Hit validation

I only know that Hit Validation exists in some cases, but I remember pallets being one of them. When the feature was added, it was said, that the server would reject unrealistic hits. But what happened here then? This is a situation which happened to me recently against this Bubba. The icon shows the killer has over 200 ( or even 250ms ping; can't remember the numbers). I checked my connection and I was at 40ms. I predropped the pallet and he still hit me. You can literally see the latency when he kicks the pallet and picks me up. This should not happen!
Who needs Deathslinger when your M1 range is that big?
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i had something similar with a spirit that used enduring, she got stunned,and swung on her side of the pallet after the stun duration ended. Ofc I went down :) so much fun to play against that.
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There should really be some sort of ping limiter. That Bubba hit was absolutely crazy but it happens all the time. It's a shame killers can also use VPN to their advantage and make their ping just bad enough to land hits like that. I really hope this gets more attention than all the other stuff in this forum. Thanks for bringing it up with a video :)
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That specific case is part of the game design.
Not many players noticed this but if a survivor try to vault through the killer after a stun, the recover animation (with or without enduring) is low enough that you can sneak in a hit as killer if you 180 turn perfectly.
That footage from op is hilarious ngl, hit sponsored by Ping right there
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You used to have that before the age of servers because DBD used to be p2p. I wish we could have that back since I do not fancy going against killers who get those hits.
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I made a huge bug report thread on this a year ago with a years worth of posts and it was closed https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/322679/high-latency-killers-killers-are-causing-very-very-incorrect-visual-hits#latest I don't think they'll ever fix it, it's frustrating that it's the case but there is so much evidence pointing toward the netcode being atrocious.
I've had survivors teleport mid chase on killer side as well, it's a mess right now.
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I'm glad you came in with all the evidence and tried to show the truth. If it's not a bug then what is it apart from trash matchmaking? Seems like they just love to promote VPN'ing for killers to get an unfair advantage that survivors need to compensate for.
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IDK It's very demotivating though, if they aren't going to fix it they need to start showing killer names and ping in the lobby so we can avoid players who exploit the networking like this. Like what do you want me to do with a red killer ping mid match, whats the point of it if they aren't going to use it to improve the game at all?
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Seems like it's too much of an issue to fix so they just don't care enough to do anything about it. Real shame.
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This has been a thing since 5.3/4.0+. In 5.2.0 they fixed this,completely. Then they screwed it,for some reason.
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Well hopefully it gets fixed sometime soon, I love this game to pieces but the only complaint I have is it's networking when it goes bad, it's really bad. Balance would be a very different game if the networking wasn't so all over
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A contribution to this thread since my bug report about this was deleted with no context again.
Like it feels like they want to cover this up LMAO the killers red ping icon appears at the end so it didn't even warn about it.
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the servers really, really need to get looked at, and they’ve progressively have gotten worse since the recent mid-chapter.
i’ve seen some streamers, and from my personal experience, get placed in servers that were barely stable and still do, and sometimes the game servers disconnect in the middle of a game.
i live in the middle of the US and i legit get placed in non-US servers more than i am on my own servers and i do not use a VPN.
averaging 87-100 ping solo queue’ing but i’ve noticed i have normal ping when i SWF with people relatively close to me
and if i had tbh, killers get carried by bad ping, so many hits that shouldn’t even register but they do. i’ve also hit some pretty jank m1’s.
i’d honestly choose better netcode among other bugs right now. playing on unstable servers or getting placed in random servers outside the US just isn’t fun.
kinda silly when it comes down to having to deal with it or VPNing your own servers for better ping, etc.
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i did not vault, that was the stupid part. She swung on her side while i was standing on the other and i still went down. I was between laughing and crying
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https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1080932961354010715/1113645077286375534/18874a2ff1696-master_playlist.mp4 what it's like from killer POV atm lmao
A friend sent me this one on discord
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I had that problem on Steam as well but I changed my Server Browser Pings / Minute to a lower value and I manage a consistent 60 ping usually whilst others struggle on 100+. It's really weird I need to change my Steam settings because the game doesn't know what it's doing.
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Yeah, I have mine set to the lowest (250). Have also just recently optimized my ethernet settings to see if it'd do anything, but all it really did was load things faster. Ping is still around 80-100.
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I also had some cases where I landed on a server far away instead of on that one in Frankfurt, where I basically live right next to. And the game send me there multiple times in a row.
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Cause Hit validation Server does not exist :)
It has been activated for a few months and hits were fairer. It is obvious now that it has been deactiated, especially for killers with high ping.
Everytime i face a killer from a high ping location, i see unfair hits.
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Beautiful example that highlights that DbD still is one of the worst games nowadays to deal with these ######### high pingers
These kinds of latency issues are not acceptable in modern online games!
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Is there any game that handles high latencies like this well? Networking like this usually is making explicit decisions rather than just being like... badly made.
"Fixing" it would probably make the game very unfair for a high latency killer, which also isn't good and will hurt innocent people who aren't exploiting VPNs for an advantage. Right now, survivors do teleport around a bit when you have high ping, but hitting them feels normal.
Really not sure how a game fixes VPN abuse without hurting innocent people, maybe that is the best option though.
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Too bad we cant see the Killers ping in the lobby anymore, who would have thought people will take advantage of that.... Apparently not BHVR.
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I've a low ping of 20ms and this happens to me all the time. It needs to be addressed, like number one. Killers getting free hits because they have a crapola conneciton is unacceptable.
Mine is the best it can be, don't punish me because I get matched with someone playing from Mars. How would they feel if they missed consistently because I had a ridiculous ping?
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The game is designed around mindgames and reaction - how is it fair if you see killer moving in some direction half a second later then intended (he's 2m closer to you then what you see)? The answer is - you don't. You just get damage. And VPN is just artificial way how to make it even more favoring killer.
Also - people with bad internet can actually at least try to fix their net, but have no cheap way how to make the game unfair FOR them. People with good internet can use VPN to artificially make their net worse which is very easy and very rewarding. It's like making cheating easy to do and deliberatelly not doing anything about it.
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They should just put people with the same ping in the same lobby.
I’m tired of lose a game just because the other side have bad connection, is unfair
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Hit validation has been shadow removed. They have said nothing about it but seeing the amount of terrible hits i get, it is obviously not enabled.
Today i was behind an injured teammate to get a protection hit, the killer hit me (i was right behind my mate) and it is my mate that went down....
That killer gave so many 400 ping hits in this game, i do not even know how it is possible that BHVR allow those players to play on EU servers.
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Oh yes. Strongest killer in game is not blight. It's whoever has 400+ms ping. You can do whatever, but you will just get that hit. This is the only game I know of, where having worse internet is actually helpful
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I don't know why that happens tbh, but I guess it's not about hit validation but how the detection itself works. This problem also occurs if you unhook someone and want to tank a hit.
If you get 5km hits through windows after a fast vault: This is a problem with the fast vaults right now, which will be fixed next patch. They do not give you the right distance after vaulting right now.
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I don't know why it works like this tbh. The real problem is that a significant portion of the playerbase has higher ping because there are not enough servers.
A while ago I had a killer from South Africa. I live in Germany. They told me they have always red ping because the closest Servers for them are in Brazil and Germany. It's similar for people living in the middle east and central Asia.
I suggest that you take the killer's red light as an indicator how far away they really are when facing a laggy killer.
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I do know when killer has high ping. But there's nothing really to be done about it. You can't loop. You are basically stuck with prethrowing (which sometimes comically end up being stun or even hit in extreme cases) and holding W. Which means the match is lost no matter how good you are
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See,pallet validation USED to exist. Around 5.1.0 when they added it,it was PERFECT. There was visual feeedback,that the killers did get mad about,but it was,in fact,perfect. Nowadays you can get reversed and get hits that dont connect even on your end as KILLER!
I dont know what they tuned about it,but it's just non-existent anymore. General hit valdation was also something they said they added many,many times,but killers with 400 ms ping still hitting you from Mars speaks to the contrary.
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My guess is that killers from far away regions complained a lot and they removed it.
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They removed the hit validations because killers were getting false positives on hits. Basically they would see the hit animation just to realize the validation went to survivor and they weren't injured. The only thing is they never made an announcement on it.
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They were meant to address that in 5.5.0 and in general this is solved by asking the server if you hit the survivor,not your client deciding that. But I guess that'd be too complex and might explode the already fried servers.
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Yup, they have been lying about it.
Same when they shadow nerf/buff things. In DbD, it is usual...
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Im seeing it from both sides as survivor hit from big distance an as killer ill be physically touching someone infront of me swing an the game is like nope
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they toned it back massively. It used to be like 150ms and now it just prevents extreme lag strikes hits mostly
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The latter could not be hit validation but MFT. The 3% faster movespeed creates those weird scenarios.
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Thank you I was getting gaslit they were saying this was a latency issue on my end when it wasn't. They need to look at the servers and bring back hit validations and pallet validations. I'm sick of same side pallet stuns and getting hit after hearing them getting stunned through the pallet. Also not realistic to ask people to record their games for proof. What am I supposed to do jury rig my cell phone to record long game play?
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The recording part is to ensure that your claims are legit.
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I'm not disputing that but they can't expect non streamers to record hours of game play it is unrealistic.
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I am also not a streamer, I just use the pre-installed function of windows' Xbox game bar to record my stuff while playing. It only keeps the last 10min so if something is fishy and I only realize it later I can press some buttons and I have it for the report. You can do the same if you prefer to do it directly via your Nvidia or AMD GPU. I don't know about consoles though.
And I am very aware of the fact that older systems can't handle this additional load, similar to my own old pc.
Therefore I am one of the people who actively want a replay system to be implemented into dbd. It would help so many people.
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You assume I play on PC which I don't. I'm sick of people bashing me so I usually avoid mentioning that I play on the Switch but I'm telling you to so you will stop defending that part. Not everyone can record gameplay like they want. If more then one person say that it is happening should be enough for them to look into it eventually and if someone then offers recorded evidence it might push it up on the list.
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That was nothing against you. A friend of mine plays on Switch too.
I wasn't sure about consoles and recording so I said that I don't know.
My point still stays that there should be a replay function similar to how WOT or PUBG have them, so you have evidence if something goes wrong or simply to get better yourself because you can watch the footage from the other perspective.