We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Slug for 4k

Ithiria Member Posts: 236
edited May 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I get why people do it, but can we get some sort of countermeasure for it?

Perhaps if you've been on the floor for 1 minute, an extra action is enabled that causes you to bleed out much more quickly?

Or perhaps the option only becomes available when all but one survivor is slugged instead.

Post edited by BoxGhost on


  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    There is no reason to have countermeasure though?

    I do get it if you want to just quickly ends the match because at that point survivors are guaranteed to lose, but trying to give free rights of hatch without hiding/chasing effort doesn't makes sense.

    Shouldn't you just... uh, adds a button to sacrifice EVERYONE instead? so killers won't magically lose a chance for 4k due to arbitrary balance change.

  • ieatswf
    ieatswf Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

    There's only one thing we could do to prevent this at least most of the time. Revert the hatch changes that came all those years ago and make it so hatch only spawns for the last survivor if 2 gens have been completed.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,268

    to not waste peoples time for ego. If you're slugging to cheese hatch you already won, only a clown would consider hatch a win

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619
    edited May 2023

    No, no I agree with OP on this.

    If you're slugging people so that you can guarantee a 4k, you're an awful person and you're no better than the people that teabag at the gate for the two minute duration. At least without good reason.

    Some may say "Well there is no such thing as a good reason", but if there's two people left then the second person should be hiding as soon as the killer is able to go after them, which can potentially be "Immediately after my friend is downed". If the killer sees you after they down someone, it's perfectly reasonable for them to go after you. If you're waiting nearby with a flashlight save, that's on you. If you're waiting nearby to sabotage, that's on you. If you're waiting nearby to teabag the survivor that's about to die, that's not only on you but you also kinda deserve it.

    But if you're on the other side of the map and the killer slugs the survivor to look for you anyways, they absolutely SHOULD be able to let themselves die faster. It's unfair to them that they have to be stuck in one of the most boring things in the game because of a players fragile ego, and it's unfair to the last survivor to have to dodge the killer for up to four minutes for the same reason.

    It should be implemented in a way that it can't be used whenever because people will kill themselves at the drop of a hat. Maybe only available if everyone else is downed or already 2nd stage hooked OR if there's only two people left.

  • Slaphappyhobbit
    Slaphappyhobbit Member Posts: 47

    "I feel like killers shouldn't be able to get 4ks" OK, summed up what you said for you.

    Seriously? This reasoning of "I got downed and now it's boring so it shouldn't be allowed" is absolutely insane. Go walk away and take care of something, have something on to watch or available to read while you're playing. The nature of the game as a survivor is that you might die, and you might end up on the floor. Every change people call for from the survivor side is literally just "deny/punish the killer for doing XYZ." It's insane.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited May 2023

    Yeah we certainly shouldn't waste everyone's time for survivor's ego, there is no reason to have hatches when all it does is wasting everyone's time and giving arbitrary unearned reward which means nothing to a survivor.

    Just remove hatches and replace it with "last survivor gets immediately sacrificed unless generator is powered" or something, problem solved.

    Oh could give some BP rewards or even a pip too by giving them "last survivor" bonus or something, so we don't have any difference than just leaving hatches.

    Yeah it's unbelievable we have a mechanics that cater towards all the survivor's fragile ego, loss is a loss and should be a loss, there is not a single reason to give them meaningless "escaped" label and skew the statistics.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    If adept didn't require you to kill all survivors then yeah, sure.

    But since it does......... yeah no.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Mabye when there are only 2 survivors left there can be an unbreakable basekit but you have to succeed multiple consecutive skillchecks and missing one resets the recovery

    Idk just an idea

  • buffcoyote
    buffcoyote Member Posts: 120

    I do think excessive slugging as in trolling should be stopped. Slugged Survivors should have the option to let themselves die if everyone else is either downed or hooked. Anything else I do not agree with. Slugging is fair. It's a fair way to build pressure or even end matches for Killers. Survivor mistakes should be punished and exploited by the Killer.

    However, an example of a Survivor mistake does not entail camping or tunneling, perma-slugging. That is purposeful trolling and should be punished. For example:

    "You let yourself go down near basement, so now I'm camping you."

    "You took a protection hit for your teammate earlier when I was going to down them, so now I'm going to make sure to get you out of the match as fast as possible by tunneling you."

    "It's your fault for doing gens incorrectly, so now I'm locking you into an excruciatingly long 3-gen until I kill you all one by one."

    "You looped me too well, now I got pissed and so I'm camping you on hook until you die."

    "I'm slugging all of you on the ground until the timer runs out."

    These are NOT fair and are NOT fun.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    I had no idea getting a 4k was such a life or death issue.

    I've gotten plenty of 4ks without slugging the second to last person. It's not hard, and if you don't, so what.

  • Slaphappyhobbit
    Slaphappyhobbit Member Posts: 47

    When did I say it was a life or death issue? If that's your response, then you should say the same thing about the person who started this post and the survivors crying about something they can literally take a perk to counter. I've gotten plenty of 4ks slugging the second to last person as well. Pointing out something is ridiculous to complain about doesn't make something a life or death situation.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    Sorry, let me rephrase this.

    I had no idea making the game as unfun as possible for everyone still in the game was so important because your ego requires you get a 4k.

  • Slaphappyhobbit
    Slaphappyhobbit Member Posts: 47

    Yeah...again, not at all what I'm saying. There. Are. Ways. Around. This. If your entire team ends up getting slugged, you, as survivors, screwed up. Point blank period. They literally can not stop everything that survivors think is un-fun. They've given you perks to help avoid everyone being on the floor at the same time. This is literally a skill issue. It's 4 against 1. Don't all go down at the same time.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    This is not about everyone being slugged.

    This is about one person being slugged when there are two survivors without good reason.

    There are killers whose entire playstyle relies on slugging people, and to say it's all bad at once is a fools errand, but there is literally no reason you need to waste four minutes of everyone's life because of a stupid number.

  • Slaphappyhobbit
    Slaphappyhobbit Member Posts: 47

    So then don't play the game? You can leave the game if you don't like it, you can run perks to counter it. Killers end up in games all the time where their time is straight up wasted because of SWF teams who bring bully builds or poor match making putting them against 1-2 survivors way above their skill level that bring flashlights and constantly blind, stun etc. It sucks but it happens. You literally can't change every bad mechanic in the game that survivors don't like, and the fact that ya'll think they should is a huge issue and shows how insanely entitled you feel you are. It's absolutely ridiculous. If you don't want to be slugged, on the floor when the killer is trying to get a 4k bring the perk to stop that. I just had a match as nemesis where I killed 2 people, had third on hook, found the 4th. Fourth person unhooked third, I downed 4th, chased after third, got them down and hooked them and....guess what happened? Fourth person picked themselves up with their big boy pants (and perk) and got hatch. The ability to avoid this is literally in the game.

    Absolutely amazing that you're complaining about 4 minutes of your life being wasted because you're losing, but you likely don't have any issue when it's happening to someone on the other team.

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    As a survivor main I really don't think anything extra is needed for killers preferring to slug, yes it can be annoying but you hardly see it and there are things that can change the game completely in your favour, like BOON: Exponential. These type of games tend to be fun for me from my personal experience because it feels 50/50 and anything can honestly happen.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    I like that you're implying that I teabag at the exit when I'm just as loud about that too.

    No one should be wasting anyone's time over their fragile ego.

    I don't care if you're a 4k obsessed slugging killer or an exit gate tea bagging survivor, you are an awful person if you do it.

    But yes, you should just leave the game. Just DC. Just throw your BP away and be forced to be unable to play the game for literal minutes/hours/days if you don't like it so much.

    Talking about entitlement and you unironically bring this pathetic point up. Unbelievable.

  • Slaphappyhobbit
    Slaphappyhobbit Member Posts: 47

    It's absolutely amazing to me that you're being serious about this right now. It's a game. You're literally wasting time just playing it. It's a way to past time. That's the entire point. You're literally sitting here saying killers shouldn't be able to do this because it's wasting someones time....so is hanging someone on a hook because that person can't do anything while they're hooked, stunning a killer is wasting their time because they can't move when they're stunned. Literally the entire game is about burning time. Wasting a killers time making them chase you so your team can get gens done, blinding them to waste their time. Just because you got put into a bad situation and lost a few minutes of your time doesn't mean anyone is entitled. It means you once, got put into a bad situation IN A GAME. Absolutely mind boggling that you have issues with this. Run. Unbreakable. It was literally added to the game to stop you from being slugged. Slugging is a viable strategy against survivors. Just because you feel you should be entitled to play exactly how you want, every game doesn't mean that's going to happen in a versus game. It's seriously mind boggling that you can sit here and call anyone else entitled when you're demanding control over how other people play the game.

  • Pink_Ronin
    Pink_Ronin Member Posts: 118
    edited May 2023

    The fact that killers can hijack the game by slugging and not picking up is reason enough to give basekit unbreakable after 2 minutes. It's by far the most toxic behavior in the game and it's baffling that it hasn't been addressed, it's not even uncommon. If you go the other way and give survivors the option to kill themselves faster it's just going to encourage the same behavior because it benefits killer.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619
    edited May 2023

    "Just because you got put into a bad situation and lost a few minutes of your time doesn't mean anyone is entitled."

    I've lost literal hours of my life to a collection of people who need to stroke their tiny little ego over this video game.

    This wouldn't be a talking point if it wasn't a daily occurrence.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Slaphappyhobbit
    Slaphappyhobbit Member Posts: 47
    edited May 2023

    Riiiight. Maybe it's time to take a break and walk away from the game then if you've literally lost hours to being slugged? Or, I don't know, run perks to prevent it? How about this, if you're so self righteous, survivors gain the ability to kill themselves if left on the ground, but killers get full BP as though they were hooked and the hatch doesn't open unless all gens are complete. That way you don't screw killers over and can stop whining.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619
    edited May 2023

    I'd be fine with that, but the hatch opens for the last survivor. Period.

    Hey, while we're at it with your advocating of this behavior, how do you counter tea bagging at the exit gate? Huh? What perks stop four survivors you couldn't hope to even hit from snapping a carrot for two minutes of your life?

    Since you seem so keen on only addressing one side of the issue.

    And ignoring that unbreakable works one time.

    I'll just ignore that fact as hard I guess.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Slaphappyhobbit
    Slaphappyhobbit Member Posts: 47
    edited May 2023

    I don't care about survivors tea bagging at the exit gate? It happens literally every game and doesn't effect anything at all so why care about it?

    No, that's literally the point, if you suicide as a survivor, the hatch DOES NOT open for the last survivor. That's literally what I said. Oh, is that not fair? Weird that your ego is getting in the way of what you want, which is the ability to just move on to your next game. If that's an issue, it's almost like you just don't want the killer playing the game.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    Survivor dying does not drag the game out. If anything it speeds it to its conclusion.

    But by all means keep arguing that it's ok to be part of the problem.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,240

    Why is "I slug a person so that hatch doesnt open" not a valid reason compared to "I 99' a gate so that EGC doesnt start."? (Both are delaying a disadvantageous gamestate)

    Genuine question, but its probably the community survivor bias. It's okay if survivors do it.

  • Slaphappyhobbit
    Slaphappyhobbit Member Posts: 47

    It's amazing how you're ignoring my suggestion entirely just to keep the argument going and make it look like you're standing on some righteous point here. You're literally denying the killer part of the game play and part of their goal with what you want. Point blank period. That's all there is to this argument. You don't like it, don't play the game. It's literally that simple. It's astounding that you can keep running your head in circles like you're the only person in the world and anyone who disagrees with you is some bad person who's doing something wrong.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    The hatch is basically a pity win more or less, and the game considers it a 4k with ranks even if the survivor uses it. 99ing is also something the killer themselves can deny and under certain circumstances can end up getting survivors killed while it's opening, where as if the killer wants to slug for the 4k the only thing either survivor can do is DC so the hatch spawns anyway.

    I'm running my head in circles?

    Do you know what would happen in a chess tournament if the person who was winning refused to put their opponent in checkmate until the clock literally forced them to either move on or lose? They'd get a well earned punch to the face.

    Why are you advocating for it here? "Oh no, I might not get the fourth person, oh woe is me. Nevermind that I won the game already, it's not good enough."

  • Slaphappyhobbit
    Slaphappyhobbit Member Posts: 47

    lmao, they most definitely would not get punched in the face. You seem to have some issues going on if you feel that way, and should probably take a break. It's literally a game, people lose time in games all the time. Have you EVER played any other online game in a vs capacity? WoW pvp it's not uncommon to sit a lot while dead and wait for arenas to finish, or spend minutes of your time in a graveyard waiting to respawn in battlegrounds, especially if you're losing. This isn't some common occurrence unique to this game, and it's part of the game play. The fact that you're so insanely entitled about this is mind boggling. Go outside, walk away from the game a bit, it's ok to take a break, and it's ok if you lose. It happens. If you don't want to lose a few minutes of your life then maybe you simply shouldn't be playing games.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619
    edited May 2023

    Wasting time because you're dead is a completely different situation from wasting time because someone else wants to jerk over a win.

    One is a punishment from the game.

    The other is because someone desperately needs to compensate for something and is making your game awful.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Slaphappyhobbit
    Slaphappyhobbit Member Posts: 47

    It's literally not. How do you think things like battlegrounds are won in WoW? The vast majority of top tier teams win by literally keeping the enemy team dead the entire match and not letting them do anything. Again, if you don't like it you can just walk away and take a break from the game. You don't get to dictate how others play the game, fortunately for everyone else, and unfortunately for you. Like Raptorrotas asked, why is this a big deal? It's a strategy. You just seem to be too self centered to see any other point of view or listen to any argument or option put forth other than your own.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619
    edited May 2023

    How is it a strategy to keep a game going longer than it needs to?

    How much are you compensating for exactly?

    And again, the comparisons that don't work.

    Why don't we bring in other, vastly different games, where your time being wasted is because you weren't as good as the other person alone and not because they need to rub your face in it.

    Or how about the stuff in the game you brought up that are not the same? Being caught and placed on hook is because you failed to evade the killer, not because the killer needs to jerk it. You being stunned by a pallet is because you didn't respect the pallet or didn't know it was there, not because the survivor felt a sudden need to jerk it. You picking up a survivor and being flashed was because you didn't do enough to chase or punish nearby survivors, not because they needed to jerk it. And the time spent chasing a survivor and abandoning chase was because you decided the survivor is wasting too much of your time and you need to pressure the rest of the team, not because you got tired of watching the survivor jerk it.

    Survivors teabagging in the exit gates and killers refusing to kill someone because "muh 4k" is wasting your time on a game you can't hope to win and is "Jerking it". It is not a strategy. It is because you can't handle the possibility that you might not get a perfect win this time.

  • Slaphappyhobbit
    Slaphappyhobbit Member Posts: 47

    I'm not compensating for anything lmao. It's astounding that you're this upset over a game. It's literally part of the game, if there's 4 survivors available to kill, killers are going to do what they can to get 4 kills. Should one of the survivors be sacrificed automatically if the gates get opened without a kill? You're literally just whining and acting entitled. No, just because you're on the floor does not mean someone is being mean to you or wasting your time. You can just walk away, you can not play, but you're choosing to. It's literally that simple. It's really sad that you think all this comes down to is "someone can't handle not getting a perfect win" and mind boggling that you literally can't see any view point other than your own. People enjoy going for wins, it's human nature. You should probably either stop playing games that pit you against other people, or talk to someone about these things if it really upsets you that much.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619
    edited May 2023

    If you down someone, there is one other person left, you don't know where they are, and you decide to go after them instead of hooking the first person, you are wasting someone else's time because the thought of a 3k is a legitimate nightmare to you that deserves nothing but pity.

    You're officially wasting more of my time than the average survivor and quite frankly I'm done.

    Keep advocating for people to waste the time of other people for no reason.

    Do not bother replying to this unless you want me to just copy and paste that sentence, because that is all this comes down to.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Slaphappyhobbit
    Slaphappyhobbit Member Posts: 47

    It's really sad that that's your attitude. It's a game, you're wrong about this, point blank period. You can sit here and cry "I'm done, you're wrong" all you want but it's literally a game. People are going to play to win, and if there's 4 kills available it's not "wasting someones time" to try and secure those 4 kills. That's literally all there is to this. If you don't like it, don't play the game and stop acting like you're entitled to people playing the way you want them to.

  • BoxGhost
    BoxGhost Member, Mod Posts: 1,355

    Closing this thread as it it clear that the topic has caused some tension between some users. Reminder to please keep your comments and/or responses civil and respectful.

This discussion has been closed.