New dlc liscense

WHY IS The Walking Dead never discussed as a potential DLC from other players?Is this liscense untouchable?Im sure more than just me would like to see this.Negan could play a killer or survivor even.


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,891
    edited May 2023

    I have seen it being discussed quite often tbh.

    it should be eligible, as TWD has crossovers with other games as well (Fortnite for example) - might just be a question of money similar to Alien?

    though there is also the possibility of Telltales version or the comic book version instead of the show, maybe even parts of all of these?

    edit: imo Negan should still count as a killer as the Entity chooses based on the characters potential and damn is he enjoying the villain part

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    People keep asking for it, but honestly I'm not a fan of the idea of adding TWD.

    Part of that is I already have Negan in Tekken so I'm satisfied with TWD guest content. Having him in DBD would be, for me, a massive technical downgrade after doing 15 hit combo strings into crowning someone with Lucille. I can't be expected to run around rocks and break pallets just to swat survivors with single hits.

    Another part of it is that TWD as a franchise just doesn't have anything to crib powers from. Negan, Governor, The cannibal clan etc. are all just dudes with no special powers or unique skills or even the possibility of maybe there is a special power there. Part of its charm is that these are just regular people at the effective end of world trying to survive. It's extremely grounded to the point that even the zombies aren't particularly interesting or a threat. I get the desire to have whatever your favorite character is from TWD, but I feel DBD needs a bit more unless they wanna make a survivor paragraph or something.

  • Kirarozu
    Kirarozu Member Posts: 240
    edited May 2023

    We already have a killer with a bat. TWD wouldn’t add much killer wise. I could see survivors being added but not killers. Carl from the comic’s maybe… that kid was a psychopath.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619


    please no

    there are better shows than easily preventable infighting simulator

  • Kirarozu
    Kirarozu Member Posts: 240

    Personally I’d rather see Tucker and Dale vs Evil over TWD.

  • Save_Your_Tears
    Save_Your_Tears Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2023

    Ah ok I've never seen people ask for it.I was just curious to see what others thought. I'd definetly buy the survivors Dlc if it ever came.I agree that the survivors fit better than the killers.I think it would bring alot of money to the game but cost alot to get the liscense as well.Thank you everyone for the input.

  • Save_Your_Tears
    Save_Your_Tears Member Posts: 3

    Btw the Alpha and Beta could work as they wore masks so they blended in with the zombies.Something that hasn't been done in Dbd yet being attacked by a player you assume is a AI