Suggestion on changing toolboxes

As a solo queue teammate since 2020, I believe it's about time toolboxes receive the same treatment as medkits did in order to maximize the interaction between survivors during a match. The thing i love the most around medkits rework is the encouragement to help out a teammate.
Under this circumstances, toolboxes should also head in the same direction. In the current state of the game, the ability to increase efficience in reparing a generator is very inadaquate for the reason that we already have enough perks for gen progress. Besides toolboxes currently even allow survivors to load into a match and barely interact with other players, just do gens and leave.
So my idea is:
- Make it so toolboxes have two side objectives: sabotage hooks or craft a remnant pallet
- A remnant pallet can be reconstructed by assembling the remains of destroyed pallets with a toolbox. It spawns already dropped replacing the destroyed pallet (if you guys believe this is too strong just make it a single-use add-on substituting the brand new part).
- Fast vaulting a remnant pallet gives the survivor a 3% haste as long as they stay in a range of 16m from it (an incentive to use the toolbox to craft it).
- If kicked by the killer, the remnant pallet inflicts a debuff on him for a few seconds (could be hindered or blindness status effect, slower speed upon breaking action - some ideas for a variety of addons that impact the gameplay)
- Toolboxes now hold the same amount of charges across all rarities (lets say about 20-24 charges just as medkits) and an action to repair a gen reduces the efficience.
- Rarities only affect the speed to complete side objectives and add-ons would need minor tweaks here and there.
The idea came from the anniversary stream where the devs introduced the charge system for the anniversary in-game event. i hope you guys consider this suggestion 'cause i believe it could encourage teammates to help out in other ways than just doing gens (anything to make the game less straightfoward can improve the quality of the gameplay). Thank you for reading and see you in the fog! 💙
I want toolboxes to no longer have increased chances of skill checks, so they won't super combo with hyperfocus and fogwise.
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good idea! My point is we need new mechanics so that players are able to interact more with each other. To me personally is very frustrating to end my first chase of the match (as either killer or survivor) with 2-5 generators popped without barely having the opportunity to test different playstyles.
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I agree that Remnant Pallets when rebuilt should start in the dropped position.
Give the Gloves Addon the Any Means Necessary effect. (Has a few charges before the addon Breaks, but is independent of Toolbox Charges)
Debuffs must be “Reinforced” onto a pallet as a separate action (And the reinforce Action may take longer depending on the debuff(s) applied) The Action is unlocked via slotting an appropriate debuff addon or toolbox archetype. Which can also be applied to naturally generated Pallets.
No hinder debuffs on Break. However perhaps Reinforcement can increase time to Break?
Overall an interesting idea.
Do Pallet remnants spawn in addition to existing Pallets at Trial start? Or are they only ever sourced from the Killer Breaking a Pallet?
I think the former, so a Survivor might take time at the start to do something other than gens.
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I absolutely love your take on the matter.
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i think you have some pretty nice ideas but i think your idea of a remnant pallet is a bit to strong, giving survivors buffs and killers debuffs, basically making looping a living hell for killers.
I think the toolbox should stack when multiple survivors sit on one gen (because they are all using your tools). So if multiple survivors bring a toolbox and sit on the same gen they do not stack on each other (because everybody already has tools). In this example, tools would be like a status effect that buffs your repair speed. And every one with a toolbox or anyone sitting on a gen with some one who has a toolbox will get this status. So if everyone has a toolbox and sits alone on a gen it is not as effective.
The remnant pallet could be an add on that you just could repair pallets that have been destroyed by the killer (maybe one for every repaired generator or something like this). But only keeping them dropped so Any Means Necessary still has a use.
No hinder debuffs on Break. However perhaps Reinforcement can increase time to Break?
Another add on could be to reinforce standing pallets so the killer needs longer to break them and survivors vault it a bit faster (because the surface becomes a bit smoother). But this and this:
The remnant pallet could be an add on that you just could repair pallets that have been destroyed by the killer (maybe one for every repaired generator or something like this). But only keeping them dropped so Any Means Necessary still has a use.
should only work once per pallet so survivors cant set up the same loop over and over again.
I think this is also a very good point. Gen repairing perks and toolboxes are strong enough alone and dont need to push each other so hard.
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Uganda, I understand your worries regarding busted looping. Honestly I was just brainstorming ways to incentivize crafting a pallet because we are so familiar with using toolboxes to speed up gens. Plus people love funny speedy builds and there's a new killer perk, which hinders survivors tremendously, coming in the next update. Overall I love your take on the matter specially the part about restricting the add-on per repaired generator.