Movement Speed should be left to niche only.

So the upcoming "Made for This" perk yeah... horrible idea.
MS has always being delicate when it comes to balance, since its REALLY easy to break it, you can already see this with the likes of Blood Pact, Cheryl's perk, or the new one, Power of Two, Thalita's and both requires the two survivors to be close to each other.
Now we getting this perk that activates JUST from being injured and remains active for as long as youre injured, 3% may not sound like much, but it is, specially for good survivors that know how to loop.
This will cause issues similar to what Resilience + Spine Chill did, making chases considerably harder for killer, and take in mind, that Res still has the Vault Speed buff, which means you can combo with MFT, and its perfect since the requirement of both is the same, being injured.
And lets not forget Hope btw, that perk alone can make survivors way harder to catch during Endgame, now imagine with MFT, no, actually, let me show you:
And thats just one survivor, now imagine if any other buff was added on top of it, SWF will abuse this perk like hell, during Endgame with Hope and MFT youre a 110% Survivor, on your own.
This perk on its own will basically kill Trickster has a killer, cause he already struggles to catch up to survivors due to his power not justifying his MS already, now imagine with the new perk, you might as well forget he even exists cause matches against this perk will be unplayable.
I know they said they're looking into the perk, but the hard cold fact is, it should NOT release live in its current state, the fact that it went unchanged during the last PTB patch is worrying.
So back to the title, Movement Speed should be left to niche situations, like Endgame in the case of Hope, or a boom with Dark Theory, or the two Team perks mentioned earlier, not from something like being injured.
They're doing it for the cash grab. It'll get nerfed in 9 months
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I think it's cool, but I also think it should have a better down side, like making you broken for the entire duration of the match.
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I'm willing to test it and see.
It's probably not going to see much effective use.
11 -
Hope is clearly the problem in the clip you shared.
I really wish people would stop complaining about the new perk, which has been introduced with a relatively moderate haste boost, and instead look at the perks that synergize with it.
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I hope it's insanely strong and lasts for close to a year so killer mains have to endure what survivors did with eruption. Only seems fair.
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Finaly some new chase perk for Survivors that isn't just another worse Exhaustion perk. It is exciting perk and finaly something fun and probably powerfull. If it turns out to be OP, then I wish they just nerf it to 2% speed or something.
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Eruption was exactly what you want this new perk to be but for dh with god validation. So I guess you want to start a cycle.
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I mean hope was already like this before. 107% was enough to take 110% on a long enough chase because of the survivor's smaller hit boxes and faster vault speeds and most 115% would lose chasing a hope user anyway, at this point in the game all the gens are done and chasing anyone with hope will buy everyone enough time to open gates and get out including the person you chase. At the end of the day if survivors are trying to "take the game hostage" with this you can open the gates yourself and reguardless of the new perk this kind of interaction happened with hope anyway. I will agree this perk has the potential to break the game in the future if there is another easy to access haste bonus however I doubt any serious issues will arise from this in the immediate future.
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Yeah please get rid of hindered aswell, especially the Wesker and Blight ones.
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Doesnt Wesker only apply when fully infected? outside of tunneling one person with it, i think hes mostly fine balance wise.
Blight... yeah that boi needs an addon pass.
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Why are people in this community like this? The spite and pettiness toward the "other side"? It's so frustrating.
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Dear Devs.
People like this do not speak for the community, especially those of us who play both sides and want a better experience for all.
Thank you
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The easiest solution, in my opinion, is make it so the Haste effect does not stack with other Haste effects, it solves a lot of problems with the perk.
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Adding a cap could also work.
But in general, this perk and potentially Hope need to be looked at.
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I've never seen so much complaining over a single perk that not only will probably have a sub 1% usage rate, but is also hard countered by base kit bloodlust 1 (5%) and nearly every single killer power in the game.
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Yeah! Waiting an extra 15s every single chase contingent upon not getting vacuumed into a pallet or having to break a pallet or the survivor not having a strong window to play just to counter part of one perk is totally fair and viable! What's all the complaining for????
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Nah, it's insanely strong on it's own. I consider hope to be fair because you're playing with 3/4 perks until the last gen pops. That's an opportunity cost. Made for this doesn't have a cost coupled with two very strong effects. It's ridiculous.
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Obviously hope is the problem in that video.
And besides, for that combo you dedicate two entire perk slots to it. One of which does nothing til endgame, and the other being unusable with exhaustion perks. For value like in the clip you need to survive til endgame and be injured. And since MFT is exclusive to ex perks, surviving will be harder without that chase extender.
mft is fine. The only issue is that now theres enough haste boosts in the game to (potentially) move faster than killers. I think there should maybe be a cap, but not too low considering most scenarios like that are incredibly niche.
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Your chase is either over in 15s, which is nothing to complain about... Or your chase lasts more than 15s and the game literally hands you a hard counter to the perk for free, which is nothing to complain about.
I can assure you that the answer to your question of 'but, but what if I squander every advantage I have?' has nothing to do with perks.
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So hey, dude, quick question for you, how many years did DH go totally untouched?
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If a survivor is alive by end game it's likely they escape regardless. Hope is an end game perk, it should be rewarding to use like any other end game perk.
If survivors are running things like MFT, Adrenaline, Hope, Blood Pact that's at least half their build for end game. Less room for things like WoO, Prove, DS or anything else that would help them get to end game.
Post edited by GolbezGarlandGabrant on1 -
It won't, OP thinks that movement speed build is "easy", which lets me know that they watch cherrypicked Youtube videos against Killers who don't have instadowns, exposing powers or anti-loop.
I KNOW one of those videos, and you need to stack situational Haste perks that are easy to break.
Intelligent post.
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Until you realize that can make survivors essentially a "no go" when it comes to chase, chasing them would be an utter waste and lose you the match, cause it would take a considerable amount of time, if you even manage to catch them.
Now imagine if most of the team if not all of them run perks like these, and then we include SWF into the mix, you basically cant do anything.
Anti loop wont help at all, cause they can straight up just run into another tile.
We already saw this with DH, getting hit by DH was a massive blow, cause it considerably extended chases, now we have a perk thats essentially free that makes survivors stronger at chase in general, add something like Resilience into the mix, and this will get ridiculous.
Then we add Team perks, and this becomes unplayable.
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Of course, every killer has an instadown, an antiloop and an instant 3'd BL. And of course, a couple of percent is not a big difference, despite the fact that 2% haste saves the killer 10-15 seconds in each loop. This is half of the Prove'd gen.
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Do it D&D style where the highest value in play is the cap. For example, if you're using one perk gave +3% and another +5%, then you can't go past +5%.
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Well, color me surprised, this perk is just as dumb as i though, chases are horrendous cause of it.
GG devs, for releasing a obviously problematic perk without any changes
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The question is do people really wanna do end game builds? I for sure dont because I may not even live to use any hope/theory/pact etch. I bet this is gonna be like that blood rush uproar only to find out in the end that no one even touch the perk or use those END game speed builds.
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Is not even about the endgame, its the perk alone, and any combo it can use, notably, Resilience
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Obvious bad faith argument, you KNOW I meant you only need 1 of those 3.
And perhaps according to math, but that's not how it plays out because the Survivor typically makes it to a vault or pallet, and then they extend the chase.
Stop trying to fearmonger with ######### like "half of the Prove'd gen", your nightmares don't play out in actual matches.
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LMAO Hope is an endgame perk that gets shutdown by non-M1s, and is useless if you don't make it to endgame. Nice try buddy.
This post is a great reason why the forums are considered a joke btw
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Hope definitely doesn't gets shutdown by non-m1s, but yeah that perk is not a problem.
It's like a killer perks that activates on last two survivor remaining, at that point it doesn't really matter how strong killers are, they basically won.
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Well that perk will start to become a problem if they add stuff like MFT.
It was already questionable that they made it last forever considering how significant the speed boost is
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Not really, 7% is already strong enough to escape from pretty much any killer, people just thought being as fast as killer is ridiculous.
the problem is MfT and MfT only.
Btw you can just stack bloodpact and hope to make 114% survivor, and in the endgame there is not a much reasons to go farther too, if endgame is something important people would run that perk combo especially with duo... well it still requires you to keep obsession but that's not very unlikely I think.