for the love of god, what the title says, JUST STOP
i dont want to see him in any of my matches i get jumpscared by him way too much in 1 match its horrifying
Okay, no more buffs, but how about giving him an add-on that allows him to permanently stay in stealth mode, survivors canβt break him out of it, he canβt mark people but can see their auras through walls the whole time?
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I just want them to fix his reveal mechanic.
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Or generally just the networking in general. It's awful
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I understand this complaint, but even with it in its current state people don't realize how to play against him. The best way to play against Trapper/GF/Hag, and even a couple other Killers, is to have 1 person dedicated to harassing the power. If 1 person is always disarming traps, or revealing Ghostie, the Killer is largely powerless, and just an M1 machine. Ghostface has 0 anti-loop whatsoever, so that means just drop the pallet or vault the window, you are safe. He has a loud cloak sound on all skins other than the bugged P2W rift cosmetic (but that might be fixed, I refused to use it out of principle), so you can hear him whenever he is close enough to be a threat. To be fair, for deaf/HoH players I can completely understand disliking Ghostie, as there actually is no counterplay at that point. If he is close enough to hear the cloak flap, he is too close for a gen Surv to reach a pallet/window more often than not if relying on visuals only. The reveal mechanic is also very unintuitive, but not to the extreme of solving Pinhead's box without stray chains hitting you. When you actually understand how it works, it is quite consistent, but without practicing in a KYF, its hard to build the muscle memory on both ends.
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Don't worry, it's just as broken from his POV. Heck, I even revealed him while he was entirely behind me. XD
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Ghostface doesn't need a power cooldown buff.
He was overbuffed with his last change when you consider Michael. Why does Michael's power last a minute if GF's power does the same? What?
If anything GF probably needs to have like a 40 second expose as the 30 might have been too short but 60 is too long.
Also why does GF have those stupid white line marks when someone looks at him? Remove them.
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Me on my way to run Vigo's journal: π
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This is why I don't play him. It's all over the place with leaning and revealing. Sometimes you lean and then it gets cancelled, other times a survivor has a staring contest with him completely in the open and he just won't get revealed. Then there's the times when you try to approach from behind a wall and are revealed before the survivors even know you're there.
For the love of the entity, someone please fix this mess.
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Those are strategies that are reliable for SWF but unreliable for solo. I'd assume most people complaining about counters such as these, don't play SWF.
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That would be awesome.
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Because Myers can down everyone with a single tier 3 pop. Of course he still needs a rework/a buff to his stalking.
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*Looks directly at Ghostface to try and reveal him, and he's in the middle of the screen*
Nothing happens.
*Looks away from Ghostface to try to hide from him, but he's in the corner of your screen*
The reveal starts, telling Ghostface which direction to look for you.
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The survivor part makes sense. By deliberate design, Ghostface can make himself unrevealable by revealing less than 33% of his body as he stalks. Part of the counterplay is to flee if ghostface does this, but many survivors just cry "It's broken" and can't accept the fact a killer power can threaten them in the future and that 5s of gen time is not worth the 40 you're on the hook.
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Itβs basically Scratched Mirror Myers but Ghostie Boi edition.
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But what about the people that do wanna be tbagged and jump scared. Don't be bias just cause ur scared of a cute lil boi trying to stick his knife into you and crouch on your faceππ€£
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Heβs certainly an engaging killer. π³
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I've seen cases where the Ghostface stood right in front of them with no cover whatsoever and the survivor couldn't reveal him. It's completely off. Sometimes GF gets revealed in the strangest places and other times he cannot be revealed at all.
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it is completely busted. Sometimes you can get revealed behind walls completely out of line of sight and other times you cant get revealed right in front of a survivor.
Hell the otherday i got revealed by a survivor on the first floor of gideon's while I was on the second. I was in the freezer where there is absolutely zero LOS.
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Wish granted, we won't buff him anymore but changes base terror radius of every killers to zero.
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You want him to not be buffed...because he's scary?
My friend.
This is a horror game.
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Wow complaining about a killer in a survival horror game thatβs too scary is kinda like complaining about a comedy thatβs too funny
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Ghostface needs to be toned down if anything. He shouldn't have an addon that makes stalking 20% faster.
That's not what a brown addon should look like.
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Ultimately if playing soloq vs Ghostie, that just means as long as you aren't death hook and you torment the Ghostie by keeping him out of power and chasing him down, your team will win. The onus is on you, and then you can hide/do gens if hooked once or twice. Situational awareness is key to winning on both sides of a Ghostie match.
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I'd agree that he doesn't need a CD buff for better players, and it may overtune him for the best Ghostie players. It does make Ghostie a lot more playable for newbies though, which is the majority of Ghosties people will run across. Plus, even if he had a 10s CD, he still can't reach the same levels that any Killer with an actual chase power can reach.
Overbuffed compared to Myers - I'd say no. The issue is Ghostie only exposes 1 person from stalking them, with individual stalk bars. Myers can farm stalk without exposing someone, get the down, and then insta-pop it on someone he never has even seen before. Ghostie at least needs to have 99'd you on an individual level. Also the expose duration was bumped up to 60s from 45s, not 30s.
Reveal warning - This is still important for counterplay. It allows Ghostie to not have his power hard countered by someone just starting to look at him. A good Ghostie will stick near cover so they can dip behind it to prevent the reveal. Also it is super latency based, so kinda like Doctor, not only do you have to learn the power, but also how laggy the Survivor is and will affect it. That requires more skill than most killer powers to pull off successfully, so I don't see why a higher skill expression factor should be removed. He still is stuck along the framework of an M1 killer, so minor intel when you are in the process of being revealed is a decent non-chase aspect to be given. If he could Legion/Myers vault faster in Night Shroud, or throw his knife, then maybe he would need to be tuned down in other areas, but for now you want someone with near nothing to have less.
Also this is a big nothing burger. It drops a 5s stalk to 4s, and a 2.5s lean stalk to a 2s lean stalk. Saving ~2s every minute or so is exactly the realm of a brown addon. Also in what universe should Ghostie be nerfed before the likes of Nurse/Blight/Spirit/Wesker/Artist/Twins? They all have insane lethality that can bypass most loop designs, but Ghostie still has to play the loop. The only player getting free-downed to a Ghostie is an unaware Survivor, which shouldn't they go down if they were that unaware?
Edit: Myers does need love too, but a very simple 24s->20s CD and .2m/s boost to crouch speed is simple enough for Ghostie. Myers needs much more in-depth help. I'd go as far as removing T1, except with Scratched Mirror, which would nerf vault speeds and movement speed to match its current values, maybe even 4.3 instead of 4.2.
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I disagree. I think most killers addons should be the best at brown and yellow, maybe up to green.
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-"Overbuffed compared to Myers - I'd say no. The issue is Ghostie only exposes 1 person from stalking them, with individual stalk bars."
GF can stalk multiple people at once unlike Michael who was able to multistalk on release but got nerfed.
-"Edit: Myers does need love too, but a very simple 24s->20s CD and .2m/s boost to crouch speed is simple enough for Ghostie. Myers needs much more in-depth help."
The devs have said they have no plans to change MM and with that in mind it makes no sense that they would massively overbuff GF. They are franchise killers.
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You can only multistalk when people are in poor positioning, and once one of them notices, all of them effectively notice. In no world when Ghostface still comes nowhere close to the likes of the top 5, arguably even the top 10, is this an overbuff. Don't act like a crab in a bucket, bringing others down when they happen to be fortunate. Buffing any lower tier killer is a good thing, and nerfing any higher tier killer is a good thing.
Also I believe the only reason they aren't planning on buffing Myers is because his kill rates are padded by Tombstone addons. Without those carrying his kill rates, he likely would actually get some love. To get him buffed people need to basically tank his kill rates without the addons. They balance more around numbers than the understanding of issues, so if you want that type of change you need to play accordingly. When people ragequit because they misplay as Myers, their DC doesn't show a loss, and BHVRs numbers can't show that either. They need to play out the loss, to do their part in getting him buffed.
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so you mean how he is right now? got it
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pov dbd players that take this thread way too literal. lighten up will ya π
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Soooooo, giving him wall hacks? You do see how this would be broken and would just not be fun to go against. I mean with a Myers using scratched mirror you can have some defense, Plus he's relatively slow in tier one.
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I just hate that he's 5 meters in front of me and still can't reveal him
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I mean.. you are playing a horror game LOL
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again, taking this too literal
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Thats what text is for buddy, its hard to show emotion via text so...
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Good old dbd servers. Something they need to up is the tick rate, it makes all interactions jank.
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you should expect that this post was a joke lmfao, literally who would want something nerfed because of a jumpscare in a horror game
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Lol what?
It's a weak M1 stealth killer.
He NEEDS buffs.
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hes not weak
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I'd debate you if the numbers posted by the devs didn't actually prove that he is.
His killrate is well below the targeted 60% so yeah...
He is weak.
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me to ....
it feels awful playing as him and getting revealed on such weird angles , and as survivor not even be able to reveal him because of how janky and inconsistent his reveal detection is at certain ranges / objects ; is such a total mess of mechanic IMO.
I hate that a lotπ
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You know it's intentionnal right?
As a survivor you are suposed to runaway, hide...
If you get an angle, good for you, it's not meant to be guaranteed to survivors... that's what his lean is for, like, literally.
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his old reveal mechanic was more functional IMO , the one that they change when legion also was reworked , completely broke his reveal mechanic in some waays am telling you ...
"the box detection" is way more inconsistent as killer and survivor on top of the fact that they reduced the maximun range to reveal him. (which is fair , because you shouldnt be able to reveal the killer across 50 meters)
but also you shouldnt be revealed behind 2 walls just because there is tiny little gap -not visible (in the object collision of a map)
and as survivor you shouldnt be looking directly at the killer at 5 METERS and still not even starting to reveal him just because some random object blocks the reveal box somehow.
thats just annoying and stupid for both sides , am sorry but it is
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I'll take your word for it as I haven't played vs him on survivor recently, you sound knowledgeable enough to know what I was refering to and make a good case for.
Maybe bug reports are in order?
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Oh no, horror game is scary
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Ah yes, a forum section dedicated to feedback and suggestions but bro decides to post a joke. Yep totally supposed to be obvious.
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hes not weak π
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so DBD actually gets to be horror game again? Not just game of tag
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that used to be his iri add-on. it was 40% faster when leaning but -20% when not leaning. they made leaning slower but normal stalking faster. the only change i want for GF is ability to hit a survivor without losing all stalk progress. The cooldown changes are very nice though. sadly survivor plays always complain when the killer gets improved.
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The last few ghostfaces i gone against have had 1-3 hooks i don't think it's urgent
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It's not, people are just being dramatic. He's one of the weakest killers. The devs actually ought to do more, like make all the other outfits match the backwoods outfit's cloak noise volume. Strong add-ons are fine since.....oh yeah.....He can do little to nothing in chase.