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Is Pain Res bugged?

Ech0es Member Posts: 11

It says it has a token for each individual survivor, but in reality, the killer can hook the same person twice and get value out of it (it still uses the token.)

It happened many times in my games recently, and it is really annoying. I don't know if it's a bug or if it's intended, but reading the perk's description, it makes no sense.

(Pain Resonance)

Best Answer

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,185
    Answer ✓

    I definitely didn’t have this effect a few days ago when playing killer so it does sound like a bug.

    You can look into the bug reports if it’s already reported, if not create a new report and try to add more info (which killer, other perks, etc) - if possible provide a clip:
