Anti-Facecamp mechanic

I would like to make a suggestion about the coming anti-facecamp mechanic. I'm a 1100 hours player since march 2022.
Unhooking yourself for the survivor is not going to work well against the Cannibal, who is I guess the most targeted killer by this new feature. It might be weak against the Huntress as well.
Indeed Cannibal can hit survivor as soon as they touch the ground then catches up after the sprint boost from the hit before the survivor can make it to the shack window or pallet (or if the survivor got hooked in an open area) with multiple chainsaw sprints.
My suggestion : A safe area is created around the hooked survivor : in a 12 meters radius around the hooked survivor (might be increased for range killers), the killer can't use their power and survivors can't be exposed by the killer power.
(Doesn't work against 3 stacks Devour Hope, Starstruck, Haunted ground etc.).
So basically all killers become basic M1 killers around hooks before the exit gates are powered.
This doesn't remove the "grab game".
So experienced and skilled SWFs can't try to abuse the self unhook mechanics, and solo Q average survivors can still try to go for the altruistic risky unhook.
Thanks for your consideration and your job.
The anti-facecamping mechanic will already be abused by swf, let's don't buff it.
As I said in previous posts, since the mechanic works through floor: Surv A is hooked at ground floor, Surv B chase near the hook OR at floor 1 with reassurance, so Surv A can unhook himself while Surv B keeps the killer and Surv C and D genrush.
It's already bad the mechanic, and it isn't even out, let's not suggest buff to a mechanic that will be abused by swf
Post edited by illNicola on3 -
You seem to forget that the camping meter will slow to a snails pace if another survivor is nearby, and I'm pretty sure halted hook timers will not be generating the camp meter
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No, I didn't forget it, and since bhvr hasn't said anything for this, I'm pretty sure that halted hook timers will generate the camp meter. Since reassurance work even if the killer is defending the hook...
The camp meter will go slow, but it will procede, so since the killer is punished for even trying to defend the hook or chasing on a different floor, for me this mechanic will be a lot abused by swf.
The problem with this mechanic is that, even if the killer is defending the hook, the camp timer procede. The same problem that there is with reassurance.
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I'm dying to know what happens when the survivors make a horrible mistake and I've got two hooked next to one another. Do they just get free escape? It's hard throwing to leave them.
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yes, because why punishing survivors for playing bad?
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Who at BHVR thinks this is a good idea? There is already a solution to camping, it's called "doing gens".
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My understanding is it could only be abused by Killer's utilizing the 'facecamp kobe bar' as a resource to proxy camp more effectively. They (BHVR) said they have countermeasures in place for when the Survivor goes next to hook before the Killer, so that puts the Killer in control, not SWFs.
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Now tell me how a killer can abuse this mechanic, because I'm curious. Only swf will abuse of this mechanic, since they can transform it in a bk deliverance. So, with anti-camping mechanic, these tactics are negated:
- Defend a basement party: Basement party = 2 or more surv hooked in the basement. Why should I leave when I have two surv in the basement? With anti camping, you can't defend a basement party.
- Defend 2 near hook: same as basement party. Imagine this: I hook a survivor, one fails to save because played bad, I hook him near the first hooked survivor, both can escape freely if I patrol the areas of the 2 hooks. Why should I leave? I have two hooked survivor near each other.
- Defend a gen with high repair: I hook a survivor casually near a gen that is like 80%, let's take this. I will kick the gen and check if there are survivors, but I don't know if there are survivors near the hook, and obviously the bar of the anti camp will procede even if I'm patrolling the area for a good reason (in fact probably Nowhere to hide will become a must have if this mechanic comes live, since you will NEED to see if there are survivors near you)
Now, with this tactics nullified, there is also the opportunity for survivors to use this mechanic as a bk deliverance and to not waste time saving. As I said, since this mechanic work through floor, I can imagine Surv A hooked at ground floor, Surv B chase near the hook but on a different floor, and Surv C and D genrush, while Surv A can free himself because the killer is in the area of the hook, even if he is on a different floor and chasing another surv. Add reassurance to be sure that the hooked survivor won't reach second stage.
Now, I ask to all people on this forum, how can you think that an anti camping mechanic will be good for the game? Or better, how can you think that THIS anti camping mechanic will be good for the game? A mechanic that doesn't reward the killer for playing good, don't punish survivors for making error, and can be manipulated by swf to give free deliverance even if the killer is not camping, transforming the area of the hooked survivor in a super safe zone.
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Killers can utilize stealth and undetectable perks to greater camp hooks, because people stop attempting normal rescues when they see a blatant facecamp. The most they give the Killer is a hook trade at 55-59s. This means people will either attempt rescues earlier, allowing the next chase to start all the sooner if you can't find anyone else, or capitalize on the proxy camp free-hit.
Basement: You can proxy camp it from a short distance on some maps, or a very far distance on maps like RPD where you can stick in the middle of the map. Both keep you roughly 16m away at the closest. Plenty of distance to still proxy camp.
Adjacent hooks: again you change the hook patrol route from a line to an arc. .---. patrol into :) patrol. Still very easy to do.
Defend High Repair Gen: So let me get this right, you plan on freely allowing ~45s of 3 gens to be repaired because you were scared of 1 gen popping. The plan is to give the Survivors 1.5 free gens to ensure 11.25s(+2.25s kick) of regression to go into effect? This will force/encourage (perspective dependent) the Killer player to do the smart thing instead of the dumb boring thing. If the Killer hears the unhook loud noise notification they can go right back. Plus with the new and improved Pop, anyone worrying about gens next to hooks doesn't have much ground to stand on.
The carrot of 6.7.0 was tried, and it resulted in MORE camping and tunneling (the latter moreso due to the foolish DS nerf). The theoretical anti-camp stick has to be used now, because too many players sweating in the worst way ruined it for the rest of us. The only ground to give is multifloor 'camped' hooks, but (imo) like most issues with the game, that is a map issue, not core gameplay loop issue. If your counter to a good change is "on like 3 maps it might be bad", I'd say its pretty clear there is no real ground to stand on to defend that stance.
How can I think anti-camping is good for the game? Because I've purposely facecamped as Bubba and other killers to show you can win without skill and it is a problem. Because I've been camped for the full 2 minutes before a single gen has been popped because my team was allergic to gens. Because non-interaction is camping distilled to its most basic form, and non-interaction is antithetical to a multiplayer experience. It is a mechanic that will punish Killers for playing poorly, not well, as I've already detailed how proxy camping is just as effective (untouched by proposed changes), or gen camping is self-sabotaging. If I as a Killer am being looped literally around hook, my inability to get a down and hook them is my failure alone.
Why this method? Well gen timers are already complained about after being given a generous 90s from 80s, but the hook stage timer wasn't modified to compensate. This empowered (face)camping. It seems as though they are hesitant to add hook time, but that also wouldn't address the core problem. If you get caught once, do you deserve to never play in the rest of the match? I'd argue no, given that we have 3 hook stages for each survivor, to match the classic '3 strikes you're out'. I'm fine with endgame camping ensuring a kill for the most part, as the Survivor team typically greeds an attempted 4-man escape. That feeds into interaction, and gives the extreme highs for both sides of "We got everyone out!" as well as "I turned that losing match around!". Camping from the onset means if Survivors don't do the perfect prescribed actions, they lose. That isn't playing a game, that is being forced to play the song someone else requested, with no improv allowed.