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Feedback and Suggestions

Killers need to be compensated for camping nerf



  • Member Posts: 813

    I'm genuinely curious now, what sort of compensation would you suggest for the camping nerf? Killers will already have the compensation in that the mechanic will be disabled in the endgame. And they've already received all kinds of basekit tools to help pressure Survivors: Faster pallet breaking, faster gen kicking, 2.5% instant gen regression when kicking, longer gen repair times, Survivors getting shorter speed boosts when hit, nerfed Dead Hard...the list goes on.

  • Member Posts: 813

    And I don't understand how standing beside a hooked Survivor, doing literally nothing is considered fun for Killers. Is getting the kill really that much more important than having fun? Or are you only able to have fun when you get kills?  

    So your response to people complaining about camping is "learn to loop, don't get hooked, get gud." Well, the same applies to the other side as well: Learn to interrupt multiple Survivors, learn to spread pressure, get gud.

  • Member Posts: 2,405

    I do think there should be some changes to the game to further encourage alternative gameplay (mostly aside from the camping change anyways). Make gen defence more meaningful/interesting again pleassssseee

  • Member Posts: 1,132

    I haven't thought of the specifics but it has to be something that makes it worth leaving the hook over camping.

    WInning is fun. Also, I rarely camp for long unless the survivors are hovering around the hook. It's usually just a short camp to secure the next hook stage, so it isn't boring.

  • Member Posts: 2,405

    Winning isn't really what makes a game fun for me at least. Some of the most fun games I've had were ones I lost while some of the most miserable games were a 4k. For me, I care more about the actual experience during the game and not th3 end result.

  • Member Posts: 320

    The compensation is that you will now be able to move freely and explore the maps while looping those evil survivors ❤️

    I think Bubba is fun to use (and verse) when not facecamping.

  • Member Posts: 605

    So you don't understand how forcing the hand of the survivor to come to you in a powerplay move is fun eh?

    Well, I can try to explain but you don't even answer the real question I asked:

    Why would YOUR fun be more important than mine?

    quit making rules up and deal with it. Period.

  • Member Posts: 855

    Its not, but Your fun should not be more important than his either.

    There are certain actions that makes some players having fun but other not:

    Killer camping and tunneling makes killer feel fun because they won the game, but survs not having fun because they do literally nothing in a game;

    Survivor having fun because playing the game while killer not having fun because they loose the game.

    Then answer Your own question: Why Your fun should be more important than his?

    The difference is that survivor is not having fun because they are forcefully removed from the game they payed to play for. While killer is not having fun, because survivors are PLAYING better, not because they are not playing.

    I think this is more important than either side fun.

    If there would be a mechanic that remove killer from the game, or petrify him for X minutes, and survivors would abuse that to win it would also be considered as "not fun" and "not healthy" and lot of players would vote to remove that mechanic. Would You defend it as "valid strategy"?

  • Member Posts: 2,426
    edited June 2023

    Let it go to PTB first at least.

    It's 16 meters, it might not even be an issue. We'd really need to test it out first.

    If killers drop off the face of the game, maybe they'll finally get some changes to make not camping/tunneling viable like they've been wanting. But that's doubtful, more than likely more killers will just pick up Nurse Blight Spirit or stop playing killer.

  • Member Posts: 81

    There are always going to be moments that are unfun for both sides it’s either, people just gotta suck it up.

  • Member Posts: 81

    Multiple survivors? What about the weaker killers? What about them just splitting up? Maybe you’d rather people only play killers like blight and nurse? The difference with killer and survivor is that every survivor is capable of the exact same gameplay while not every killer may like the gameplay of nurse and blight.

  • Member Posts: 81

    Those changes didn’t give Killer advantage, I haven’t seen the game so balanced in a while (But also it not activating at endgame should be enough)

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    What about weaker killers is same as what about soloQ. If you want to go that way, then ALL killers need nerfs - some more, some less...

  • Member Posts: 1,716

    As a killer main I completely disagree that killers need to be compensated for this. And even if it does result in camping being "completely dead", uh, good. It's the least fun part of the game for everyone involved. Sure I do it sometimes, but I never have any fun doing it, and usually when I do it it's to secure one final kill during the endgame, which you will still be able to do.

  • Member Posts: 81

    Solo Q is easy, just add voice chat the difference with solo q and swf is communication

  • Member Posts: 81

    Also solo Q is a play style within survivors if killers need nerfs to help Solo q (Or if the alternative which is buffs) then Killers would also needs buffs if your taking camping or tunneling

  • Member Posts: 2,205

    Isn't that system hidden buff for the killers?

    It's doing anything only against face camping.

    Proxy camping was always a better option. So this system is going to teach every killer how to proxy camp.

    Funny is you will see way more tunneling and even more after they somehow nerf 3-gen.

    Have fun.

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    It's about same playstyle as picking trapper instead of nurse. The difference is, that picking killer is ALWAYS a choise. Having or not having friends available is NOT ALWAYS a choise. Also comms is probably the least differentiating fact between soloQ and SWF. The biggest benefit is, that you can play with friends that are about as strong as you are - so you don't have someone dragging you down. Your friends will also not throw the game for a challenge. Your friends will also not take sole survivor or don't leave everything for someone else. Your friends will not let you go 2nd stage if possible and so on. Comms is just one variable and not even the biggest one. And soloQ is by far hands down THE weakest role in whole game.

  • Member Posts: 4

    So fun fact, as a hardcore survivor main, I'll give some more insight on this.

    It's punishing to get into a game and immediately, 5 gens get camped to death. Not only because it takes the fun aspect of the game (aka chase) away from the survivors who aren't hooked, it also takes the fun out of the person on hook. Patrolling and protecting a hook is different than camping and can be countered.

    In a good swf, once they learn the killer is camping, we will ALL do gens while that person is on hook so that we have a better chance to make a 4 man. That's how the game works, there's no reason in taking trades because the killer simply didn't want to play the game like it's intended.

    There should not be any compensation for this nerf because camping shouldn't have been a thing to begin with. This will encourage killers to start chases, use their powers like it's supposed to be used, it'll add more diversity in the perk load outs for killers.

    For a killer that's good at the game, this isn't a nerf.

  • Member Posts: 4,285
    edited June 2023

    About the same as playing against C33+alch ring blight, MDR+amulet spirit, tombstone piece meyers, .... Both sides have some strong stuff that feels bad to go against when unprepared (usually resulting in stomp IF skill level does not dictate everything).

    My original point was - that balancing around trapper on killer side and around SWF on survivor side is about as unfair, as balancing around nurse/blight on killer side and soloQ on survivor side. So mentioning "BUT WEAKER KILLERS" just to get extra buffs is.... Not taking full picture.

  • Member Posts: 605

    I disagree so hard here.

    If you end up on hook, you not only played, you lost.

    We are talking about giving MORE FREE second chances to survivors in an economy where killers have NONE outside of their 4 perks slot and 2 addon slots that keeps getting hit with nerfs after nerfs every times survivor loses to something that is trendy enough for the devs to kill it outright with a nerf hammer.

    Gen rushing and built-in endurance from the hook keeps getting abused in ways that keeps the killer out of the game or straight up deny them their hits but that's okay, "It's fun for survivors".

    Put a survivor on the hook and camp them, play for slug or "tunnel" them out of the game and everyone loses their mind over it!

    Like there is nothing left for the killer to do!

    These are made up rules that the survivors made for killers and it's absolutely biaised for their own benefit and should be COMPLETELY disregarded.

  • Member Posts: 81

    Who said friends don’t do that too? 💀 The addition of comms will greatly increase solo q especially with how the ranking works, also the difference is someone may find Trapper much more fun the nurse but not every killer is the exact same. Just like you don’t have a choice whether or not you have friends you also don’t have a choice whether or not you like a specific killer

  • Member Posts: 300

    Bubba is an abomination that should have not exist and I really wish he was gonna be gone since he would have his own game, unlike ghosty/myers/oni who have to work for their power and cant use it infinitely(unless its that judy add on on myer) the fact he can just have a instant spamming down that can moe over everyone is one of the most stupid designs ever. The less bubbas the better. They been enjoying this for years now its time for them to sashay out that basement.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    Kills should be earned by skill, not just by standing next to a hook giving no chance for a save.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    The worst is that his chainsaw doesn't stop after hitting you once. It just goes through BT and you have no chance unless you have SB or Adre. And even then you need someone unhooking you in the first place

  • Member Posts: 1,132

    But the world is scary and I'm not sure if I am ready to leave the basement yet :(

  • Member Posts: 300

    yep and locker tech almost never works. I can fake a legion to try m2 me by a locker, they hit it miss and is in fatigue buying me time to jump out and to run off yet with him even when he hits it, it is still going and ill try at the last second as he get out of animation but still get locker grab 95% of the the time, terrible design he should stop when he hits anything.

  • Member Posts: 4,285
    edited June 2023

    Nah. The killer is actually fun. Problem is, that most people play bubba as camping machine. If you met me, you would enjoy the match very much (maybe except endgame where securing kill is the only thing left to do). I run 0 camp/basement perks, run pain res so I will probably not hook you in basement. And even if I do (because it's closest hook and pain res is used up/out of reach), I will run away ASAP.

    The killer is quite fun. All that devs need to do is nerf his camping ability and slightly buff his chain duration (against good opponents, it feels required to bring award chilly+beastmarks). And if you get chasing bubba, it's also very much fun to go against him. Sure - the experience is much tougher (as a survivor) if you get gideon's the game, but on most maps it's very much fun

  • Member Posts: 855

    Im not even try to secure kill in the lategame. If i did not killed anyone till the endgame, i mostly left them on a hook. If people are willing to unhook they are free to go, if not, then its kill for me. (Tho mostly they die before endgame, maybe because im so generous so my MMR is not so high).

  • Member Posts: 4,285
    edited June 2023

    To each his own. I think it's only fair to camp at endgame, because there's nothing else to do.

    Then again, I have had games where I left basement with 3 people hooked inside (altruistic team going down 1 by 1 trying to go for flash saves) to have more interesting game, so I get you.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    Another less known fact: you can grab survivors mid cooldown as Wesker and other killers as well (I believe).

  • Member Posts: 300

    I know that about wesker, where some how he can still grab you even if you technically way faster vaulted but it honestly dont bug me as much as the fact that when bubba hits a person or object with his saw he is still going with it and that shouldnt be a thing.

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