DCs and Bleed Outs should count as kills towards Merciless Killer

Dead_by_David17 Member Posts: 75
edited May 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

This is probably a subject matter that has been touched on a billion times since they changed killer adepts to 4ks only, but I'm hoping by making yet another post on it that BHVR sees it and at least considers it.

A survivor DCing or bleeding out because you couldn't find them shouldn't end a killers attempt at an adept. At the very least, DCs should be made to count. Even with killer adepts being made easier with the change, it's still up to factors out of the killers control to successfully get their adept.

Ironically I think the old system was easier because at least then at lower ranks you could still pull it off thanks to the emblems.

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