Map offerings removal

Map offerings have been in the game for a long time and it has been one of the most common offering used in games.

Balancing maps its a hard task as you need to take into account both sides (survivor and killer) taking into consideration every killer power and effectiveness ( lockers for dredge, trickster, huntress...). As a player I feel that map offerings can promote very unfun experience for both sides specially if players from both sides run certain perks or addons in order to obtain the most favourable conditions as possible to win.

Even though a map prevention has been implemented in the game, this hasnt any effect when player consume a map offering.

All in all, I think they should be remove or look for an alternative to have the best experience in both roles on a game.


  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    If you ever remove map offerings... Can you as a counter stop showing survivors to killer so he can't lobby shop/adjust build? Lobby shopping already makes matchmaking not work because of backfills. It's only fair to remove both sides of the lobby advantage if you ever plan to touch any of those things.

  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 789

    Yes, and I stay all day waiting for the game to send me my favorite map

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    I agree with OP.

    Currently many maps are very (and I mean VERY) poorly balanced.

    Namely the newer maps are way too big for the killers that are not part of the holy trinity of the killer meta (Nurse, Bligth and spirit featuring a certain addon).

    To further push my point, play Trapper on those new map and cry as your traps are so far apart you can't possibly hope to activate them before the survivors have done all the gens.

    The fact that some of these maps are completely biased means that certain groups of player will purposely min/max to capitlize on the strenght of a given map and if somehow they don't get it... they throw a tantrum and purposely lose to try again...

    This is sickening that such behavior is even feasible in the first place.

    Sidenote: As killer, a majority of these "map offerings" are dead draw for items in the blood web, why the hell would I ever want to send myself to Ormond ??

    Maybe have the offering for custom matches for those who want to practice but beyond that, just do away with them now.

  • DrKetchup
    DrKetchup Member Posts: 159

    Exactly, map offerings exacerbate the worst decisions in map design.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited May 2023

    If they removed map offerings I'd expect several killers to get major changes to them. Theyre are some maps particular killers just can't play on. If they could make each killer perform about the same on any map (such as pig being able to play all maps just as well as each other map) then I'd be for it.

    Post edited by IWasLeft2Die on
  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    The biggest issue lies for killer without a mobility ability that is always on.

    Even ranged killers struggle due to the amount of cover and distance to cover (projectiles being painfully easy to dodge at a distance)

    Any killer that is stuck at base speed at any point of the match is currently doomed to lose.

    I predicted that with the current map size, the CoB-Overcharged combo was the last way left to apply good enough gen pressure on the survivors.

    It was so true that even a nerf to DH-CoH didn't suffice to stop the maddness that is BNP+Prove thyself.

    I agree with you pal. Killers needs to be baselined way better against one another.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    I'd also say that some killers, even if their base speeds were matched, just couldn't function on some maps. Take someone like hillbilly and he will do poorly on a map like the game but he will do very well on autohaven. I'd like a killer to be playable on any given map.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    That is just unrealistic.

    All maps would need to be the same outside of aesthetic and good/bad maps will always be a thing if we are to have diversity.

    But for certain, making maps smaller (outside of those that already are of course) will at least alleviate some of the worst issues certain killers face at this time.

  • Horacio
    Horacio Member Posts: 12

    if playing your favorite map means to ruin the experience of the others, I will go for this change. If not, we have to be open minded and think that this is a change thought for skillful players, in the case of casual players there wouldn´t be such a great impact and i would say this is a good opportunity to start learning every map layout.

    BUT of course, you can think on a possible change to this proposal... maybe a voting system for maps??? I don´t know.

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 368

    If that happen, rip to scratch mirror Myers

  • defaultuk
    defaultuk Member Posts: 29

    map offerings just need to be gone from the game at this point, why should either side have an advantage before the game has even started. as for scratched mirror just implement it so if the add on is selected you auto go to an indoor map