Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Speed effect should not stack and bloodlust should eventually be removed

A lot of players have expressed concerns about the new perk "Made for This" being too strong, and I think this is more caused by an issue that has became more and more noticeable as new perks are introduced.

Speed effects stack with each other and It's an issue.

This mechanic not only makes those perks exploitable but also hinders the creation process of new perks due to combinations making the game unplayable for M1 killers.

Speed has always been one of the strongest effects in the game, this is why the higher the speed boost the harder it is to get/keep, but having them stack makes those limitation pretty irrelevant because of how strong is the result and how similar a lot of activation conditions are.

I think it's time to change that and finally remove the ability to stack speed.

My idea for this is simple, make only the highest speed boost apply at a time.

Meaning if you have both 3% and 5% speed boosts you'll only have 5% apply, same thing with exhaustion perks if you happen to use sprint burst with those 2 speed boosts you'll run at 150% and then go back at 105% once SB ends.

This should solve the issue of exploiting speed perks and allow for easier and more proper balance of perks related to speed while making the life of regular M1 killers easier

Of course perks like PWYF are an exception to this, they should stack with themselves since it is the intended purpose of the perk BUT they shouldn't stack with others either.

A similar topic I wanna talk about is bloodlust.

This mechanic was first introduced to counter infinites, but I think a lot of issues came with it along the way:

- A lot of the maps / tiles /chaining tiles aren't getting as much attention as the should and properly addressed because bloodlust is acting as a band aid fix.

-BL is also the reason the stackable speed hasn't been really looked on by devs since it counters it to some extent (again a band-aid).

-BL is a big reason as to why under powered M1 killers aren't looked at properly because guess what? It's also a band aid to not have to worry about them too much.

- BL is rewarding new/bad players for playing poorly.

Just like I said earlier speed is one of the strongest effects in the game, rewarding bad plays with it is just overly counter productive.

A consensus in this community is that the game tends to be more killer sided the lower the MMR and more survivor sided the higher the MMR. Meaning that new killer players are getting an overly strong effect for doing the wrong things essentially giving both and unfair advantage and also greatly hindering their learning curve.

We also have the issue of some killers not actually looping anymore instead of going for mind games or using their power in a smart way, they will just hold W until they get the hit, but on top of that it creates a boring gameplay was there basically is no real interaction between survivor and killer and is just a "holding w" competition.

Of course, not all BL is bad for the game BL1 is perfectly balanced IMO it gives a little help in the struggling moments without being overly powerful and winning you chases for free.

Devs have announced that they intend on properly balance maps, and once they finally decide to remove stackable speed it should be time for BL (at least 2 and 3) to go. And for D tier killers to finally get the balance changes they deserve.

Because for now it's hindering the balancing of the game by acting like a band aid for most major issues killers have to deal with.

I really wanna hear your thoughts about all of this.

I might have forgotten to mention some arguments because I'm writing this in a hurry.

Also english isn't my main language so there might be lots of typos and parts hard to understand.


  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,949

    Bloodlust is a big reason as to why under powered M1 killers aren't looked at


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,173

    I think bloodlust 1 is most harmful actually. I think bloodlust should be last resort type mechanic. For example if the chase goes on for 80 second or more, you gain 30% speed and your attacks instant down giving you an uncontested chase win. in practice, bloodlust should never trigger unless there is such a absolutely powerful setup that is so strong that killer needs to break the infinity loop.

    bloodlust is a problem but I doubt dev will change anything about the mechanic as there is little interest in making the loops fair for every killer to have an opportunity to get the hit at every loop. "Made for This" is going to be plaster fix to bloodlust 1 design for survivor.

  • Luceus
    Luceus Member Posts: 76

    So instead of fixing maps and making them more fair.

    We should punish survivors for being good loopers?

    In a balanced situation if a killer gets looped forever the should lose that game and lose MMR to end in a lobby more suited for him, instead of having the game giving him a cructh to win.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited June 2023

    If a Killer is hitting BL 2 or 3, it means the Survivor looped the Killer for 25/35 seconds without forcing a pallet break, which is extremely good for the Survivor.

    Factoring out the bad map design, Bloodlust is there to make it explicitly clear that the Survivor is supposed to lose a chase after a certain amount of time, because in a 4v1 game, the 1 has to be much stronger than the 4 individually.

  • Luceus
    Luceus Member Posts: 76

    Exactly a survivor is supposed to get downed, however why does it need to be from a crutch and not skill? Why instead of losing to get to a more suitable MMR the game the game tries to correct your mistakes to try and grant you a win?

    Killers already have the upper hand in chase (Factoring out the bad map design).

    If you can't win chases you should loose.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited June 2023

    Because in a game where every Survivor can be literally uncatchable if they're good enough at looping, there'd be significantly fewer Killer players around.

    Dbd is somewhat unique in that it expects you to not only be good in the 1v1, but also macro in the 4v1; it is possible to play all of your chases optimally and still lose if you aren't good at the 4v1. As anyone who's run the Killer for 5 whole minutes, but somehow their teammates only managed to finish a single gen in that time, can attest to.

    Some Killer players aren't that good at chasing, but are good at macro, and a game where chase is literally everything doesn't really give those Killer players a chance to shine.

  • Luceus
    Luceus Member Posts: 76

    They can shine... In low MMR lobbys where they should be until they learn how to loop better...

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    Or maybe the Survivors who spend all match following the Killer around trying to bait them into a chase so they can show off their looping skills should be shining in low MMR lobbies, where they should be until they learn that doing gens is how you win.

  • Luceus
    Luceus Member Posts: 76

    I swear this community can't get past the US vs Them mentality...

    Yes if a survivors is bad/throws the should lose...

    This applies to both sides, not just yours, not just survivors...

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,672

    Maps have a major design flaw, where they can have so many connected tiles and resources, that a killer might feel that it’s more efficient to stay in the same tile until they reach bloodlust 2 or 3, than it would be to break a pallet and follow the survivor to the next tile.

    And maps have a major design flaw, there they can have so many connected tiles and resources, that equipping windows of opportunity can allow survivors an easy mode way of extending chases, where they can just run from tile to tile, and pre drop pallets instead of being required to try any sort of mind games or advanced tactics.

  • Luceus
    Luceus Member Posts: 76

    Maybe that's why I said that we should wait for maps to get fixed before removing BL

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,672

    BHVR also should fix the gen spawning and hook spawning rules…..

    It’s a problem when generators spawn too close to each other. But it’s also a problem when some generators are so far away, that killers feel they shouldn’t even try to defend them

    It’s a problem when survivors are left to bleed out on the ground, but it’s also a problem when hooks spawn so far away from each other, that slugged survivors might be too far away to be hooked (and some survivors purposely try to get knocked down in places that are too far away to be hooked)

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited June 2023

    Honestly BHVR ACTUALLY should do something ridiculous like this, otherwise they do think "this is fine because kill rates are good" even though game has countless design flaw.

    We have to face the problem even if it kills the game for a month or two.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I'm concerned about the perk itself. Goofy speed stacking doesn't bother me because all those perks are conditional in some way. Every Hope or Blood Pact is a hyperfocus, prove thyself or sprint burst not in the match. Not a big deal.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    It's not Us vs. Them, dude. There's more to mastering the game than just chases, and mechanics like Bloodlust reflect that.

    Because again, regardless of how good you are, you're supposed to lose a chase as a Survivor after a certain amount of time. The game is designed around Survivors losing multiple chases in a single match; the chase mechanics HAVE to be heavily tilted in the Killer's favor for the game to function.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    If the problem was stacking, you'd think blood pact, power of two, and dark theory would be meta with hope

    Yet, it isn't