I just became a P100 Knight. Ask me Anything!
Thanks for not playing Skull Merchant.
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No worries! 👍️
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Surely I won't take the prompt seriously and ask anything unrelated to the knight.
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Would you?
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How many time did it take you to P100 (approximately)? Is it worth P100 ing a character? From what I see on your picture, nodes are'nt even that much better from a P1 character. Do you have an estimate average BP use for prestige (I'm guessing something around 1.5M BP or so)? Did you enjoy it the ride? What's next?
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your main build
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do you hate yourself?
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- It took me over several months to fully prestige Knight. The BP grind is not forgiving.
- The "reward" is a shiny number next to your name and two iridescent add-ons guaranteed per bloodweb. I was already swimming in add-ons before reaching P100. So technically speaking there's no reward beyond other people seeing your dedication to the character. I would really like a unique cosmetic set for getting this far.
- If you optimise your bloodweb you can get one prestige level per 900K BPs.
- Maining Knight is definitely not easy. He's one of the most technically advanced characters in the game and requires good map knowledge and game sense to do well with. The bigger the map, the harder it is to win. I've tried a variety of builds and focused them down until I created the most optimal Knight build I could: (Call to Arms + Map of the Realm + Surveillance, Pain Resonance, Pop Goes The Weasel, Sloppy Butcher ). But Knight still has plenty of issues that hours of practice cannot circumvent. Mainly his guard's AI bugging out. Despite that I've managed to win most of my games and feel like I've improved a lot since when I first started playing him.
- I'm going to take a break from DbD until the PTB for the next killer comes out and see how they are.
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Call to Arms + Map of the Realm + Surveillance, Pain Resonance, Pop Goes The Weasel, Sloppy Butcher
Winning as Knight requires constant pressure and survivors can this build helps the most with that. Especially on bigger maps that are very punishing to play on as Knight.
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Nope. I'm happy to have greatly improved since I first started playing Knight and can win most of my games on a character that is often neglected by everyone.
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Awesome. P100 ing a character is quite a task, so you must really like Knight. I do wish too there were special cosmetics for reaching P100, tbh, even if it was just some slightly altered basic version.
Enjoy your break, you earnt it. See ya when you come back!
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What do you think about Dried Horseman? And were there situations, where you would have prefered it over Call to Arms? (sorry, but you can't convince me to play Knight without Map of the Realm 😅)
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What are some tips you have for the Knight? Also, how do you use your guards in chase?
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How many survivors DC did you get?
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Thank you, this is very detailed! Interesting build, too.
One question from my end: How do you see Knight's progress / updates since its introduction to the game? You highlighted weaknesses but do you think currently it is at its best state?
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Dried Horsemeat is one of the only other add-ons worth running besides Call to Arms and MotR. But it performs worse on big maps, which is Knight's biggest weakness. On small maps like Coal Tower, Wreckers Yard, and Dead Dawg Saloon it can net you lots of value.
Especially with the Assassin, (Durkos), since he runs the fastest out of the guards can benefits the most from the increased chase time. So if you know you're going to a small map there are definitely situations where Dried Horsemeat can outshine Call to Arms. Just make sure to cycle out your guards so Durkos is used the most often for chases.
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Most important tip I can give is to play for pressure, not downs. Knight isn't the best killer for getting downs quickly. But he is amazing at keeping survivors occupied. Only commit to chases if either your guards are harassing other survivors, or the survivor you're chasing is running towards uncompleted gens and dead zones. Knight wins most often by forcing survivors to go where it is most efficient to chase them.
As for using your guards in a chase, it depends on the situation. Contrary to popular belief, using guards as solely a way to counter loops is a terrible idea. Only use them to shut down loops if the survivor is cornered or in a dead zone. Most of the time you want to use your guards to zone survivors out can force them to choose between getting spotted by your guard, or pathing inefficiently to avoid the guard and be at risk of getting hit by you. Good map knowledge is very important for this! Knowing how tiles are structure and how to approach them based on which direction they're rotated is key to winning, especially in big maps.
Also, The Carnifex and Assassin, (named Sander and Durkos respectively), are the best guards for chasing survivors. The former has the longest chase time and his banner takes twice as long to become vulnerable. Whereas the latter runs the fastest out of the three guards and applies deepwounds if he lands a hit.
Post edited by SirCracken on1 -
Loads. People really hate versing Knight.
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How often do your ghosts actually deal damage to survivors?
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Generally it's been positive. The haste boost after creating a long patrol path is really noticeable and has gotten me a surprising amount of hits. As did the reduced time before a chase when a max-patrol-path guard spots a survivor. But he still has some pretty bad outstanding issues.
- Guards AI remains buggy and consistently paths incorrectly if a hunted survivor drops a pallet - This is an issue introduced with the Tools of Torment chapter. And it makes certain pallet loops extremely safe against guards since they try to run around to the other side of the dropped pallet instead of just running through it like they're supposed to.
- Add-on selection is terrible with only three viable add-ons to choose from - Seriously. If you don't run some combination of Dried Horsemeat, Call to Arms, or Map of the Realm, you're handicapping yourself. All three of these add-ons need to have their effects halved and given to Knight as base-kit. And almost all of his other add-ons need to be looked at. He desperately needs an add-on pass treatment akin to what Wraith got.
- Majority of maps are bad for him and force tunnelling, slugging and camping - This isn't an issue that solely affects Knight. But as a killer whose main method of winning is map pressure, he feels it the most. You simply cannot exact map pressure on any Coldwind map. Same with Mother's Dwelling, Mt Ormand, Haddonfield, Badham, and even Midwitch unless you camp. Which I've always found really boring.
It's really unlikely that any of these issues are going to be addressed. So I'd say that Knight is more or less stuck in his current state until further notice.
I won't sugar coat it: You need commitment if you want to do well with Knight.
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It stays at level 50.
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The guards main purpose is to zone survivors so you can land a hit. But from my experience if you keep creating max-length-patrol-paths, especially with the Carnifex and Assassin, the guards actually do a decent job of smacking survivors. Especially in open areas and loops without windows.
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I'd reply something sarcastic about your stance on knight being technically advanced, but I'll just say congrats on your p100
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If you're still interested you can comment what you were going to say so I can dismantle it.
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I congratulate you, my lord. Therefore, I delight your thread with my 888th comment. (The 999th will be saved for the next "Nerf Pig thread") In fact, I also really enjoy playing the knight and am very successful with him without breaking a sweat in my armor.
My loadout looks like this:
Dried Horsemeat + Map Of The Realm (Thanks to these AddOns, my guards get a lot of hits on average)
Brutal Strength + Sloppy Butcher + STBFL + Eruption
I play very chase oriented and always try to have at least two survivors fun at the same time.
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Always nice to see a fellow Knight enjoyer!
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How bad is Knight AI?
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When are you going to make a start on P100 Skull Merchant?
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Really bad sometimes. It seems to depend on what tile they're chasing in. I've had lots of issues with Mother's Dwelling and Temple of Purgation where the guards sometimes zig-zag towards survivors or outright run past them.
Oh! And the dropped pallet pathing bug got re-introduced from when Knight was in the PTB. So guards will run around a recently dropped pallet instead of just walking through it.
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When I've lost all dignity and self respect.
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Yeah. Something like the original legacy cosmetics but more golden.
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Cool thread. I’ve been enjoying Knight quite a bit lately. Once I figured out a few strategies with him he’s felt very good. The multi task feel of his gameplay rocks.
I want to politely disagree about Knights addons. I do agree that the three addons mentioned do feel nice but I pretty much only run his Very Rare and Iridescent addons. They have my favorite combinations and playstyles. I would however agree that pretty much all the Rare (green) Addons are bad and not worth running.
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Knight is a killer I liked to play sometimes.
Sorry all I got.
You ever touched grass?
My advice? Other games are really fun you should check them out sometime.
Jokes aside....Congrats on this frfr.
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As a fellow Knight main and ejoyer.
How many forest did you cut down to have paper for the insane amount of map of the realm you probably used?
Now for real. In an different universe in wich BHVR give Knight base map of the realm. Do you think other addons could by used? Like double assassin and horse meat, double assassin and assasin area scream GPS, double jailor and speed buff in summon etc...
Or just call to arms and and horse dried meat.
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I got nothing to ask you but I'm happy to finally see Knight getting some love. Poor guy doesn't deserve half of the hate he gets.
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if people didn't abuse the knight's mechanics they wouldn't get so much hate but 99% of knight player station an ai around hooked survivors to guarantee death hook so yes he going to a lot of hate until behavior decides to not let the ai be stationed when people are hooked next to it it should be the same a SM her drones go away instantly if she tries to put them on a hooked survivor
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This is the least practical and most useless guard use and can very easily be defeated. Get noticed by the guard and then go for the rescue. If you unhook a survivor while being hunted, the hunt stops.
At most this lets the killer know 1-2 seconds ahead of time an unhooking will take place. But the guards themselves in this situation are completely harmless.
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Did you know that Surveillance works with his guards kicking the Gen?
IDK about anything else... I don't have much time playing him
Congrats... to say the least
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Welcome to the P100 club.
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How to make survivors stay on a loop in the middle of the map to make ur minion break pallet while looping instead of run
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So many survivors don't know that unhooking cancels a hunt it's crazy. Dumping a guard at a hook and running off is a terrible use of them.
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Congratulations! I don’t have the patience to invest enough BP into anyone for P100 so respect to anyone who does.
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What's your next goal you are aiming for?
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Well, that’s certainly something.
One question:
Tea/Coffee first, or milk first?
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Congrats. My question is how often can you get a hit with the cool aid tech. Aka using the carnifex to bash the pallet and barging straight through.
Also unlike most people it seems I greatly enjoy a knight match and look forward to facing more of you in the future.
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Do you think BHVR should add a 'new legacy' for people who reach P100? Maybe a blue varient?
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I might have a few, so...
How did you choose between Sloppy and STBFL? I'm a stbfl addict, personally.
What do you do with Jailer? Assassin is great at getting hits since he's 4.4, and Carnifex is a great breaker and chases the longer, but what the f---- do you use Jailer for except in endgame (gate defense) or 3-genning? I usually just force him to go break something.
Despite my above statement, Jailer saying "wowie" when starting a hunt is one of my favorite parts about Knight. You?
Any recommended balance changes to Knight (add-ons or basekit)?
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I've won every game as knight with the 3 gen strat hens gave us. He's not hard to play at all for wins