Devs, they promised us changes to Sadako and to this day they have not arrived after its launch

The Knight, after its release had several changes, the skull merchant also had changes after its release.
On the other hand, sadako where are your changes? It is a killer that I like a lot and it has a lot of potential, but they promised to make changes that have not yet arrived today. I hope changes in your most useless tool (power) condemnation. On the other hand, some other adjustments that addons like the "old newspaper" have in their base power among other small changes.
I hope to see changes soon for her.
when did they ever promise changes to sadako?
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I'm Sadako main because I love her and I'm good with her. After the update In high mmr the survivor are too strong, because of her lullaby the survivor know when I come. She is not stealth anymore. I dont have any good gen regression perk anymore. I tried wesker and other killer but I have the most fun with sadako. Now I play only survivor because of that.
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Anniversary Stream 6º
They said last year that they were going to make changes after launch and sadako was going to make changes to it.
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it needs the base newspaper and even the clock, and I do a lot of mindgames thanks to the blinking that it has thanks to those addons, without those addons it is impossible to play it. I love the mechanics it has, plus the condemnation is complete rubbish.
But yes, she needs help and I hope to see changes to his kit this mid chapter.
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Peanut said that they were unable to make any changes because Nurse was higher on priority. At the same time, I do not remember them saying anything in regards to Sadako. All i saw was that they showed stats and she was number 1 kill-rate across all MMR's. that made me laugh because her kill-rate and her power-level were not accurate at all.
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I don't really play Sadako because her condeming is too weak. It depends on me running an iri addon, and that's not sustainable. What I love about the Pig is the pressure of taking off your trap, and a race against the time. What we COULD have with Sadako is the same type of pressure, if only the condemning mechanic was better. Having to pick up a tape and put it into a TV, to remove your stacks, is a cool mechanic. Sadly, it's ruined by loooong TV cooldowns. She could be so fun! And I agree, her terror radius ruins her stealth.
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The kill rate is not everything, the community asks for changes, they should know, and also I return to the main topic, we should have seen post-launch changes, which have not arrived yet.
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yeah the condeming is so... trash. The power is so cool, but with somes QoL its super good killer like i said above (old newspaper and the clock in the base kit for example)
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A slightly weaker version of Iri Tape as basekit, and reduced teleport cooldowns would do so much good for her
Changing Ring Drawing to not work on slug pickups but instead work on unhooks would also remove the one thing survivors don't like about playing against Condemned Sadako
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Why remove Ring Drawing? Add it to her basekit! Wait, wait, let me explain 😊
- Ring drawing is her basekit, but condemn applies gradually, like Wesker's/Plague's infections. If you fully healed survivor, you got 1/6 condemn. If you only touched him, you got 0.00001 condemn.
- Add Iri-tape as basekit. TV cooldown is atrocious. Imagine Dredge is blocked from area of lockers after teleport for a minute?
- Wesker can jump through windows, no one complains. Hux has built in Fire Up + Brutal Strength + overbuffed Spirit Fury, no one tells he is OP. Let Sadako go through windows and pallets when demanifested!
- Buff and make Newspaper her basekit, so she could have at least some mindgame chase mechanic.
- REMOVE BLOODY LULLABY from poor girl! Let this sound be played to survivor louder and louder when he getting close to be condemned.
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These are really good ideas. Dear devs, I seriously hope you consider these changes for Sadako. In her current state, she's basically just Wraith... She would be SO cool if her condemning mechanic was more reliable - if survivors actually had to worry about getting rid of their condemn stacks on a regular basis.
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She got hard nerfed after the visual Terror Radius update.
You can say that the lullaby is audible, but its not a constant ringing, tone or humming. Its a very intermittent shrilling ring but with the update you just need to see the giant red circle on your body.