Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

If you could change one thing about the perk system what would it be?

Member Posts: 642
edited May 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Personally I think Killers should get 5 perks but one of them would be a “None combat” perk. So some hexes and a few other perks that don’t help the killer due damage but help in other ways. Perhaps Brutal Strength or Crowd Control.

Post edited by EQWashu on

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  • Member Posts: 6,564

    I'd remove perk tiers, it really so pointless.

  • Member Posts: 691

    Make the perks have a point system to make the tiers actually matter and for there to be real reasons to run weaker perks( what VHS had).

  • Member Posts: 144

    I'd make it so that every Survivor and Killer had to use their three perks plus one universal or learned perk.

    That would require a massive rebalance, but in the long run would lead to more variety and a healthier base for balancing. Also Survivor wouldn't just be skins.

  • Member Posts: 2,367
    edited May 2023

    That a very cool idea but at the same time very bad. To many killers got terrible perks while also just being bad as a whole ( Trapper, freddy, pig)

    On the survivor side u will probably just see a bunch of megs. U said survivors wouldn't just be skin tho so I'm assuming u can't pick 4 of the same characters. still i don't know about that

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Pick 10 system from Cod.

    Basically, perks are categorised into tiers 2 to 5 based on rating. You have 10 points to play with. So for example, you could have two top tier perks 2 x 5 which equates to 10 etc etc. Maximum of 6 perks to prevent 10 x tier 1. Examples;

    4 - 4 - 2

    3 - 3 - 3 - 1

    4 - 2 - 2 - 2

    4 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1

    That would mean you couldn't run all meta perks, thus would have to pick and choose wisely. Something like;

    Sprint B (5)

    Alert (4)

    We'll make it (1)

  • Member Posts: 642

    I’m liking the ideas. Seems most people agree that the best perks shouldn’t be grouped together

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I agree @SMitchell8 about the CoD system. Along with this, I'd probably also give the option for extra BP, RF or IS if a player chooses a randomizer using this system, so the odds are you'd still get some useful perks, but maybe also find out your skills suit a perk you'd not normally consider.

  • Member Posts: 144

    Thus the required rebalance. Individual Perks could be made way stronger if they weren't stackable and had predictable synergy. For example old Dead Hard would have been way less problematic if it had to be used together with No Mither on David, or take the recntly nerfed regression Perks, they would have been fine if they had not been stackable and were tied to their specific Killers, who don't have 3-gen relevant powers.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    I would like to be able to see my teammates perks so I know how to play around them.

    And maybe be able to communicate killer perks to my team if I figure one out and they the same,

  • Member Posts: 46
    edited May 2023

    I like the ideas so far. I've thought about some stuff in the past too but the one that sticks to me the most is how Survivors are just skins and so my idea is about making them unique.

    1. Remove tiered perks, it's useless, confusing and a waste of time;
    2. The first survivor perk slot can hold an Enhanced Perk;
    3. The enhanced perk can only be one of the 3 perks that belong to the survivor. The enhanced version of a perk has basically additional status or durations depending on the original perk's description;
    4. The enhanced perk is optional but is also limited to 1;
    5. Enchanced Perks shouldn't be WAY better than their standard counterpart. A 10-15% buff on values should be enough to make it more appealing.


    On Dwight, if I take Bond as my Enhanced Perk I get 42m range instead of the standard 36m.

    On any other survivor I am not able to choose Bond as an Enhanced Perk but I can still use its standard version.

    If I decide to use 4 perks where none belongs to the survivor, I should also be able to.

    Unrelated to this discussion but I've also put this together.

    We need to see perks in the Lobby...

    All of these changes result in each survivor having a stronger identity and players actually making smart choices about who they want to play with. Or not. Everyone can still go and play whoever with whatever perks. What matters is the incentive is there and everyone knows a certain survivor is stronger at XYZ.

    My 2 cents.

    Post edited by uniqid on
  • Member Posts: 691
  • Member Posts: 78
    edited May 2023

    SWF should be a perk. Every additional swf-player should cost a perk slot

    2-player-swf: 3 perk slots to use

    3-player-swf: 2 perk slots to use

    4-player-swf: 1 perk slots to use

    No changes for killers: 4 perks are enough

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    Point system for the perks wouldn't be a bad idea. It would also stop them from nerfing perks into the ground, could always just increase the cost of a perk if it is taken too much.

    I think you could even use it to help balance out the killers. Weaker killers get a few extra perk points, stronger killers get less.

    For anything beyond that, it depends how much of the game we're adjusting. I think the current blood web concept should be thrown out, but as long as it stays things like perk levels will likely remain.

    I'd like a random perk game mode where all players are playing with random perks. Even if they allowed players to limit the perks, say from a list of 40, I think it would make for a much more interesting game.

  • Member Posts: 91

    Killers should have 4 perks, but one should be native non-removable. Or 3 addon slots.

  • Member Posts: 308

    Make the entire loadout system point based. You have around 15 points and perks/addons go from 1-5 (also addons can be used infinitely)

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