have now. Back then the game basically couldn't even try to remotely balance out your games because average emblem scores were far too inconsistent. Most SSBM matchmaking systems aren't looking at ton of data points because while for people understanding how one got to a place is great, for a system the most important thing is the end result. In DBD though it isn't great the end result is killed or escaped. As I have learned when arguing this topic from your current stance in the past with other people on this forum and then doing research on SSBM matchmaking even the TrueSkill system which is probably the most consistent SSBM I've dealt with actually was designed to use far less data than you'd think. So much of what we do in game only makes sense tous humans, but is just noise to game.
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My solo queue experiences are the same. And the response here is always like…
Something something, SWF OP, something, tunneling + camping valid strategies, something not responsible for your fun. Oh something but what about teh killerz.
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Gotcha do nothing takes skill
Thanks for setting me straight 🙂
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I'm not even sure how to interpret this aside from the obvious attempt at being snarky.
You want a system to try its utmost best to put you in matches with evenly matched killers and teammates. The system we have is trying its best to do that, but it is a dumb set of code that doesn't know how to parse nuance from the data points it already has. Adding more data points will not fix the system as the system can not understand the nuance or context that created the data points. It takes the definitive results from your games and moves your hidden number up or down and then it tries to pick people who have their own hidden number roughly in the same area as your own. If it can then great it considers it has done its job, but if it can't, it is programmed to the increase the range between your number and everyone else's until the lobby is filled. That's it. It can't really determine why someone who if observed by a human would be considered lower skilled than you even if you gave it a thousand different points of data to track it wouldn't necessarily understand the context of why the data is the way it is. Just that the data is what it is.
Humans add context to data sets while computers make data sets easier to compile and can make basic judgments on the end result. If you want a degree of consistency in teammate skill level you would never leave it up to SSBM to do that for you. If you're playing solo you have to accept that there will be people whose imaginary number will be close to yours and they won't have your perceived level of competency. No amount of extra data granularity will change that.
Post edited by ReikoMori on0 -
I see the light now
Don't tough gens, don't go for saves, move from locker to locker as long as I escape.
Down and put on the hook don't move get the kill rinse and repeat till 3k-4k.
I truly get it! My eyes are open to what it takes to be a skilled DBD player.
Thank you once again
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I don't know why you're trying so hard to be patronizing.
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Usually when someone thanks someone for helping them understand something they respond back with you're welcome.
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"Screw the majority so that the minority can enjoy themselves more" is not a good model.
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They aren't ever going to fix matchmaking, because they prioritize queue times over even slightly trying to match up MMR. Hence the times as killer where you'll go up against 4 brand new solo queue players one match but the sweatiest SWF depip bully squad ever created the next. You've either got to learn to live with it or quit the game.