Am I just bad at Killer, or are Survivors too strong right now?



  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    IT doesnt work that way for survivors, because they also get worse teammates. I would be happy to play in a lower mmr, see a lot more different killers, but actually have teammates that do something in the game.

  • MeanieDeeny
    MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533

    This is solid advice, and I think i'll take it for the time being. Thank you ! :)

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    Don't believe it, it's not my problem. I just don't see why I should be talking bullshit or falsehoods. If I were a novice I would say it without problems, in fact the way I am made if I were a novice I wouldn't even open my mouth about game problems such as tunneling, genrush and so on, since I wouldn't be an expert. But since I have years of dbd experience, I can safely tell you that the game was much more balanced back then. Both as a killer and as a surv I played without problems. Since you say it was unbalanced, list the aspects that unbalanced dbd in 2018-2020, argue and don't just say "No, it's like that because I say so".

    Period 2018-2020, this for me is the golden period of dbd, not only until 2019. My mistake

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    I think some people have this attitude, yes. Especially people who don’t play killer. They forget that there is a person behind the killer who is also playing to right and has just as much right to do so as the survivors.

    I think this really all comes down to the fact that many survivor main players don’t believe that anything they do in the game to gain an advantage like communicate on comms or abuse broken loops are unfun or unfair, while killer strategies like camping and tunneling are unfun and unfair. So far I have not seen any convincing arguments why it’s ok for survivors to use every possible edge to win but it’s not ok for killers to do the same.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Its okay to tunneling and camping. You're free to try hard to win.

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 666

    Are we looking at the same chart? The average seems pretty clearly to be around 40k, not 30k. And the average has been around that for an extended period of time both in 2022 and 2021.

    I could buy the player count having plateaued, but "all time low?" I don't see that borne out in the data.

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    Half of the things you mentioned were fixed in that period of time. Original gen speed was better since there wasn't broken things to speed up gens this much, and slowdowns like pop were efficient. Old ruin alone was really strong to keep gens from flying.

    Mettle of man lasted what, like 1 months? I don't really remember, but I remember how annoying it was. Original DS was annoying, but you could've counter it with Endurance, they removed this later. Original Doctor was ######### tier, I know, but even now isn't strong so you know, what changed?

    Orignal Nurse, well here I can only agree since was broken as #########.

    Old Freddy and Old Legion, ok they got reworked, now are they strong? No.

    Rank based matchmaking? I used to find rank 1 players when I was rank 10, the old rank system was anything but done right. And by the way it was better than the mmr.

    Original rank reset? We're talking about things in the game here, not quality of life (although I don't know if actually the change to the rank reset system is quality of life but I think you get what I mean)

    The add ons to the medkits were annoying, broken and all, but still in that period when you put pressure even with 8 insta heal you lost if you were noob. Now even the noobs win, as long as they make the gen and run away, it's no longer necessary that they learn to do well-done chases. They pull one pallet after another, all or most of them unashamedly safe, rest assured that in less than 30 seconds a gen or two is complete.

    The old DH wasn't that much of a problem, it has become a problem in recent years as it stretched the chases too much and considering that gen fly it was obviously unbalanced and didn't reward any type of skill. Usually I faced 4 DH per game, where was the problem? I still won.

    The insta blinds are still there, just use some nice add on combos and you're good to go. With "Old blinds" I don't understand what you mean, I'll be honest.

    Since you mentioned the original mori, I also mention the original bnp, which fixed a generator instantly. I can mention the old keys or the old hatch. Or can I mention the "I quit for the friend" when hatch got reworked.

    I can also mention you the bugs, that each update tripled the bugs, I remember me doing the meme with my friends "Update dbd: 3x1 bugs. You fix one, we give you 3 new ones".

    Yes, actually dbd years ago was a big mess, but at least you had fun. I've never had anxiety playing killer, there have been quite a few games on the razor's edge (which there were in particular when I was learning killers like the spirit), but I never got stressed about playing. I played quietly and won one game after another with each killer. I have never seen gens fly as much as they do now.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    been saying this for YEARS. ADD A COMPETITIVE MODE.

    Let sweaty killers and survivors duke it out with full meta loadouts, while the silly casual lil scrumbly bumbly players use lithe+QaQ for the funnies.

    im ready for the inevitable trapper to radiant videos

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    If you enjoy both roles, it means they are both balanced. If you enjoy one role and get stressed and anxious playing the other, something is wrong, especially if you've always been used to playing both roles in chill.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    No, that means your perception had changed.

    I used to be stressed as ######### on Killer.

    Balance is, generally, objective.

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 324

    I don't really know what average you're looking at, but the list (not the chart) tells you directly the average player count per month. You can see that almost every month this year has 20% less players than last year, which was already 20% lower than 2021. The average for May 2023 was the lowest recorded for the last 3 years when I wrote the message (but it fluctuates and now it's slightly above April 2022)

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,899

    What failsafe stops sweaty players from entering casual lobbies? I can think of at least two active players in this forum (not this specific thread) who would abuse the hell out of this. And they’re not alone.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    theres not. Like in any game with a ranked and unranked mode, comp players could just load into casual lobbies and stomp. Point is though, most players would go to their respective mode based on playstyle. Keeps many many sweats from ruining casual games and vice versa. besides a better MMR system would mitigate this.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,741

    BHVR probably wouldn't do it, but you could limit unranked mode to SWFs no larger than 2.

    You could also put limits on the power of items and addons that get brought into the game, but that's a whole different thing with BHVR's game design.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited May 2023

    Casually getting 4K. Not compete for 4K.

    MMR currently is litterally match casual players against casual players, for most of time.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    The only thing I would like to comment on here is the last paragraph. Nurse has the highest skill floor, that's it. Nurses skill ceiling doesn't even reach blights knees in terms of possible skill level. The notion that she is that hardest killer only shows me how inept the person talking is(not referring to you in any way). Blight is and always will be the highest skill ceiling killer and even if you factor in a 30% biased due to me being a blight main( so reduce his skill ceiling by 30%) and I will still be correct. Although my ability to negate my own bias has grown an incredible amount over the past several years.

    With that out of the way I can talk about something that is far more tangible in the games people see on a regularly basis. Blight and Nurse are on the same level but the thresholds for that power level is quite different.

    1. The skill difference needed to pilot the killers to a decent extent: Blight obviously overtaking nurse
    2. The big one. Nurse has most of her power in her base-kit, probably 75% of her max strength. Blight on the other hand can gain a potential 300% power increase with the right add-ons and a general scenario(like too much altruism or sheer incompetents). If you are wondering how I got 300% just think about iri tag doubling single chase speed and then alch-ring getting you to the next chase with only (2 seconds?) downtime. Not to mention the better nemesis in a bottle comp add-ons we call c33 and even though I am addicted to green speed I can acknowledge how many hits it gets me.

    The fact that Nurse can gain a mediocre increase in power level due to add-ons and blight has to match that with such disgustingly overturned add-ons is quite insane.

    As far as I am concerned Wesker seems to be the most well designed killer in general while blight has an extremely well designed base-kit that can be increased to an absurd amount. I think that level of power being reserved for blight is only to combat the high potential of survivors.

  • Hunkulese
    Hunkulese Member Posts: 422

    I do. I'm far from a god level player, and I play 4-5 games a night.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,934

    Exactly! These people will sweat their asses off, then complain when the other side does the same exact thing. I've stopped trying to figure it out 😂