Made for this

ain't no way yall actually think this perk isn't completely busted
Bet you’re one of the killers who welcomed the bloodlust buff last year.
20 -
it's been fine in my games. still end chases fine as killer, albeit some chases might have taken a bit longer. i've used it on survivor and died plenty. like most other sorta decent survivor perks, people are going to complain on launch until they are nerfed into the ground.
16 -
Bloodlust was only buffed for the timer on bloodlust 2. It still doesn't change the fact that if you are using bloodlust 2 or 3 to down the survivor consistently, you already lost the game. Bloodlust is a bandaid for stupid maps because without it, the house in garden of joy would unironically be an infinite. I'd be all for getting rid of it, if they fixed the stupid things on some maps, as well as doing something to address survivors who "hold w" against m1 killers like trapper.
17 -
It's too early to say if it's broken or it's fine. I think it could be broken in good hands, but it's too early.
0 -
what infinity? no it would not be an infinity. the window block after 3 vaults. I am not exactly sure what bloodlust purpose is. I think it is suppose to buff weak killers in the chase but it does not help them win games against skilled looper's due to the pallets+genrushing. so what is the point?
0 -
You can't honestly be defending that window on garden of joy...
14 -
It's not. 3% movement speed is nothing. It's a weak and situational perk.
8 -
i am not defending the window. I am just saying that the window is not an infinity and bloodlust does nothing to help against it. your still just following the survivor 3 times waiting for entity blocker while vaulting the window/going around it.
1 -
ok, so you are defending that window then, because bloodlust is the only thing that keeps it being an infinite against huntress for example.
But i want you to stop and think about what you are typing. I am AGREEING WITH YOU that they should REMOVE BLOODLUST but so many other things about maps need to be addressed first, because bloodlust is the bandaid fix to these problems. And you can't honestly believe that those windows are fine.
9 -
3% movement speed isn't a big deal if you are running in a straight line. But survivor's hitboxes are smaller than killers, so they can loop tighter, meaning that this 3% actually extends loops quite a bit, and can make things far safer than they would normally be.
An even bigger problem is that these movement effects can stack. For example, if you run this with hope, you run as fast as huntress. You can't think that is not a problem...
It has the same problem old dead hard did, it basically just always happens. Other movement effects that survivors can get have big conditions they have to fulfil in order to get them. Whether it be through a boon totem, or for example hope which only works in endgame. But this one just exists all the time when you are injured.
14 -
You're talking about a window and huntress lol. Habitually vaulting a window in front of huntress is certain death.
3 -
Not THAT window. Bro, you are seriously defending the most overpowered structure in the entire game right now? Especially WHEN I AGREE WITH YOU?
please seriously read my post.
Please just stop defending that window. You can't be serious.
9 -
nah that's bait
12 -
3%is a huge number when normally killer is only 15% faster than you.
3% just means that you can gain 20% (not exactly 20, little more than that) more distance for doing anything.
7 -
I've played 5 games with Gabriel's perks and didn't find any of them overly impressive. Not even MFT. Certainly not game changing. I feel like it's gonna be a scapegoat perk every time someone has a bad game.
4 -
I am running Made for This so far and I don't see that much impact at all. Killers still have no problem catching up to me, including a Trickster.
6 -
3% is not that big of a deal and can do only so little 95% of the time unless if your running a full on haste build, but besides that, Exhaustion perks will always be better in every way possible, bloodlust is also a thing.
The chapter hasn’t been out for 24 hours yet and were already complaining over whats to overpowered, underpowered, etc. Lets just see how it goes for a few weeks, this perk I 99% bet will turn out to become one of those perks where its meta for a short time then everyone switches back to Sprint Burst/Lithe.
6 -
FAR from situational. Literally makes mind games with basically any m2 that slows you down just disappear unless the person is extremely bad.
6 -
It's literally a free uncounterable distance perk that works in every loops, exactly same as the old dead hard which they nerfed for "uncounterable free distance at any loops", honestly I suspect it to be WORSE because it will work on literally ANY loops in a chase unlike dead hard which can only work once per chase.
3 -
3% from MFT = busted
4% from Noed = completely fine
5 -
I can't believe it's not a bait.
9 -
Incredibly overrated. I've already swapped it back out for Adrenaline. Couldn't care less if they nerf it. The only problem it has is the fact that it can be stacked with Hope in the end game. That's definitely a bit too strong. For most uses I really don't think it's as great as people are saying.
1 -
I can't believe its not butter-sorry
force of habit
4 -
And just like Dead Hard, its limited to only being useful in the middle of a chase.
To prevent of start a chase how ever? It has none of. Its gonna start fading away within a week once people realize SB is still and always will be the better option
2 -
Do you seriously thinks "only being useful in the chase" is a problem of some sorts?
2 -
I haven't had any issues with it so far.
It's not bad per se but not worse then if they would just have a exhaustion perk
2 -
I played killer the intire day and this perk is not a problem, you guys are just over reacting, this is the same drama when dark theory was realesed
9 -
Good observation. That might be why I am having a blast playing with it. I find it funny how the perk buffs borrow time in end game. You move 13% faster. You can just run in a straight line and the killer barely catch-up. I escaped like that today. This is my new favourite perk for survivor.
1 -
Dark theory IS a problem, it's just that people won't properly use it often.
And at least it can be extinguished unlike MFT which can not be disabled in any way, unless using exhaustion tools which is extremely limited.
0 -
Its damn strong. I used it the last 3 hours of playing survivors and its so funny to notice, how many vaults i manage to get while knowing i wouldnt got them without MFT. It is just so damn stupid to give the survivors a reward for getting hit and yeah it stacking with hope is just huge bs xD
5 -
I don't think that this perk is overly busted, unless you're playing Huntress, Trickster and Deathslinger. However, these killers are already bad, so I guess this perk is just being overkill.
0 -
Why did Dead Hard get it's last rework/nerf? Gaining free distance to reach a pallet/window and being able to use it several times a game.
How often will you make use of MFT? Every single time you are wounded without fail unless exhausted.
This makes MFT an exhaustion perk and you don't really mix/match exhaustion perks anyway so there's little worry about being exhausted unless you choose to be so by also running another exhaustion perk. Even then you still get to choose when you're exhausted when using Dead Hard, Lithe, and Balanced Landing. And Killer perks/addons that make Survivors exhausted are few and far in between. So the odds of you making full use of MFT's speed boost alone is REALLY high, there's also a 2nd effect to MFT to boot in making risky heals less risky.
There's next to zero downsides to MFT and low odds of not gaining from it's speed.
Next up. How much distance does that 3% speed give you compared to old Dead Hard?
Survivors run at 4m/s, with MFT that goes to 4.12m/s when wounded. Using old DH for distance gave, like, 3 meters if Im understanding the wiki right. That same 3 meters is gained by MFT by running for 25ish seconds. So if you can run for 25 seconds while wounded you equal the distance old DH gave you! Any time spent running after those 25 seconds is additional distance gained over what old DH gave. And this is as said, a nearly 100% certain speed boost when ever wounded with no conditions or requirements.
25 seconds is a reasonable amount of time, a lot can happen in that. But it isn't uncommon for normal chases to last much longer than that either depending on the map as a normal chase can last 1-2 minutes or more on a fresh map filled with pallets, that's also not counting what the given map is or mind games used. But that's for "normal" chases. A survivor with MFT isn't gonna be giving a "normal" chase thanks to that 3% speed boost making it take roughly 20% longer for your average Killer to catch up. 30% longer for 110% Killers.
So on average it's safe to say that MFT will at least EQUAL if not gain more distance old DH gave you in each and every single chase! Some chases will give less, some more. The average though is safe to assume will be at least equal to old DH. Not only that, but you're gaining this added distance out NOT in a chase if you choose to stay wounded! This time saved is 100% bonus no mater how you spin it.
So. How is Made For This a fair perk when it is more or less equal to older OP versions of Dead Hard on average?
8 -
Sprint burst is not adding a significant amount to a chase. Sprint burst also happens at the START of a chase and it makes you walk around so you don't accidentally activate it (or you 99 it, but then you can't do anything, even fall from a great height or you have it ready again).
Lets imagine an healthy survivor and a killer are 32 meters away in an infinite straight line. from each other before the "chase" starts, and lets look at one with sprint burst, and 1 without sprint burst, and see how long it would take the killer to catch that survivor.
- They start running at 32 meters.
- Assuming a 4.6 m/s killer, they will gain 0.6 meters of distance per second.
- In order to get within 6 meters (lunge distance) of that survivor, it will take 43.3 seconds to hit them.
- The survivor will be able to run 14.4 meters away before the killer is out of attack cooldown.
- In order to get within 6 meters of that survivor, it will take 14 seconds to hit them.
- Total chase time 57.3 seconds
- They start running at 32 meters
- Assuming a 4.6 m/s killer, they will LOSE 1.4 meters per second for the first 3 seconds.
- Survivor is now 32 + (1.4 * 3) = 36.2 meters away
- In order to get within 6 meters (lunge distance) of that survivor, it will take 50.3 seconds to hit them.
- The survivor will be able to run 14.4 meters away before the killer is out of attack cooldown.
- In order to get within 6 meters of that survivor, it will take 14 seconds to hit them.
- Total chase time 64.3 seconds
- They start running at 32 meters.
- Assuming a 4.6 m/s killer, they will gain 0.6 meters of distance per second.
- In order to get within 6 meters (lunge distance) of that survivor, it will take 43.3 seconds to hit them.
- The survivor will be able to run 14.7 meters away
- The killer will gain a distance of 0.48 meters per second on this injured survivor.
- In order to get within 6 meters of that survivor, it will take 18.125 seconds to catch them.
- Total chase time 61.425 seconds
Sprint burst adds a grand total of 7 seconds to the chase. Now, you can use sprint burst to get to a safe area if you are in a dead zone, but that creates counter play where the killer can now try and cut the survivor off and bait them. Made for this adds only a couple seconds less than sprint burst over the course of this imaginary chase.
So for trading 3 seconds in this imaginary infinite straight line chase you get:
- A permanent perk that will never deactivate (outside of forcing exhaustion, which is hard to come by, and even then it only lasts a few seconds, so all it takes is a pallet drop to make it fall off)
- A perk that has no activation conditions that won't happen naturally in the course of the game.
- A perk that allows you to be faster at loops (its true function) as the survivor hitbox vs the killer one, 3% can make a massive difference when looping these corners.
Better yet, lets imagine these 3 chases if the survivor starts the chase injured, how long does it take then?
WITH SPRINT BURST: 50.3 seconds
WITH MADE FOR THIS: 66.6 seconds!
So when used optimally, it actually will gain you MORE distance in the long run. AND it can heavily stack with other movement speed increase perks like the boon, or hope etc.
3% is a bigger deal than you realize when we are talking about these small differences in numbers. The difference between a survivor and a killer's movement speed is typically 0.6 meters/s. This perk, makes it 0.48 meters/s That is a 20% decrease in the difference between the 2. That is MASSIVE. You are effectively cutting the killer down to 80% of their speed difference in survivors.
13 -
People dont use because we dont know how to use it, people dont use it cuz is bad, 2% and 3% are nothing, the value you get from both dark theory and made for this are almost nothing
3 -
If you seriously thinks those haste is nothing, the only thing I can say is "git gud".
Because that just means you are literally not understanding how this game works.
4 -
I play this game since 2018 lol, how I dont know how the game works? You guys are treating this perk like dead hard with the dash
3 -
Well if you don't know why you don't know how the game works, there is no way I know it.
2 -
If you say...
3 -
to be fair, a survivor that is 32 meter ahead of killer is like a killer taking a chase from one end of midwich elementary school hallway to the other end. it is a bad chase to take. 32 meters ahead of killer is like 100+ meters in total walking time to catch-up. that is like going from one end of mother dwelling to other end. Most maps are not that big so while you are correct, your post is a bit an exaggeration to average dbd situation. I find it funny that some survivor players think the perk is niche while killer players think it is most powerful perk on the game. I wonder if that means the perk is fair. I do not want to sound survivor bias but the perk is fun to use.
0 -
Can we stop pretending that Bloodlust is not a horrible concept?
The 1v1 (which is also important, you cannot ignore the 1v1) is miserable due to Bloodlust, because Killers turn fair Loops (where they can mindgame) into unfair ones due to Speedboosts.
Furthermore, you wont lose instantly when you reach Bloodlust 2. At least not against inefficient Survivors. And 95% of the Survivor playerbase are not efficient enough.
5 -
this is how you know you can just disregard someone's opinion on balance. Anyone who thinks dark theory is a problem should not be taken seriously in any manner regarding dbds balance.
That perk is straight dumpster fire garbage
6 -
You just don't know what 2% haste can pull off.
It's effect IS a problem, anyone who thinks survivor haste effect without huge limitation is not problematic shouldn't be taken seriously.
Depends on tiles it CAN force killers to extinguish it, because without doing so survivor becomes literally uncatchable.
And no, being problematic and being strong is two different things, dark theory is problematic design but still not strong, MFT is problematic and strong.
3 -
Well I used made for this and I’m getting around the same results I would get from any other games I play and from my experience using it with resilience and hope too btw killers are still able to get me just fine especially when noed is played
1 -
This perk also rewards injured survivors picking up slugs with the endurance effect
It gives too much for one perk
3 -
So killers are able to get you fine with noed? Seems like your S-tier perk did it's job and got you to the end game.
1 -
You all know this perk does more than movement speed buff, right?
It's also anti slugging perk, which is quite decent effect already.
Those who say they don't see difference, go play Plague or Legion for a while, then let me know how it went.
Sure, if you play Blight, you won't notice it.
5 -
Noo shot. 3% is significant, especially against 110%.
The real question is, is it worth running over Exhaustion perks, or even with Exhaustion perks?
Or is it just straight up mid.
2 -
The overall balance of the perk aside, the number of people comparing this perk to old Dead Hard is insanity. Amount of distance gained was never the problem with old Dead Hard, it already gave massively less distance than the other Exhaustion perks, it was how quickly it gave the distance, when that distance was given, and how uncounterable that distance was that made it problematic. None of those apply to Made For This; it gives the distance slowly over a long period of time, granting multiple opportunities for the killer to get a hit, and it has multiple counters that are more meaningfully achievable than old Dead Hard's ever were.
As for the overall balance... I think it's pretty obviously an acceptable perk if taken on its own. It's a noticeable speed boost but only when you're vulnerable, and the killer has more Exhaustion tools than ever to try and deal with it- not to mention that the survivor is dissuaded from using Exhaustion perks themselves, and it's just a speed boost, not a dash with i-frames or Endurance. It won't stop killer powers at all, other than by helping a survivor turn a corner a bit faster.
I do think Haste stacking is starting to become a problem on the horizon. The question of combining current tools for Haste aside, the devs basically can't add more consistent Haste now without stacking with Made For This becoming a huge problem; some kind of hard limit there would be pretty freeing for the game's long-term design space.
1 -
Every exhaustion perk is ass or situational on like two killers(blood echo). I've seen septic touch precisely once ever and it did nothing. Most exhaustion add-ons are also truly terrible or painfully niche so that's not an option either. They took away clown's bottles :(
Also I'm not even sure which dead hard you're talking about. The community really needs a way to delineate the two for these slapfights
1 -
Admittedly I forgot about Septic Touch, lol. That one is just bad, but Blood Echo should feasibly become more viable when players are trying to stay injured for their perk value. Either way, plenty of killers have addons and they all have Fearmonger, not to mention bypassing the need entirely by bringing Exposed or stealth or hindered or haste... Or just playing one of the many killers that don't care about this, but that's more of an ask.
As for Dead Hard, I assumed people meant the pre-6.1.0 version, considering the numbers and language being used. That is an insane comparison. Post-6.1.0 and pre-6.7.0 Dead Hard is... still a bad comparison but less overtly insane, I guess?