Slugging makes me wanna quit this game

JillValentineResi5 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6
edited May 2023 in General Discussions

I swear like literal garbage why is that an ability anyway, getting punished for playing good, what's the point of us even finishing generators or having these perks if they're just gonna get mad and knock us all down. "Oh I can fix generators but I have to pace myself because if I do them to fast we will get slugged" oh I can wiggle down but not to much because if I get down constantly I'll get slugged" I can heal my teammates but not to much because we will get slugged " I don't understand why is it even in their hands to decide what's ok to do or not . "Oh because you used this perk or because you fixed generators to fast. " this is not an excuse to just abuse that ability I don't even know why it's something to even be used especially when you start losing that what you result to or if someone has boil over and gets down you take it out on everyone. Make us all bleed out because you got upset and get tons of points and that's all you have to do to win and its nothing we can do about it . We can't even leave without being penalized so we're forced to wait while the killer just sits and have a entire good time doing nothing and end up with the most points because that's all they have to do , we can't get points without going in the match asking ourselves should we do this will we be in the match long because of this . Its beyond annoying and this wasn't the advertisement on the game and wasn't what I signed up for so when the new update comes if its nothing like us not having to bleed out or taking slugging away I won't be playing anymore. & ps to the people who wanna contradict me I won't respond to it your comment will just be sitting here

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • JillValentineResi5
    JillValentineResi5 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

    I'm glad someone is seeing this...but no mither is usually you're already hurt and hooked and unbreakable worked once ... and timing it right you still get hit down or you've crawled to a hook or they're standing over you

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I made a thread about this a few days ago. I've long seen slugging as a major problem in this game. It ruins the survivor experience and feels unnatural to the game.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,365

    Not sure what can be done about this. Some killers power pretty much make u slug but i understand being on the ground forever is just boring. The unbreakable basekit was to strong but maybe they can salvage it? idk

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    Slugging creates pressure without having to spend time hooking. With the dwindling amount of playstyles for Killer, expect more slugging in the future

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    There’s only one way to stop it, and that’s if people get tired of it they just stop playing, at that point it will be a wake up call

  • lifeisstrange
    lifeisstrange Member Posts: 300

    The most annoying part of it am tired of when its just me and 1 other person and they slug me to find the last person or they slug the third person to find me, just put me or the damn person on the hook already so I can move on to another game. When I play killer I just do not have the patient to slug for 4k, If the 4th person got hatch kudos to them. If anything I do like the mini game of who find hatch first anyways. Well hopefully it be addressed, took them long about camping so maybe maybe soon tunneling/slugging next.

  • LuthirFontaine
    LuthirFontaine Member Posts: 375

    I got slugged and the Wesker danced untill I bleed out .. think he was saying great job on looping me for so long?

  • JillValentineResi5
    JillValentineResi5 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

    If you were playing well and you would actually hitting people down and hook them it wouldn't be a problem. And you can counter gen rushing we can't counter slugging me myself can't do anything without another survivor and even then you're hitting everyone down . It's the fact you guys really try to make these solutions like its just all easy and you have no reason to complain about anything. You get gen destroying points off of just oppression so you don't even have to touch anything. The dev's hold your hand the game is completely catered to you guys. And you guys say it's our fault we get slugged ? Just because we get generators done some of us just don't miss skill checks so like I don't know why you have to put it on everyone. And its fact you make up all analogies and have no proof of it but I have multiple clips saved of any of the stuff I said happening so you can't say anything I said was a lie . You hate gen when we get gens done which how were gonna escape like I said you want us to pace ourselves or that's what you resort to

  • JillValentineResi5
    JillValentineResi5 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

    Exactly like I can't make this up like this is an actual occurrence this isn't a miraculous conception we made up so I don't know why they try to make it like it never happens

  • JillValentineResi5
    JillValentineResi5 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

    So you can discuss it among yourselves I stated my opinion I don't know why you people just come up with this none sense just to try and argue . Its clearly on why the killer hit all of us either we got gens before they got a hook or someone had boil over and they're taking it out on everyone. And you're the only one who complained about it and you pointing that this is a discuss board to what get people to bandwagon you ? Or get the mods to take it down? Then you're putting words in my mouth I said I'm not responding to people who are gonna try to contradict me and make it seem like something else when it's not. You don't have to do that because it doenst conform to your narrow view of the game

  • JillValentineResi5
    JillValentineResi5 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

    And expect more reports in the future and if that's the case why isn't it where we don't bleed out ?? Its not fair we come into the game playing really good just to suffer while we have to sit this out bleeding out and the killer does nothing and gets max points ... especially if I brought bloody streamers just for me not to get it you stole that from me . This us every match and it only takes one small thing to set a killer off to do it

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    "I'm only being slugged because I'm TOO GOOD at the game."

    Yeah, sure.

    If your entire team is knocked down and slugged on the ground, then no, you're not too good at the game.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    You probably have a valid point to convey there but I’m not seeing it. If you got hit and went down, it means that you didn’t escape the chase. If you didn’t escape the chase because you were caught in a bad position, where is the good gameplay you are referring to?

  • Dark_Alex
    Dark_Alex Member Posts: 91
    edited May 2023

    It's not your fault that the killer laid you down. (Well, kind of yours, actually, because the game gives you every opportunity to avoid it.) Sometimes, after a successful chase, the killer has a higher priority than gaining an extra hook stage. For example, he might be protecting a hot generator right now, giving a free hit to a nearby survivor, or otherwise building up pressure.

    + Picking up from the ground in front of witnesses is a free way to lose a newly gained advantage due to a pallet or a flashlight, so the killer will try to drive off the rescuers or even start a new chase if he catches them out of position.

    While you're on the ground, not only are you not doing any good for the team, you're also requiring attention to get back to full capacity. In difficult situations, the same as hooking, but without wasting 15-20 seconds.

  • ComancheNative
    ComancheNative Member Posts: 4

    I think a lot of survivors would agree there are a lot of add-on skills and perks to help in situations like that besides relying on teammates if you're not solo queuing but Killers will do what Killers do if they know survivors didn't bring the right skill perks then expect slugging until dead by the daylight fixes it like they did face camping but how much is enough to make everyone happy that they get a win all the time... killers job is to put survivors on hooks and to stop survivors from leaving also the only killers that can do tea bags is ghostface and the pig and believe me the other killers are so jealous of them lol

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 658

    It’s because killers waste time hooking. With Eruption and Jolt you preferably want to slug.

  • Wiccamanplays
    Wiccamanplays Member Posts: 147
    edited May 2023

    There are 3 distinct scenarios which fall under the term 'slugging':

    1 Downing multiple Survivors before hooking any of them. This is either a necessary part of a Killer's playstyle (think Twins, Tier 3 Myers or Oni during Blood Fury) or because Survivors have made a big mistake and grouped up too close when vulnerable in some way. Whether or not this is fair is debatable, but would require massive Killer overhauls to change.

    2 Downing a survivor and not hooking them because hooking is impossible or inadvisable (you know they have DS up/they're running Boil Over and they've run to the top of Eyrie / another Survivor has sabotaged your hook or is hanging around with a flashlight). That's forced by Survivors' choices, not the Killer's, so don't complain when it happens.

    3 Downing a Survivor to 'punish' or grief them. This is the one that actually needs addressing. As someone who's been on both sides of this, there's definitely shades of grey: I don't think a Pig should use map offerings and an incredibly specific build to allow her to slug a team of baby Survivors like me and make us all fully bleed out instead of hooking us and actually playing the game, but I don't know how you rule out such a niche case. I have slugged Survivors when they've been exceptionally annoying (spamming a window vault in the corner of the map instead of actually playing the game, or refusing to either take hatch or let me hook them when they're the last Survivor) or unsporting to their teammates (farming them for unhooks or trying to gang up with me as Killer against them), because I feel like if their motivation is to waste someone else's time then they should know how it feels.

  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 400
    edited May 2023

    I think there are two things here that might help.

    First of all, there are an array of perks to allow you to pick yourself back up (and do so more quickly) if a killer is slugging - Unbreakable from William "Bill" Overbeck, which you have access to, as well as Boon: Exponential from Jonah Vasquez, an Original Survivor, and Tenacity from Detective Tapp, a Licensed Survivor. The first two simply allow you to pick yourself up (one only for you, the other allows anyone to in range of a blessed Boon Totem), and the last one allows you to crawl and recover simultaneously, letting you reposition to pick up and pallet stun the killer, for example. As a note, Tenacity requires you to also run Exponential or Unbreakable, as it doesn't let you pick yourself up.

    The second is that slugging is rarely down to a killer being mad at you- it is usually because they feel they have to to win the game. In the case of Boil Over, they don't have a hook close enough to actually hook the survivor, so they have two options - let you wiggle out or leave you on the ground. In the case of completing the game too fast, a hook provides more pressure than a slug in most cases - exceptions include survivors who refuse to work together (solved by Unbreakable, you don't need anyone else to pick you up) or ones so closely knit that a hook would become impossible (partially helped by Boon: Exponential, as you can all pick yourselves up by sticking near the Boon's radius.). Others include the Hatch being opened by hooking the survivor you just downed when you intend for a 4k match, and others I'm sure I'm forgetting.

    But regardless of the reasons, a situation where all four survivors are slugged simultaneously should be rare, unless you're in a premade stack of four people intending to cause said outcome- and would be made even more rare with the addition of perks like Unbreakable in your kit.

    Regardless, I'd be interested to hear what you want BHVR to do about slugging short of base-kit Unbreakable, something that was tried in a recent PTB and did not make it to the actual game, especially in cases where the alternative is to knowingly pick up a survivor you cannot hook.

  • Jangles
    Jangles Member Posts: 377
    edited May 2023

    What is genrushing? What are survivors supposed to do? Get off the gen and stand there until you have an established lead then try? Like what are you even saying? Is genrushing the nice way of saying "I cant put out enough map pressure to counter my ego of not dropping chase"

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    Are you the OP's alt account? You type EXACTLY like them.

  • Dark_Alex
    Dark_Alex Member Posts: 91

    Then what should the killer do? Kill everyone or as many as you can. What better way to do this than tunneling or camping? Practically same logic.

    (In case you haven't noticed, "letting survivors have fun" is not a category. You don't get paid for this, so appreciate those who let you have fun and don't blame others who just do their job in the most efficient way.)

  • Jangles
    Jangles Member Posts: 377

    You didnt answer the question though. Killers are supposed to kill yeah. I don't care about slugging or tunneling unless its someone watching 4 people bleed out for the lols. If thats how you wanna play then go for your life. I'm talking about gen rushing. Theres no turbo boost gen button. Gen rushing is just you saying you dont understand how pressure works. If you no brain yourself into a 2 minute chase then have 3 gens pop thats on you.

  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 400
    edited May 2023


    we have 0 perks to counter slugging

    Unbreakable, Boon: Exponential, Adrenaline, Tenacity, No Mither, Soul Guard.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    Instead of hooking that survivor you knocked down you let them bleed out ? That’s holding the game hostage

    It is, factually, not holding the game hostage because eventually you bleed out and the game ends.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009
    edited May 2023

    It currently the killer “meta” is to slug survivors whenever the killer pleases.

    No it's not. Sure, they can do it, but that doesn't mean it's effective, which is why many killers don't do it.

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482


    If in 30 seconds they get 2 gens done, enjoy the tunneling, the camping and the slug. Survivors don't seem to play to make the killer have fun, I don't see why I have to play to make survs have fun. You hate kills when the killers get kills done, how killers are supposed to please the entity? If you have a problem with slug, run Unbreakable, No mither, Exponential (I don't remember if exponential it's the boon with unbreakable). I don't think that you face killers that slug every game, like I don't believe people who say they meets 3gen killers every game.

    So why survivors complain about tunneling, camping and slugging? I'm simply doing my job. My job as a killer is to kill you, so if I tunnel you, if I camp you, if I slug you, I'm simply doing my job.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,069

    Just to clarify here, slugging is not holding the game hostage, because the slugged player will eventually bleed out, we can discuss how fun or unfun it is, but it's definitely not holding the game hostage.

    This is aimed at everyone: please let's try to keep the discussion civil, thank you.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    They slug and BM me quite frequently when I loop them for the entire game, meaning, all 5 gens. They over committed. It doesn't bother me, I just alt tab and do something else for a bit.

    A break between matches is welcomed, and fine by me.

    You can also crawl to the corner and just walk away for a few, or crawl in the basement lol.

    Also many, many times when slugged, they find and hook the other person and the hatch spawns right on me!

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    Yes it is holding the game hostage

    It's not. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's against the rules.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,069

    It isn't about catering or anything like that, I'm simply explaining the rules and as you can see here, slugging is not bannable:

    Leaving a match is against the rules, that's why you are penalized if you do it.

  • Jangles
    Jangles Member Posts: 377

    People will complain about the sky being too blue mate. Survivors arent all one person.

  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 400

    Remember that OP stated that slugging was:

    getting punished for playing good

    As such, a team of good players should be able to assuredly benefit from perks like Unbreakable's single up, proper Exponential positioning, Adrenaline's reward for gen progression and No Mither's all-or-nothing playstyle, no? Especially if a killer is so on the brink of losing that slugging is necessitated - not being able to do that should turn the tides.

    Also, plenty of people use Hex Totems. Sure, Ruin isn't what it used to be but I'd be lying if i said I never saw Devour, Undying, NOED or Plaything.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    If your entire team is downed, you're the one who lost, not the killer.

  • Wiccamanplays
    Wiccamanplays Member Posts: 147

    Where did I say it was rare? I was describing a niche situation which was literally the only time where everyone on my team has ever been slugged, and that was clearly the Killer's objective from the very start, since they brought a map offering and build fully geared towards slugging and making it impossible for other Survivors to find and help up other Survivors. I may not play as much Survivor as you but I've only ever encountered that scenario once. The rest of the time more than 1 Survivor was down, I could see either good reasons for the Killer to do it or a failure on the Survivors' part that led to it. If all 4 Survivors are down at once, that means that they either all got downed incredibly quickly, or that the other Survivors have not done their job to pick up downed Survivors while the Killer is otherwise occupied.

    Slugging a Survivor or two is sometimes necessary for a Killer to win a game. Slugging all the Survivors and waiting the full two minutes for them to bleed out is not. In the same way, sometimes camping/defending a hook is a good idea, but we shouldn't encourage face camping the first survivor you down for the duration of the game.

    I don't really know what point you're trying to make with all those random question marks, and to be honest your writing is incoherent and hard to understand. I'm sure it must suck to be slugged, but I honestly do not believe that it's happening to you every game, unless your favourite loadout is a hook distance offering, Boil Over, Tenacity, Flip-Flop and Saboteur.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    "Griefing teammates and working with the killer"

    That's not slugging.

  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 400

    Didn't we just get confirmation of a new feature where BHVR would be responding to reports in the anniversary stream?

    Also, who DMs a random survivor they got in one of their myriad games the results of a report they couldn't be sure was even a result of the game they were in?

  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 400

    by Griefing teammates and potentially working witth the Killer in-game

    This is a survivor report.

    kindly note that we won't be able to disclose the outcome of this report

    One you do not know the outcome of.

    Please stop lying.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,069

    Griefing is many different things, working with the Killer itself is griefing.

    I'm closing this here.

This discussion has been closed.