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Does anyone know why locker saving still works?

a105 Member Posts: 39

So i was under the impression that locker saving (flashlight saving while searching a locker) was did i end getting hit with it while i was playing doctor?


  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,869

    Did you get flashlight saved while performing the Locker Search action, or while grabbing a Survivor currently entering/exiting a locker? The latter does not provide protection from flashlight saves.

  • a105
    a105 Member Posts: 39

    basically i went and searched a locker and got saved like how it was back in the days before it was patched. was on dead dog and it was the locker closest to the door

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,891

    But when you searched the locker, was the survivor in the process of exiting/entering it or were they hiding without exit/enter action?

    if the surv quick exited the locker right before you clicked search then it would count as a grab and then a flashlight save is possible iirc