2023 - BHVR still not able to discern a crash from a DC on purpose

BHVR knows how to code a pop-up telling you you have lost connexion to the server but they are still applying the ban when you have got a network crash.
You can't fundamentally differentiate a legit crash with someone intentionally d/cing. They can't create an exception for it, because it would be abuseable as people could just unplug their routers to avoid a d/c penalty.
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If your network is crashing frequently enough to give you long DC penalties, you need to get your network fixed first before playing. If that’s not possible, you shouldn’t be playing. You are just ruining the game for others.
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"You've got bad internet get off my game no fun for you!"
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Bingo. We can already tell the difference between someone hitting the disconnect button and someone crashing. The problem is if we don't treat them all the same, then it becomes exploitable. There are ways you can force a program to crash. Once word starts to spread that you can avoid the DC penalty by closing the game in a certain way, you can bet some folks will take advantage of it.
Game crashes are uncommon enough to not have a significant effect on DC penalties, and by the time you can get back into the game, the majority of the penalty will have already passed. Whenever crash rates are increased (e.g. if something broke in an update), we disable these penalties so they don't get in the way. Network issues are a different beast, but again, they need to be treated the same. If your network connection is dropping frequently, you need to address that before playing an online game. It's not fair to expect all the other players in your match to deal with the consequences of your connection.
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They could make it that if you DC 3 or 5 times in 1 hour you get the ban...
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Then code the opportunity to reconenct to the game you crashed on maybe ?
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Allowing people to d/c twice every hour is a lot and people are going to take advantage of that.
I'm sorry, but if you are having enough issues where you are losing connection twice every hour, then you need to figure out a solution to your connection issues.
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Yes, you are 100% correctly describing my position. If you have bad internet I do not want you in my game. I feel 0% bad about holding this position, and 98% of people here, including the devs, agree with me.
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So what happens to your character while waiting to reconnect? Replaced by bot? Also what happens if you decide to not rejoin? Do you get the DC penalty then?
It’s an interesting proposal but seems like it would get too complicated to manage and open to abuse. Far better solution is to expect people to fix their network issues before playing an online game. The problem should not be dumped on the devs to solve.
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My god I wanna shake your hand
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Like it or not that's what you should do. If your internet is THAT unstable then you will just constantly accumulate a dc penalty and ruin yours and others experiences.
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My internet is fine, it happens rarely but even though i did not DC the last 500 trials, if i loose my connection, i do not understand why i should be punished.
There are statistics about the numbers of DC, if you never do it and it happens once, why should you get a penalty ?
And about ruining the game, it is already ruined by camping/tunneling in every trials but it is another subject.
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Nobody is able to discern a crash from a DC on purpose... not even the computer.
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People abusing that and forcing the game to crash creates more problems for the devs. You suddenly have the devs flooded with false positive crash logs. It's fairly trivial to create a buffer overflow, ping flood, etc. It would have the devs chasing their tails over issues the users are creating to get out of games. It would take me less than 5 seconds to type "ifconfig eth0 down" in the terminal to force a disconnect without me clicking the leave match button
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It's "taking a bullet for the overall greater good".
And what statistical value would be adequate for this free DC one in a while?
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i'm pretty sure a dev commented the same exact thing im about to already but if free passes were allowed for network DCs, it would enable people to exploit it through killswitches or other means since it enables people to find ways around the penalty. plus, a bad connection can damage the experience for other players, and wasted time isnt exactly good time :(
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If you have 1 crash after 500 games your penalty is 5 minutes. It will mostly have passed by the time the game reloads.
If you then play another 500 games before another crash, the penalty will still only be 5 minutes.
The length of the penalty only increases with multiple disconnects/crashes within a set time period or number or games played. The specifics are not known to the general public but it's safe to say that if you are playing 500 (or even 100) matches between crashes you will never exceed a 5 minute penalty.
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Spoken from a place of privilege. If only everyone had equal access to the same internet quality.
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This is what ffxiv does, you can come back easily, and yes, in pvp too.
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Yeah it's unfortunate, but you just need to suck it up deal with the hand you've been dealt.
The game is an online only PvP experience. If you don't have the requirements necessary to play going in (aka a stable internet connection) you shouldn't play. Stick to offline games.
My internet is not good at all (I live in Australia), and whenever it starts acting up while I'm playing DBD, I stop playing. Lagging all over the place with a chance to drop entirely ruins the experience for not only myself, but my team as well.
I'm sure the killer is happy, at least.
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It does suck, but assuming you are not someone who frequently dc's...the ban is almost nothing....it only increases if you dc often. So if you're having long bans when your network crashes, is it because you also dc from the game (intentionally) often? I'm not shaming it..just saying..unless you have super bad internet, the first ban is under a minute I believe.
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This is a video game. One of thousands of video games, many of which can be played without any internet connection at all. Video games themselves being just one of many mediums for art and entertainment, the overwhelming majority of which again require no internet connection to enjoy.
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The comment is still accurate, at this point it's closer to gatekeeping.
Let's change perspective. The dev's made a port of this game for Switch, Switch does not have an ethernet cable plug in, only a usb, meaning the only way to hardwire is with an ethernet to usb adapter, which does not provide the same quality connection as direct line. This inevitably leads to comparatively poor connection quality. With those factors are you also saying that players on Switch just should not be playing? Or more generally, anyone who only has a wifi option available?
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Wireless connections are still more than adequate and will not cause regular disconnects, I use wifi for my PS5 and I haven't disconnected from the game in months if not years. The level of 'connection issues' we're talking here is extreme. Hell the game allows for up to 300 ping before it even warns you that you have an issue, without preventing you from playing, despite the effect this has on the game.
This is more like "I don't own a PC or a games console but I want to run DBD on my Nokia 3310 and it's gatekeeping if you don't let me."
If you don't have the infrastructure to play an online game, then you can't play an online game.
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I still think it's funny that they think a DC penalty actually does anything, if I DC, get the penalty, I'll just do something else. I don't need to play this game, however, BHVR needs people to play this game.
Just a funny thought.
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BHVR needs people to want to play this game, which won't happen if there's a DC in every match.
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I got news for you: if you're playing LEAGUE OF LEGENDS and your game crashes still you'll have penalties. And LEAGUE OF LEGENDS is way older and way bigger than this game.
The only way to remove the penalty is to open a ticket with them with a print of the crash and/or report.
It happens because the game would have to check for a crash report each time the player is disconnects, then it would have to revert the penalties and/or even give the player back items, pips, etc, etc, etc... and that is not the best nor the fastest way to do things.
The same thing happens when your internet is cut out, I've seen many people on Twitter saying BHV is incompetent because they can't figure out if the player dc'd or if the internet was cut off.
I mean, you just have to think for 1 sec and you'll figure out why that is.
How will BHV know if your provider lost connection or if you just pulled the internet plug so you wouldn't have penalties?
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Granted we are talking about one extreme end (the multiple DCs from connection issues) verses the less extreme (generally weaker connection with occasional issues), so I agree it's not exactly comparing apples to apples, but I do think the person I previously quoted might still consider the difference less than desirable.
Aside from all my above nonsense, I do want to know how much of this is actually user sided compared to server sided. Does anyone have some information on ways to discern that?
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OK…so because not everyone has access to reliable internet, everyone who does has to suffer with constant disconnects? If this was allowed without penalty there wouldn’t be a game at all because nobody would play.
I’d argue that the position of “I don’t care if I ruin other peoples’ games” is a far more “privileged” attitude than “I expect people to have a reliable internet connection so we can have a functioning game.”
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I can see that point. Stepping back a bit, we need to define 'ruining the game'. From the OP that's consistent DCs do to network, whereas I switched the conversation to wifi/switch specific where lag/latency/ping is the predominanting issue.
Given those differences, do you consider the lag and latency to 'ruin' the match, or only the major network issues?
(Also I'm glad we can have a genuine discussion without getting heated, I appreciate that)
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Getting disconnected is definitely ruining matches for other people because either the killer gets DCd in which case the match is instantly over, or survivor gets DCd in which case the match is probably effectively over.
Lag/latency issues can make matches unfair if it’s helping killers get hits they shouldn’t or survivors are teleporting all over the place making them difficult to hit/find. I think BHVR should determine what is a minimum ping to avoid unfairness and not let you load into a match unless your ping is below that threshold.
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Oh my god, yesterday I had the worst instance of a lag hit as survivor, it was one of the McMillan maps with a tower, I jump down head for a pallet, watch killer fall down, drop pallet, take two steps forward, and killer hits me from the opposite side of the pallet 😅. They had the red ping icon, and I was on yellow (80-90 in the details screen). I literally stopped and had to do a double take for my brain to comprehend what just happened. 😆