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Why do people always overreact to new survivor perks?

Member Posts: 1,081

I don't understand how this keeps happening. Most of the time new survivor perks are really bad, but for some reason every time a PTB comes, there always an outrage about some survivor perk being OP or game breaking. And they never are, they are always niche, ok or just terrible.

In the past year, all of this perks were said to be broken:

  • Hyperfocus
  • Wiretap
  • Reassurance
  • Fogwise
  • Quick Gambit
  • Potential Energy
  • Friendly Competion
  • Blood Rush
  • Cut Loose

Maybe we should wait and see if the perk is really OP instead of seeing niche scenarios on PTB and just asking for nerfs.

None of this perks turned out to be OP, some of them turned out to be really bad.

Maybe the new survivor perks are OP, but honestly with the majority of new survivor perks being so bad, i would like for them to atleast try them out before nerfing them if they are too much.

The devs said they would do quicker balance changes if necessary

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  • Member Posts: 6,030
    edited May 2023

    Agreed, last new survivor perk i used at all was from yoichi

    Post edited by IlliterateGenocide on
  • Member Posts: 1,065

    Still, machine learning looks like a better tinkerer for me, i havent tried it yet but it does not seem a bad perk at all.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    While I don't think they'll break the game by any means I suspect they'll be problematic.

  • Member Posts: 979

    I'll never forget the time when people were freaking out about Counterforce.

  • Member Posts: 1,182

    Some of those perks have never been complained about that much, additionally it's due to BHVR typically putting ridiculously strong one time effects into the game survivor side that have huge game swinging implications(something like blood rush) while killers get beyond mediocre perks that have nowhere near that capability(leverage).

    Survivor players bemoan every patch if there's not a perk on the level of dead hard, old ds, old mom, old CoH, unbreakable, bt before becoming baseline. Or they say something akin to "yeah it's broken but a solo guy playing Spotify and talking to his friends while petting his dog can't pull it off so it's actually weak". Reassurance is a great example of a perk that is still plenty strong but because it didn't literally turn off hook stages like in PTB survivors call it worthless/bad. Meanwhile killers get perks like leverage, septic touch, terminus, etc.

  • Member Posts: 5,960
    edited May 2023

    Tinkerer works for every gen. Machine Learning works once per match.

    Don't get me wrong, the effect is good but the fact that it only works once and then deactivates is a huge downside. Unlike Lethal Pursuer it has no further effect and it isn't as valuable (at least for me) to get a considerable easier hit one time. Because it won't do much more than that.

    Blood Pact: Strong effect with severe limitations. It's not as versatile as getting a free 3% speed bonus every time your injured.

    Dark Theory: 2% in a limited area and only as long as the boon is active. Weaker effect and more ristricted.

    Teamwork: Power of Two: It's pretty much a meme. Even, if it was a 10% speed bonus it would still be weak because it only works with 2 survivors in a range of 12 metres from each other. The effect once again isn't bad but the risk you take by being so close together, which makes looping almost impossible because you will get in each others way renders the perk too risky to be good.

    Hope: Very strong perk. Only you need to finish all 5 gens before it actually does something, which limits you to play with 3 perks throughout the match.

  • Member Posts: 1,187

    Well cause usually in ptb they are crazy and they have to be nerfed for full release then it seems like people have overreacted but really it was just nerfed for full release. (Amazing in PTB, balanced in full release)

  • Member Posts: 2,426
    edited May 2023

    Happens on both sides.

    People overvalue the perks and the killers power by a lot usually.

    Last chapter people were actually saying "THWACK!" was going to be a great perk, and "Leverage" was going to usher in a new age of healing slowdown.

    Where are both perks? In the trash.

    People were saying Sadako and PH (both) were absolutely busted. Where are they now? Still not strong enough to compete with good teams and never were.

    I've just taken the practice of dropping a killer down a tier or 2 compared to where everyone is saying they're at, same with the perks unless they're obviously and easily busted and/or abused.

    Tbf, "Hyperfocus" can be/is disgusting, it just needs more work than most players want to put in (thankfully).

  • Member Posts: 2,089

    Because whether or not it's 100% true, the community perception is that complaining early, loudly, and as often as humanly possible gets things nerfed before they go live.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Remember people thought Overcome was going to be better then old dead hard?

  • Member Posts: 2,426
    edited May 2023

    Content creators do this every PTB with all the perks unless they are unsalvageable. If they can force the perk value on the PTB against survivors clearly not great at the game or messing around, it's "insane". I don't remember who, but they did the same thing with "THWACK!", saying its going into their builds forever. 2 days later, gone from builds lol.

  • Member Posts: 1,065
    edited May 2023

    Did you honestly ever, ever seen someone use Blood Rush and make you feel it was a ridiculously strong one time effect with huge game swinging implications?

    I dont want to be that guy telling "show me video evidence for this" But i havent seen any kind of play using this perk aside from ptb testing and doing tome challenges.

    Now i agree that killer's got some mediocre perks released but the same or worse happened to survivor. Except for some outliers like Coh(which has been nerfed 3 times already), Reassurance and maybe Hyperfocus none of the other recently added perks had been used consistently.

  • Member Posts: 1,526

    Maybe im dumb but how is it an alternative to exhaustion perks, can't I just use deadhard and lithe along with it and trigger them when the 3% is not enough to counter bloodlust? Like I see it having very good synergy with those exhaustion perks.

  • Member Posts: 862

    Yall really think survivors are gonna switch out their ol reliable Prove Thyself for a niche perk like Scavenger...absolutely not.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    People love overreacting in this community in general.

  • Member Posts: 22,851
    edited May 2023
  • Member Posts: 512

    Maybe because two of the new survivor perks are two of the most busted they have ever released, do behaviour not have an internal play tester who tests these things before release. The biggest complaint of killer’s by a mile these days is genrushing, so why on earth would they release a perk like scavenger is beyond me.

  • Member Posts: 512

    You’re wrong it doesn’t cause exhaustion, only can’t be used when exhausted. It’s gonna bring dead hard back to meta too.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    You cannot compare those two perks at all. Just because 7%>3% doesn’t mean that the perk with the 7% haste is better. Look at all the other factors to it.

    For the killer to get the 7% haste from Machine Learning, they need to kick multiple gens and survivors need to complete that gen that was kicked second, and the killer only gets the movement speed for 30 seconds. With Made for This, the survivor gets 3% haste for simply just being injured, no other requirements.

    You cannot compare the two at all.

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    Because worst case scenarios hold the most ground in our heads. Hyperfocus+stakeout vastly boosted genrushing especially with bnp, so people got scared that combo would become meta and called for nerfs. But turns out hyperfocus equires a build around it to be worth bringing over other perks, so its completely fine.

    wiretap was thought to make looping way too easy bc some gens have tiles around them, but survivors try to loop AWAY from the generators with progress so they get completed. This worry ignored how survs actually play, looping with wiretap is throwing unless totally necessary.

    Reassurance, while not overpowered, is INCREDIBLY good. It cuts killer pressure in half for 30s, bc 2 ppl normally need to be off gens when someones hook but with reassurance it cuts down to 1 for 30s. Very strong, and also very strong anti camp. On the ptb though, everyone could bring reassurance and a survivor on hook wouldn't die. But that got removed so its all good.

    Fogwise - crossmap aura reading for 1 skillcheck. People thought it'd provide way too much info, especially to swfs. but rng and the fact its gen exclusive makes it less useful.

    Bloodrush - old sprintburst flashbacks, click f to go speedge? ppl were terrified lmao, but it has so many activation conditions that its useless.

    Potential energy- instant 20% is scary, what else can I say?

    quick gambit, friendly competition, cut loose, are all TERRIBLE. people afraid of these are either bad at the game or dont understand why they suck.

    Most killers look at "OMG 3% BOOST??" and think, "well huntress is gonna suck now, effective 107% killer." and stuff like that forgetting lower speed killers have ways to go nyoom or down survivors quicker. as a killer player I was actually afraid of fogwise on the ptb, but after a while I saw people stop using it because there were just better perks to bring. lots of times on ptbs the perks are actually insane and need nerfs (looking at you ptb reassurance) or are straight up unhealthy.

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    It's cause BHVR wants to make perks that will be used (so that it will be nerfed later... LOL)

    But also the fact that players on the PTB are playing the same as live... not using the new perks unless provoked and make an entire build centered around it... then call it weak if they die

    All in all... it's us as players of the game...

  • Member Posts: 1,526

    Yes I know that but what stops me from using it alongside with lithe/deadhard and using the speed boost until when I see the bloodlust is catching up then triggering my exhaustion perk?

  • Member Posts: 5,960

    That's right. But it sure does apply before using these perks. Run Balanced Landing as a plan B and you have a very good chase build. DH would also have great synergy with it.

  • Member Posts: 8,328

    In the interest of balance, I think it's important to point out that means the killer's anti-exhaustion tools are twice as effective, considering they're disabling two perks instead of the usual one.

  • Member Posts: 5,960
    edited May 2023

    Very true. I must admit, that I did not consider this.

    Although, there aren't a lot of good tools killers have to cause the exhaustion effect. Some killers have addons to do that and I guess there is always Mind Breaker but that's about it. Blood Echo isn't really reliable enough to take up 25% of the killer's perks.

  • Member Posts: 8,328
    edited May 2023

    True enough! Honestly, I think the Singularity's new anti-Exhaustion perk might be one of the better ones once it hits live.

  • Member Posts: 436

    You mean why is the Internet the Internet?

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    I mean Dark Theory allows survivors to run faster (and vault faster too) yet I’ve seen that perk used only once since Yoichi released. And that one doesn’t even require a survivor to be injured.

  • Member Posts: 5,960

    As I said, it's only active in a limited area and only as long as the boon is active. These are 2 massive downsides, that render the perk too situational to be good. That is not the case with Made For This.

  • Member Posts: 3,322
    edited May 2023

    Personally, I think Dark Theory is quite comparable to Made for This. True, DT exists in a finite area. But a limited area is a place where a survivor would be looping, at least partially. Unless they’re running you across the map which would be humiliating & have zero to do with any perk.

    I’ll concede that Dark Theory requires some strategy. But Made for This does too. And it doesn’t increase vault speed. What it does do is exchange a health state for a small boost to running forward. So maybe it’s better for hold W strategies but I think Dark Theory is more beneficial for looping.

    In any case, you’re giving hysteria & fear mongering. And that’s distressing. I hope you laughed cuz you’re a killer main. :)

  • Member Posts: 22,851

    "You’re wrong it doesn’t cause exhaustion,"

    Show me where I said it makes you exhausted. I said it cannot be used with a single exhaustion perk, because it deactivates when exhausted.

  • Member Posts: 512

    It can be used with any exhaustion perk except sprint burst.

  • Member Posts: 22,851

    That isn't a quote of where I said it caused exhaustion.

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