This kind of slugging shouldn't be possible



  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    No finisher mori it does not count on xbox sacrifice stats. I want my 4K:s to increase my sacrifice total.

  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 457

    To clean things up, the result you get after a match will now be tied directly to kills.

    To clean things up, the result you get after a match will now be tied directly to kills.

    To clean things up, the result you get after a match will now be tied directly to kills.

    To clean things up, the result you get after a match will now be tied directly to kills.

    So what you are saying is that even though game does not recognize a bleed out as being a kill in ANY way, somehow it still is.

    A while back there was a TTV who would do nothing but bleed out survivors, match after match. He has been banned on Twitch, these forums, Reddit, Steam and who knows what else. He would go through hundreds of matches without anyone escaping through the gates or hatch, yet somehow he ALWAYS seemed to play against new players. This was happening because the excessive use of bleed outs were keeping his MMR low. Kills are tied directly to MMR, bleed outs aren't considered kills by the game, and they drastically reduce MMR if abused.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited May 2023

    Yes, because that's literally how its coded and how the system works.

    I don't see why its so hard for you to understand.

    His MMR wasn't lowered for bleedouts, matchmaking just sucks.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I took more than one screenshot when I was thinking about making this post. The one in my OP looked like the best one to use for the subject. Below is a screenshot I took about a minute into the slugging which shows me literally crawling right by a hook. See the red arrow and me about 10 feet away. No doubt Mikaela in the distance crawled past several too. The killer refused to hook us when they easily could have and ended the match much sooner.

  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 457

    Here is why it's hard for me to understand what you are saying:

    1. I linked a source of the devs saying where kills are tallied
    2. I showed that bleeding out a survivor decreases from that kill tally
    3. Anyone can bleed out survivors or bots to confirm this how it works
    4. I pointed out how bleed outs don't count for adept or challenges
    5. Gave an example (and I'll provide the details if you want) of someone using bleed outs to abuse MMR

    The source that you linked is a wiki that can be edited by anyone, my sources were this site and the game itself. The devs have said over and over they won't give the details of how the MMR is calculated other than it's based off kills and bleed outs aren't being counted as kills by the game.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited May 2023

    The devs did reveal the details of MMR though in a dev stream and said it was (paraphrasing here) just kills and escapes and it doesn't care how you killed them. I believe it was actually the stream where we got the infamous "DBD is hokey" meme.

    The game was datamined, thats how we know the softcap for MMR is, iirc, 1900 and new players start at 1100. Why we know gains and losses are affected by match duration.

    That's how we know that bleedouts count for a kill in MMR.

    They just didn't bother to update the killer rank system to include bleedouts and just changed how the emblem system affected the rank. However, that system never included bleedouts and they didn't add it in, maybe they forgot, didn't care enough, or something, but they didn't add it in. However, that has no bearing on the MMR system which is completely separate.

    Unless that streamer datamined his own game and showed that his MMR wasn't increasing, then no, his MMR was going up given all other evidence.

    The survivor is dead, you killed them, its a kill, the MMR counts it. The endscreen and achievement system does not.

    If you want to ignore the very code of the game itself, and the dev stream on MMR, because of a different post about an entirely different system, then you are purposely being delusional.

  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 457

    The devs NEVER said bleed outs are counted as kills. Never, not even once.

    They did say that the killer rating result specifically tallies kills, and it's proven that it does not count bleed outs as kills. This screen uses the game's own ruleset to determine the kills.

    If bleed outs were counted as kills a new player could come in and have no idea that they were supposed to hook someone (even though there are picture diagrams showing to do this) and just knock down every one and bleed them out. If they did this every match they would soon be facing the best players in the game without even grasping basic gameplay concepts.

    I understand that there is no convincing you and I no longer care to try.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited May 2023

    They also never said they don't.

    The code for the MMR is what it is.

    Is it dumb that it's inconsistent with the endscreen/emblems? Yes.

    Does it make sense for it to be a kill since they died? Yes.

    Does it make sense for it not to count? No.

    Does it make sense that its different between to two systems? No.

    Do the devs make sense half of the time? Also no.

    Do the devs mess up a lot? Yes.

    Does MMR define the win condition? Yes.

    You're literally refusing to accept reality of the way the system and game is built to avoid admitting you're wrong and to protect your ego. So if you want to run away please do, its a waste of time to try and explain anything to you as you'd rather believe your right than actually have the answer.

    I don't care if it ended up counting or not, but I do care for having the correct information and knowing what the win condition is.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Killers are supposed to be sacrificing survivors to the entity. Any kill that isn't that should not be rewarded in the same was as a sacrifice both in mmr and points. You are still using the same argument which is basically "well survivor died therefore I win" even if it means a 4 minute bleedout. No, you don't win like that. That is the very kind of player that no survivor player wants to play against. Excessive slugging needs to be disincentivized.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,683

    No killer wants to play with survivors that purposely place themselves in situations where the killer can't hook them, and this happens a lot. The mori PTB failed, because as soon as survivors realized they could pick themselves up, they played things like unbreakable/flip flop/tenacity/breakdown, and purposely tried as hard as possible to place themselves in situations where the killer couldn't hook them.

    You have to fix both sides of the problem at the same time.

  • Kirarozu
    Kirarozu Member Posts: 240

    BHVR can change that though. They can make something that makes the killer have to decide to hook or not. Makes it a risk to leave the survivor slugged. They clearly agree because they did try but they did the stupid auto mori crap that isn't needed. They took a good idea and ruined it.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited May 2023

    "No you don't win like that"

    Who are you to decide how people win? Yes you do win like that, that's part of the game.

    People can choose how they play as long as it follows the guidelines set up by the devs and the game.

    Bleedouts are perfectly within those bounds.

    When you become a dev or make your own game you can decide how people get to play. As of now you don't and neither does any other entitled player.

    Wanting it changed and not liking it is fine, saying people aren't allowed to play that way is different and not true.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    That didn't happen in my case, did it? Which is why if you've been reading my replies here I have continuously asked for a CONDITIONAL way for survivors to get out of a needless slugging situation. The main condition would have to be the whole team is downed. If the killer refuses to hook a single survivor in that situation then they deserved to be punished for it. As you can see from the screenshot I provided above in response to you the killer had every opportunity to hook me and refused to do so. They should be punished for that.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,683

    And what happens if all the survivors left in the game, have purposely placed themselves in situations where the killer can't hook them? Because that is what kept happening in the mori PTB.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Its a part of the game I will continue to criticize and give my opinion on how wrong it is to be a part of the game. I don't get to decide anything on this game, but I do get to provide my feedback and talk about parts of the game that I believe should be changed for the better. That is not entitlement. That is a paying customer nearing 3000 hours played who spends money on this game speaking my mind on it. If that bothers you, stop reading my posts and saying the same thing over and over again.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    This is a non argument. You're using the rare occasion of toxic swf teams who are blatantly griefing a killer and refusing objectives to say nothing should be done about it. You're also ignoring the fact that I never once said remove the bleedout so even if a team did do this, they would still eventually bleed out. I'm not asking for infinite recovery without consequence here. Survivors would still have to fully recover and escape the situation before a full bleed out. So no, your excuse is not a justifiable reason to ignore this.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited May 2023

    It is entitled to try and dictate how others should play just because you don't like it, that why I said saying they're "not allowed" or "that's not how you win" is different. You're not going to get productive discourse with that mindset/attitude.

    Not to mention, those statements are also false. You are allowed and that is a way to win, but you want it changed to be better.

    Wanting it changed is fine.

    However, basekit getting up from he floor (UB) has been shown to be abusable and not work, so we'd need different solutions.

    Just to throw some suggestions out there I'll put the following.

    Small and larger things we can do to improve or eliminate slugging, hopefully without breaking game balance like basekit UB did in the test:

    • Give killers a buff or reward for hooking survivors that greatly outweighs slugging, the killer now has no reason to slug over hooking. Can be coupled with a system to reward different hooks or a hook/death system rework to also disincentivize tunneling.
    • Make hooks not despawn. Why is this even still a thing?
    • fix hook RNG so that we no longer have "hook dead zones" where you physically can't hook the survivors.
    • If, and only if, you fix hook spawn, remove saboing, and remove hooks breaking, you can debuff the killer for each survivor left on the floor for over 15 seconds with a speed penalty and/or disabling their power to account for killers like Nurse, who don't care about their movement speed.
    • Remove hatch, the need to slug the last 2 survivors to avoid losing a kill to RNG is gone. Slugging is way less incentivized than before.
    • Remove bleedout timer, survivors can be on the floor indefinitely. Killer needs to hook or mori to win. Remove hook sabo to avoid abuse by survivors. To avoid abuse by the killer to BM, we can also use suggestion #4, and/or once all remaining survivors are down for over 30 seconds they will be sacrificed. Makes slugging for kills way harder since you cant slug someone long enough for them to die unless you get everyone all at once and you might also be debuffed.

    There are other solutions to test that are not buffing the survivors with basekit abilities that will break the game balance since they will abuse anything they can as the past has shown multiple times. If you really want to stick to punishing killers, I suppose #4 and/or #6 would be the best bet from what I offered.

    You can't just debuff killers alone, as there are different reasons why someone slugs, some of which are out of the killers control.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited May 2023

    So anyway, wanting a solution to unnecessary and toxic slugging is not entitlement. Its seen as entitlement by those who think this kind of playstyle is Ok, or do it themselves. It is not Ok. It should not be a possibility as I stated in the title of this thread. Blatantly leaving the entire survivor team on the ground and refusing to hook them is a situation that should never happen for the entirety of the bleedout timer.

    So here is one solution I have come up with that I think would solve the problem pretty fast. Since I don't think the situation of entire team slugging should exist and that the killer should be punished for doing it, I think if a killer slugs the entire team and leaves them all on the ground for more than a minute then the entity kills the killer and the survivor team wins. The entity would basically become angry with the killer for refusing it sacrifices. It would be the same thing as when survivors don't make it out of the exit gate in time before the end game collapse timer runs out. If the killer knows they'll lose in a humiliating way, they won't do this if they care at all about getting "kills" by any means. The killer gets punished and the survivors get rewarded by the entity by having a hatch spawn where the killer died so they all can escape. I think thats a creative and fun way to deal with the problem if we don't have full recovery basekit options.

    "But what if the whole team goes to a place where the killer can't hook anyone?"

    Then knock them all down and pick them up. The 1 minute timer would reset after each pickup so if the survivor insist on going back to the same spot after each time they wiggle off then they will bleedout anyway and the killer won't risk dying to the entity for refusing to at least try to hook them. The killer's objective goals should be always actively trying to eliminate survivors, preferably by hooks, without resorting to full team slugging that wastes everyone's time.

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 429

    A basekit unbreakable isn't whats needed to fix this because that then punishes killers who have to do this due to boil over tactics or survivors crawling to a location where there are 0 hooks nearby.

    On the flip side the finisher mori thing they tried that ended the game once all survivors were in the dying state also doesn't work because it then limits the use of unbreakable, flipflop, boon exponential plays.

    What would help this is to speed up bleed out once all survivors are in the dying state. For example once all 4 survivors are in the dying state the bleed out time goes from 4 minutes to just 1 minutes. This would still allow for unbreakable plays (and of course bring bleed out back to 4 mins for anyone left on the floor) but would allow both killers and survivors to end the game faster in situations like this or situations where the survivors are forcing this due to no hooks or boil over plays.

  • clowninabout
    clowninabout Member Posts: 133

    Yeah as far as I'm aware mmr and emblem/rating systems are completely seperate things. Also it isn't treated as a 1v4 situation, the game considers the match to be 4 1v1's. So my best educated guess would be that the game calculates your mmr award based on the end result for the survivor. Alive, dead or hatch, we already know hatch returns a null result to mmr and whether you are bleed out or hooked 3 times or even just once doesn't matter, survivor is either dead or alive.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,239

    how would unbreakable help you in this situation when two survivors are alive? The killer is purposely being toxic and slugging you to extend the game. The finisher mori would fix killer being toxic to survivors. Unless they majorly make bleed out more of threat for survivor, I do not understand why survivor would be getting unbreakable to their kit.

  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 457

    The devs never said bleed outs were considered kills and game is not counting bleed outs as kills, in fact it's DEDUCTING them from the kill count. It can logically be seen that bleed outs are not considered kills.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,683

    It’s not a rare occasion. I very often encounter survivors that will do this out of spite. It doesn’t even require any special perks or items sometimes. It just requires survivors to run to certain spots, where there aren’t any hooks in range.

    If you want killers to be punished if they don’t hook survivors, then there needs to be more reliable ways for killers to hook survivors. We shouldn’t have these situations where the best play is letting someone bleed out, just because a survivor is trying to avoid getting hooked out of spite.

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,021
    edited May 2023

    DbD has a history of inconsistencies and not always following logical conclusions. It doesn't matter that the devs never said that bleedouts were kills as far as MMR is concerned. The game's code is constantly being datamined for information and that includes how MMR works. The devs can say or not say whatever they want, the game's code doesn't care. If MMR is coded to count bleedout as kills (which it is), then that is what matters, not what anyone "says", or worse, "feels".

    Oh, btw, do try and edit the wiki's MMR page, since you believe "anyone can edit" it, you'll see for yourself how that statement absolutely doesn't hold true for that wiki. Unless editors provide the wiki admins with solid proof, "anyone's" edits are reverted. The wiki mods are incredibly vigilant about that stuff.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    No kill/escape should be guaranteed . Isn't that why DS and Off the Record are de-activated in end game? SO as not to be a guaranteed escape? Why should the killer be able to guarantee 4k by slugging indefinitely one survivor?

    Basekit UB should come for the last survivors. Maybe killers won't play as greedy if there's a timer. Get your guaranteed 3k and if you're lucky you get 4k. Don't force it.

    Slugging throughout the rest of the game will still be a strategy.

    You don't need a guaranteed 4k.

    Bring basekit UB for 2 last survivors, there I said it.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,683

    If that is implemented, then the last two survivors might try as hard as possible to get knocked down in a place where the killer can’t hook them.

    It would be better if the game officially considered 3k and 4k to be the same thing. The game should consider a 3k and 4k to both be be merciless, allow 3k to be good enough for adepts, allow 3k to be good enough for iri emblems, award the same BPs for 3k and 4k, and award the same MMR increases for 3k and 4k.

    But the game can’t constantly advertise a 4k as “winning more” than a 3k, then expect killlers to be content with 3ks

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941
    edited May 2023

    I agree with you that 3k should allow for adepts, I have no disagreement there.

    The first point seems an issue with SWF. I find it hard to believe when survivors are random they'd do something like that (imo there's no point). They usually just wanna escape. I mean you could just also make another change and if Killer knocks the same survivor 3 times when only 2 are left he just bleeds out instantly. Or simply limit it to 2 times.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,683

    Solo survivors sometimes do this too, out of spite. Even if the survivors know they are going to lose, some of them will purposely place themselves in situations where they can’t be hooked, so the killer doesn’t get the full sacrifice bonus. And sometimes if you try to carry them to a hook anyway, they’ll wiggle off, then immediately run right back to the spot where they can’t be hooked, again, out of spite.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Ok, what about killers who slug you out of spite then? How should that be handled?

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,683

    if a survivor is slugged for too long, teleport them to a hook, and remove that survivor’s ability to attempt self unhooks.

    That way, you can fix the slugging problem without nerfing killers in the process.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    I prefer basekit UB to be honest when 2 are left than your idea. Your idea still favors the killer and gives him ample time to look for the 4th survivor. Should not be like that. Being greedy should come with a risk. Killer just saves time by not hooking the survivor, now imagine killer defending his slug when survivors are trying to get up a teammate who's recovered. No thanks. LOL, remove survivors ability to self unhook, are you serious? (what if they have Deliverance). Are you actually asking for a killer buff here? I thought you were more concerned about toxicity.

    I just rather argue for slugging for the 4k not being such a big thing anymore. If DS and Off the Record get de-activated at end game because it's a guaranteed escape (I know, I'm repeating myself here), slugging when 2 are left should also be less of a guaranteed 4k-3k. Take your 3k or settle at 2k if you play too greedy. End of story.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited May 2023

    There's a difference between getting a guaranteed kill/escape because of a perk just because you hit end game and earning a kill/escape through your own work.

    The killer earned that kill by getting down to 1-2 survivor before the gens got done. They just don't wanted to get their kill cheated out by hatch RNG, which iirc the devs stated mainly exist so the last survivor has a reason to keep playing and doesn't just hide indefinitely. It's literally an anti-spite/selfish mechanic that rewards the person they're trying to prevent from being spiteful/selfish by cheating out the person who earned their "point" (kill). Then they get a 2nd chance to cheat out because the gates get powered lol.

    Nothing like that exist for killer and you want to add a 3rd for survivor. I say no. I don't even think we should have the 1st.

    Remove hatch and make the last 2 situation not a potential kill robbery x2 if you decide to go down to 1and slugging amounts in that situation would drop through the floor.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,683

    Basekit UB would be a giant nerf to killers, because if the 3rd survivor purposely places themselves in a situation where the killer can’t hook them, they get rewarded by being able to self pickup.

    Anti-slugging mechanics are only good if survivors can’t abuse them by purposely placing themselves in situations where they can’t be hooked.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941
    edited May 2023

    It's not through your own work when bleedout timer is 4 mins. You have 4 whole mins to catch the last survivor when the map has no longer resources and your teammate is useless lying on the floor. Even the worst killer player can get a down that way, don't exagerrate. It's a gamemechanic/exploit that allows you to chill at that point. The survivor is slugged, you have time to get your 4k, just not indefinitely. You can also just go back and reslug them if you're that greedy for the 4k.

    If i make it to end game then with my 3 teammates then I also earned my escape, so DS and Off the Record should not de-activate. I played perfectly until that point, why do I have to be short of a perk when the game continues?

    Why should I get cheated out of deserved win if I played perfectly 95% of the match but misstep (or a teammate makes a mistake) and I end up dying. That's also RNG.

    If I cannot chill at any point in the game as a survivor, Killer should not be able to either. He should not be guaranteed anything. That's only fair.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Bro, just hook him. Most of the time you can hook them. If you're so worried just bring the offering to make hooks spawn closer or bring a Mori. As it is now, it's not fair atm that killer can slug a survivor for an indefinite amount of time (4 mins is a lot of time in DBD) so he can get the last guy. Killers freak out when a chase takes a bit too long, 4min of chill time for the killer to look for the other survivor is a lot of time.

    A killer who wants to get a 4k hardly cares about wasting time (see 3 gen killers at their peak slowing games immensely), please don't make any more excuses. You just don't want 4k denied if you get too greedy. The thing is that killers who wanna try hard can bring anything busted. Putrid Oak tree is an offering to counter the thing you're worried about, the Mori is even better because you don't even have to carry the survivor to a hook anyway if he already has 2 hooks.

    Survivors unless in a SWF cannot co-ordinate to bring the stuff that counter killer strategies. Killers have more control that survivors (again SWF is the exception).

    Killer wasting too much time chasing a survivor is a mistake, I don't understand why it should not be a non-factor when 2 are left. It's also a big reward for the killer to have 4 mins to do whatever he wants to find the other survivor. But you're used to it, that's why it does not look like a huge deal to you. The thing is that atm the freedom the killer has when 2 are left is not fair and it should involve more risk for such a strategy. Strategies that are low risk high reward are broken (and slugging for the 4k is high reward and low risk since it's very hard for both of them to escape). It should be a high risk higher reward strategy for someone who is really intend on winng. 3k is a win already.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited May 2023


    What does the timer amount have to do with anything in regards to your own work? It could be 10 minuets and the fact of the matter is you still had to chase and down that person and you have to find the next one. It's not an exploit. The last survivor can hid in a corner or locker jump for 4 minuets and still escape through hatch. What does that have to do with "chilling". How stressful it is is irrelevant.

    You might have to explain that point a little more. It's not making sense.

    You didn't earn your escape just because you existed in the match until endgame, maybe by hiding in a corner. You still need to survivor until you get out. Those perks make it guaranteed that you get out with nothing the killer can realistically do about it just because you're existing with the perks equipped at endgame.

    If all survivors get downed then they lost, its the same as if all got hooked. The killer had to chase and down each individual one, they didn't just exist and the survivors just fall down because of a perk they had. Imagine killer had a perk like that "Once the gates are powered, all survivors enter the dying state", that's the closest equivalent to endgame DS and OTR.

    "Why should I get cheated out of deserved win if I played perfectly 95% of the match but misstep (or a teammate makes a mistake) and I end up dying. That's also RNG."

    Because you or your team messed up? It's a team based game. Unfortunately, that means sometimes your team will mess you up. Its part of any team game. That's not cheating you out, you messed it up yourself.

    That's different from the game giving the killer a cop out like basekit bloodwarden on the last survivor if 3 escape and a switch the survivor and killer have to find that if the killer finds it instantly sacrifices the last survivor. Like the hatch is for survivor.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,683

    If I’m not in range of a hook, and the survivor starts wiggling, then they can get dropped and bled out. I refuse to be nice, when survivors are purposely placing themselves in situations where they can’t be hooked. Survivors know exactly what they are doing, and they’re being spiteful.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    It's not so much spiteful many times but more of a Hail Mary play. If you're placed on a hook there's no chance you'll get the Hatch. If you get left on the ground there's a small chance you get the Hatch.

    I'm completely fine with that but, as with Boil Over, Sabo'ing and equipping a Power Struggle build, I'm expecting a bleed out and certainly don't hold it against the Killer. If I play something that may work but is as likely or even likely to make a bleedout the most strategically wise move I certainly don't have a right to complain about getting bled out.

    Some people seem to feel they can still complain about getting bled out but, no, you signed up for that possibility as soon as perks like Boil Over, Power Struggle, Flip Flop, etc hit your loadout bar. What I would say to them is don't complain about something you signed up for. There are a few bleed outs just to be toxic but, to be honest, I don't teabag or BM and I get bled out for spite less than 1 in 50 games. It's a pretty rare occurrence in my experience.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    No one asked you to be nice, you are getting triggered out of a hypothetical situation. Just bring the mori and the putrid offering. There's nothing nice about either of those. You have more control over your gameplay than survivors have unless SWF. I don't understand what's so difficult about accepting that solo survivor has issues. You don't see me saying stuff like "If a killer hits me on hook 3 times I should be automatically unhooked" or something like that. Come one now. Is it the toxicity that bothers you about that? Or is it the small buff survivors will get. You confuse me with what is really bothering you.

    If you think it happens a lot more often than killers being toxic, then it's on you to bring statistics.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,683

    This isn’t a hypothetical situation. It literally happens a lot in my games. And there isn’t any “getting triggered”, I’m just telling you what I do in my games. If survivors don’t want to be hooked, then they can bleed out on the ground. It’s not really a big deal. But survivors should give up their right to complain about getting bled out, if they are purposely placing themselves in situations where the killer can’t reliably hook them.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Yes, survivors don't want to be hooked. You make it sound like every time a killer downs a survivor they should crawl to the nearest hook and save the killer the trouble of picking them up. Leaving a survivor on the ground for an entire bleedout is far worse than worrying if they will be able to wiggle off or not. And if they do and go back to the same spot, they'll bleed out eventually anyway. Most survivors don't do this, so there needs to be a solution to unnecessary slugging and killers who simply refuse to even try to hook survivors.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Just provide the stats? Just because something feels common doesn't mean it is as common as you believe, it's like the people crying "omg the killer is tunneling 90% of the time and camping". Two very common problems (I should know, the last 3 Bubba's I played all litterally facecamped at first hook). It would be misleading of me though to claim that facecamping is prevalent in over 50% of my games, because truth be told unless I track at least 100 games to have a sample I'm just making baseless claims.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    This has happened to me several more times since I made this post. There are too many killers in this game who simply refuse to hook survivors. This has to stop. The game just simply is not fun to play when this is the norm. It shouldn't have come to a point where we need basekit anti slugging abilities to deal with this problem but it has been a problem for too long. The killer should not be rewarded for playing like this. It should be in every way against them to leave survivors on the ground for prolonged periods of time. Survivors should naturally recover, not naturally die when they are on the ground. It shouldn't be the "dying" state. It should be the wounded state that you fully recover from after a period of time.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,438

    I had a killer do this now on Midwich. Slugged me and then left to find the last survivor. I had a gut feeling about hatch so didn't recover, just crawled, and sure enough hatch literally opened right in front of me as soon as the last survivor died. That was nice.

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    When there are only 2 survivors left I quite agree, since it's boring being slugged for the 4k. However, it should have a limitation, for example the first time it takes 20 seconds to heal from the dying state, the second time 30 and so on.

    When all survivors are in dying state is just stupid, because sometimes you NEED to put all survivors in dying state, for example sabo squad. I remember a sabo squad with 4 unbreakable, I sent all survs in dying state 5 times to be able to hook and kill everyone, because every time I tried to hook someone all hooks were destroyed instantly. So here I needed to slug and to send all survs into dying state at the same time to be able to win.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    This is becoming very common in all my matches. I especially dislike it when the killer is so thirsty for that 4K they leave someone slugged and try to find me (or the other person)

    I have to resort to hiding very carefully and bringing the hatch perk or sole survivor. It's like, get your 4K proper, without resorting to slugging. I don't mind losing at all, I just dislike laying there doing nothing or having to hide while my poor team mate bleeds out.

    I realize I always have the option of just letting the killer find me and ending it, but then that just encourages that type of game play. Very childish.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Oh yeah this shouldn't happen, this is why basekit mori should be added so killers can't waste time on already lost match.

    Basekit unbreakable isn't needed because that is just straight up unnecessary buff, when killer finds both survivors and downed them, he should deserve a 4k.

    Also this can indirectly help with literal "can't hook because no hook nearby" situation too, finisher mori is a best QoL change we can have.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,703

    This is kinda the killer equivalent of waiting at the exit gate until the EGC timer has all but drained, so my opinion on it is kinda the same as that.

    Yeah it's frustrating, but changing a game mechanic just because some people use it to be mean sometimes is a questionable decision at best. I wouldn't mind the bleedout timer draining faster in these scenarios though, kinda like the inverse of EGC timer draining slower if someone is dying/hooked.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    Be careful, though! Its this kind of thinking that got basically all killers gen regression nerfed.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    Wow dude, take a chill pill, please.

    Well yeah, I know that slugging for the 4K can be tedious and feel pretty uncool, but there are mechanics tied to it, like the Adept Achievments; or a couple of old tome challenges; or the killer might just want to ranking up and doesn't want to risk not to pip and then loose all 4 pips in a series of bad games (this happens really often and is an endless source of salt and sadness); and sometimes, well, the killer just wants a 4K.

    I know its sucks, but reverse the perspective: if the killer struggled a lot this game and only got, say, 3 hooks on three different survivors, when you pop the last gen, would you say "you know what? Lets not ruin this guys one kill by going for an easy save by swarming the hook with three healthy survivors, lets just leave"? In over 2k hours I never saw this ONCE.

    BUT bleeding out a couple of survivors for an extented period of time is pretty scummy, I give you that. Its not that I havn't done it myself, though, mostly to get back to a really obnoxious bully squad and pay them in their own medicine. I gurantee you that for every 4min bleedout you suffer through, a typical killer player will experience 4-10 two minutes twearking sessions at the exit gates, if they decide not to chase the survivors out.

    And while one wrong doesn't right another, it at least might offer an explaination. It would be nice if we had mechanics in place that would prohibit both behaviours. Until then it seems that both sides will suffer.