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PC Network Issues

For the past week or so I have been constantly having connection issues where I'm kicked from a lobby or unable to hit the back button once selecting Survivor or Killer. This is not due to internet connection issues as my internet is very stable. It only happens in DBD. I also have no connection issues in a match, just in the menus. I also often get kicked to the "Press space to continue" screen after a match ends.
Again the connection issue doesn't happen with any other games and I experience no packet loss when pinging other servers.
There is an ongoing thread about this issue with about 70 comments under "Forcefully Kicked from Match" by chesnoodle.
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i have a different issue. I used to get 95 ping 2 weeks ago, they released some stupid 50 mb update and now ping is constantly on 135-150 and its not going back to what it used to be, anyone have any idea why its like this or how to fix it or when they will fix it? because its not a problem with my internet either because i had a friend join me and we queued and he also had around the same ping when he also used to get 95 ping too
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You're probably just connecting to more distant servers. Ping is the time it takes for info to travel from you to the server and back. It's likely unrelated to the update.
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Thats what im saying, i used to be put in Frankfurt servers which was the closest to me but now they are forcing me into other servers that are further from me and why is that exactly i dont get it, they should just make a region picker where you get to choose to avoid this stupid problem
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That's just chance. The servers nearest you might be full, so they get the next nearest ones that aren't full. It'll depend on what time of day you're playing and who in your area is playing. That's not a glitch, it's the way the system is supposed to work. It means that either there aren't many servers in Frankfurt, or there are a lot of people playing in Frankfurt. Or possibly a combination of the two.
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heres the thing, i just ran a bunch of tests over the past week because i was sick and tired of this ping crap. I found out that i was actually getting placed into frankfurt servers but my ping was 135 which doesnt make sense because it is the closest to me out of all the other servers they have. I also tried to go into the other EU server which was Ireland or UK i think and i had better ping, i was getting 105, and those places are 1,000 km further from me than frankfurt is so it would make more sense if i was getting 105 ping on frankfurt server and 135 in london or ireland. The closest server to me i have higher ping, a server further than me im getting lower ping. That must mean that some stupid **** is going on with their frankfurt servers and they need to fix them.