DCs and Bleed Outs should count as kills towards Merciless Killer

This is probably a subject matter that has been touched on a billion times since they changed killer adepts to 4ks only, but I'm hoping by making yet another post on it that BHVR sees it and at least considers it.
A survivor DCing or bleeding out because you couldn't find them shouldn't end a killers attempt at an adept. At the very least, DCs should be made to count. Even with killer adepts being made easier with the change, it's still up to factors out of the killers control to successfully get their adept.
Ironically I think the old system was easier because at least then at lower ranks you could still pull it off thanks to the emblems.
Oh i thought you were karu for a second. Dcs yes. Idk about bleed outs. I think dcs should also count for hook stuff (so you get like one pain res proc or no way out proc. You were gonna get the hook anyway 90% of dcs) bleed outs....meh. maybe? I wouldnt endorse it really.
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Reward a bleed out.. yeah no thanks. Should go for hooks not bleed out.
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This would likely incentivize more killer players to bleed out survivors more often since they would know they get the full credit either way. I don't know if you've ever played survivor but being stuck on the ground for several minutes isn't exactly entertaining or fun. If you can't find a survivor because they crawled away while you engaged another one that was nearby then there is a chance they will get crows if they don't move in time. Other than that it just comes down to you leaving them on the ground for long enough for them to hide and wanting to be rewarded for it. Also for disconnects, its unfortunate but if you got full credit for someone that disconnects, especially early, then would your adept really feel like an earned reward?
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They should not reward bleed outs, it would encourage slugging over hooks.
DCs hurt survivor adepts too, a survivor DCing makes it much less likely the other survivors will escape to earn their Adept achievement and Killer DC completely denies them. Adept should be changed to earning 4 silver emblems since both sides can get those even with a DC.
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DC sure, but disagree on the bleeding out. I think more players should actually be aware that bleeding out doesn't count as an actual kill to the game (ie doesn't affect MMR either) because then we'd probably see less BM bleed out scenarios.
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and when they break all the hooks and run to the corner? This happens at least once a day for me or they'll go out of their way to die in the same spots preventing me from hooking the last
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Adepts never feel like earned rewards they're just tedious things people want and are entirely luck based essentially
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You didn't read it and that's obvious because that's not necessarily what op is saying. Op was talking about the times in which during your adepts you feel you have to slug for the 4k to avoid a hatch game and then can't find who you slugged. That's not "going for bleed outs."
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I read it, yeah still bull trying to dodge a mechanic in this game by bleed out. So yeah imo no reward. You want your adepts you play fair and square. If it was easy it wouldnt mean anything.
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I know this is mean and I'm trying to say this in nice terms. You know how survivors are always told your fun is not my concern, well....
To be honest however I don't see how that happens regularly most maps don't really have dead hook zones unless you just happen to only hook in one area.
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DCs yes (and the remaining survivors should get a buff to their scores too)
Bleedout shouldn't count as hooks though
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Bleed out is also a mechanic in the game you could say by your own logic survivors who purposely go down in a corner where someone has already died on hook so there's no where to hook them are purposely dodging the hooking mechanic in the game. Either survivors should win fair and square or it doesn't mean anything.
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Much like unbreakable don't you guys have a perk you could use? But I'm trying to go for adapt? Yeah... We got that problem too...
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I don't actually have a problem with that survivor tactic. I'm just saying I don't want yelled at for bleeding a survivor out who purposely put himself in a position where I cant hook him.
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I think both dc and bleed out should count since a lot of survivors like to abuse flip-flop and boil over combo these days.
When you try to chase their flashlight friend and hook them first, it makes little sense to bother picking the 1st down with the combo up... and if their teamate don't walk the walk to get them in the corner of the map they like to hug so much...
Yeah let them bleed out, reward us for it please.