Singularity just feels painful to play

Not saying anything about the killer's actual strength (probably too early to say), but wow does it feel frustrating to play
- Doing the M1 killer thing feels orders of magnitude easier and more effective
- EMP duration is comically long, given that they're everywhere. Slipstream is hard to apply and easy to remove
- Moving to a new camera will half the time just start with the camera pointing into the wall, so you need 2 seconds to reorient
- Killer randomly gets slowed to a crawl for 5 seconds after exiting camera view - why?
- Need high sensitivity on console to deal with 360s, but that makes it near impossible to line up camera shots
- Killer feels bad on a wide range of maps. If map too open, pods don't have enough range. If map not open, no time to line up shots
- Good odds you will switch to the wrong camera multiple times per match
- Camera does nothing if survivor is anything less than 100% visible
This killer didn't look disappointing on paper but they just don't feel worth the effort to me, as is
Couldn't agree more, I don't care how strong he is I just wish he was more fun and less frustrating to play.
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The slowdown is for being too close to a hook. But I think so the power punishments for being too close to a hook are largely unnecessary and are more frustrating when you aren't trying to camp.
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Ah, thanks, I couldn't figure it out. I was going out of my way to not camp but I guess I hadn't walked far enough away from the hook
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While he's playable to a degree, his biopod cameras are super annoying on console at least and hard to aim with in time after having to adjust for 2 seconds because of the camera view facing a wall or something And on some maps depending on placement, you can't see anything looking through the biopod. High up on trees for example.
Post edited by CrowVortex on2 -
It's just a killer with complex mechanic that require dedication. But few things I'd adjust:
- show which camera deactivated (for example in yellow; now it is yellow only after you accessed it)
- do something with disorientation (like very vast traversal toward it, dredge style, but very fast, 0.5 -1 second long , ideally with swerve into position)
- observation should be Myers-style, if you see part of survivor, you gain infection just slower; now it's completely random, you could see 2/3 of survivor and nothing happens
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His biopod cameras are flawed. Can't play him without making a mess of my desk with my leftovers.