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General Discussions

Made for This Just Proves Survivors can't have Good Perk

Because it always gets a lot complaints.

First CoH and now Made for This.

And then people are asking why survivors are using same perks over and over again. Because you are not letting devs to make good survivors perks. Whenever they do, you are asking nerf immediately.

Nobody complains about Teamwork perks or 80% of survivor perks tho because they are just garbage.

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  • Member Posts: 9,513

    problem is not good perks. it is that survivor base-kit too strong for any good perks. with how survivor base-kit power-level is, survivor need to be itemless and perkless for majority of killer cast but being perkless is not fun for the survivor. that is why their perks are bad.

    the funny part is that killer who need perks have crap perks.

  • Member Posts: 5,612
    edited June 2023

    Tbf CoH on release literally killed off basically half of the roster with how fast it was especially with old healing and medkits. Wraith went from pretty high tier to middle pact lower half for instance. And DH took like what 4 years to finally die? Survivors perks can last a fairly long time balance wise. Ds took 2 years. CoH pretty close. DH 4. Adrenaline 2. SB is still kinda meta. But yeah this perk idrm. Just the stacking can get ridiculous and movement speed as a concept needs to be closely monitored perk wise.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    Reassurance isn’t good. With camping situations you basically sacrifice a health state to buy a teammate 16 additional seconds on the hook. It’s not worth it. Kinship is better and no one thinks that is a good perk. Hyperfocus only brings value if you have a full build devoted to it. I like Fogwise but it is outclassed by other aura-reading perks. It’s only reliable if you run it in a build that’s dedicated to getting great skillchecks on gens. The rest of the perks he named are pretty bad. More weaknesses than benefits. These killer mains have a low bar for what makes a survivor perk ‘good’ because they don’t want survivors to have good perks. That’s why every one of the perks they listed have extremely low usage rates.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Yep Counterforce got complained about a ton during the RE chapter PTB. It was during a time when hexes were still extremely prevalent and people were worried this perk would destroy hexes.

  • Member Posts: 169

    I say it's fine, there are more High-Tier Survivor perks than there are killer perks, not to mention survivors are all the same movement speed and don't have powers, I think killers should have a higher variety to support different abilities and whatnot. Not to mention the recent nerfs towards almost all slowdown perks, it's a 2-way thing.

  • Member Posts: 685
  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Reassurance and Hyperfocus are not meta perks. You are seeing them maybe time to time. But meta means, you will see them in most of matches which is not true for perks you mentioned.

  • Member Posts: 1,933

    CoH was one of the most stupidly broken perks released on the survivor side along with MoM

  • Member Posts: 1,719

    Hyperfocus, sure, but Reassurance? Non-meta? I... don't have anything more to say on this.

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    Maths around MFT are around this forum and ypu should take a look.

  • Member Posts: 3,024
    edited June 2023

    Becuz most meta perks are done to avoid being camped or tunneled and rush gens.

    Killer meta are around gen regression.

    Dont you think the issue is killer camping and tunnel?

    Why they do it? Becuz its easier to manage a game with 3 persons 2 gens than any other scenario cuz gens literally fly.

    Im agree to nerf all regression and put heavy anti camp tunnel mechanics if we put pallets who need skill rather than run on a loop,drop pallet and shrink maps but it must be balanced around m1 killers.

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