Eta on the mastermind being fixed

Can you guys please tell me will he back before the event cause it will be completely unfair if I can't get the anniversary bloodpoint offerings on him I just wanna know if he will be back this upcoming bug fix
Well the event has been postponed a day, maybe that’s why. Lol
Post edited by Mockingjay_S451 on1 -
He won´t take forever to come back. He is popular.
But for my part - i like not seeing Wesker at the moment.
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How is that unfair lol. Any killer can get bugged and need killswitching
As for an ETA, there’s no official one. Assume the next Mid-Chapter drop, so July 25th.
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The Mastermind is not going to return prior to the event starting no. Unfortunately the fix requires more time than that.
13 -
Really that's ridiculous unfair ngl can't you atleast let us put BP into him this isn't fair at all now I cant focus putting stuff on my main killer good going I'm not playing at all now thanks alot
Post edited by VadersRage6 on13 -
Yay! So thankful for this!
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If I can't get my anniversary offerings on my main killers I'm not playing during the event there's no point I wouldn't mind waiting If you allowed us to put BP into him still but nah this is ridiculous
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I'm gonna be honest it's ridiculous that they push an update live with their most popular killer being broken. Kinda makes me feel like they barely tested this update at all before pushing it live.
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Agreed its absolutely ridiculous I'm tempted to not touch the game during the event unless they enable him again
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So pretty much Wesker mains are going to miss out on like, half of the event.
If only every patch something completely unrelated to the new content didn't break.
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well time for a break for me ... no reason to play or to spend any ressources in form of time or money on this game if i can' t even spend bloodpoints on my main
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i wanted to put all my resources in mastermind but they keep it disabled even during the anni event. its insane.
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is legion going to be fixed as well or kill switched anytime soon?
about the bugs:
currently legion has visual and audio bugs on the survivor POV + he cant vault some windows on many maps , mostly on ormond.
while I consider it a small bug ,I understand that people can say this to be a really gamebreaking bug at some points because you dont know if the killer is on a lethal - non-lethal state or if he actually is using their power or not.
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At least allow us to level up Wesker and put bp into him. There’s no point in playing the event since he’s the only killer I am interested in playing.
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I'm happy for every match that I don't see The Mastermind.. But he should at least be available to spend Bloodpoints on and gather Cakes from this event for those that like him.. It's ridiculous that this option is not available
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This isn't the first time people asked for characters to be able to spend BP on them when they are killswitched, yet nothing was done about it and the feedback was pushed away or ignored. You don't have to killswitch character to the point where you can't even select them in menu, just don't allow to press the play button with them so people can customize and spend BP on them. Funny thing is that store for them is of course opened so you can buy cosmetics for characters you can't even play or level up.
7 -
That's convenient 🙄. Wesker is one of my most played killers as well so I am very upset I can't stockpile cakes on him. I know he gets a lot of hate (for weird reasons) but he is really the best designed killer imo. Fun to play, Fun to play against/counterplay, strong, good add-ons, perk synergy, and MOST IMPORTANT he is great on console. I don't feel like I am being robbed playing him on controller vs M&K.
Best work BHVR has put into a killer. Especially as of late.
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how did he even get broken if yall didn't change anything about him? how did this chapter go live with this bug? why cant you just.. undo whatever changes you made to his code??????????????
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The DBD community writ large. Wesker mains have the Anniversary event ruined for them and some of the community responses :
"i like not seeing Wesker"
"Yay! So thankful for this!"
"I'm happy"
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This really tells the kind of people here, lmao.
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So glad Sheva finally found her rocket launcher 💖
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well, they fixed some minor visual bugs with him.... so, i guess, that's how they break him completely?
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Kinda wild that content that many people paid for via DLC is just kill switched indefinitely. Like, it's one thing to killswitch a map or a perk. But to killswitch an entire character that people PAID for. Pretty crazy. I bought the Wesker RE chapter DLC back in September on release so it's not a big deal to me. But for people who just recently bought the DLC? Y'all really should be compensating those people. I know I'd be complaing to Sony/Steam/Xbox if I were them since the developers of the content basically took their money and didn't deliver what they paid for.
3 -
Kinda wild that content that many people paid for via DLC is just kill switched indefinitely. Like, it's one thing to killswitch a map or a perk. But to killswitch an entire character that people PAID for. Pretty crazy. I bought the DLC back in September so it's not that big of a deal to me. But it really sucks for people who may have just purchased it. Y'all really should be compensating them since you've basically ripped them off for the time being. I would definitely be complaining to Sony, Steam, Epic, etc. if I were those folks. People spend so much money on your bugged game and y'all are just like "we'll get it fixed eventually."
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at this point i am rather suspecting something went wrong with the AMN fix and /or the preparations for the anniversary event, they seem to have touched those assets for some features of the event
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at this point i rather suspect its either the fix for AMN and/or the preparations for the event, where they seem to have touched pallets and windows
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I bet you all that if this a bug for survivors, that bug would hotfixed within a few days
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we literally just got off the back of any means necessary being out of action for like a month what
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True I don't understand why that guy is bringing up the fact that if it was survivor sided issue they would fix it faster like that isn't true I just want wesker to be fixed like fast during the event because of the anniversary offerings
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Nah, regardless of whether it's killer or survivor related, BHVR will take millenia to fix it.
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What ever will you do?! Your life is over! The apocalypse is starting!
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You know you can just save your blood points for when he comes back right? Lmfao
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Or maybe you can just play somebody different. 0 Y'all are acting like he's the only killer available on the roster.
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There are killers who are available. Choose one of those. Nobody is getting ripped off. Game bugs happen. Get over it.
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yeah, maybe its time to try out slugger twins, or impossible heal doctor ...hmmmm...nah, to much effort, Talbot will handle it in his usual manner
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Have you ever heard of main killer bro I guarantee if your main wasn't able during one of the best events with the best offerings you would be upset to
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I don't blame people for being upset that Wesker is killswitched, especially during an event where we can earn massive exp, but coding takes a lot of work, trust me. My partner is a senior software engineer for Amazon and it's a lot that has to be done.
It's not just something you can type a few lines and it's good to go.
If it was me I'd postpone the event or extend it, idk, something to make up for it, especially since it's a DLC character.
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I get it that coding takes some time but I do agree they do something this isn't fair to us wesker players who are the only killer mains that won't get any of the anniversary offerings at all just isn't fair and is ridiculous
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Sorry for all the Wesker players who miss him and want him back, but personally him being gone has been like a breath of fresh air in my survivor games.
It's so nice to have some killer variety instead of over half my games being against Wesker.
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We completely understand the frustration of our players and the team is hard at work in attempting to resolve the issue that has kept The Mastermind kill switched. Please remember that even if Wesker may not be available at the start of the Event, the Event does go on for quite a long time so we're not saying that he will not be available throughout the entire event.
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This game needs a ground up remake. Stuff shouldnt break like this.
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Thank you Mandy just please tell to the team we really want him back and if you could get a fix out as fast possible I appreciate you for responding and telling us
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Is it possible at all for him to be selected and not played so you can put bloodpoints into him or is this something that would require too much work?
It seems most people would be satisfied with this solution.
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They said it require them to completely rework the killswitch system which they should in the future so this issue doesn't happen again
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That’s a shame. I don’t really even play Wesker but just more so feel bad that people can’t get the cakes they’ve waited a year for on him.
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My favorite characters have been kill switched in the past, actually. You know what I did? I learned a different character in the meantime, and improved as a player overall lmfao.
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Lol bro look at what's coming up the anniversary event if it was any other time I wouldn't care as much I'd just wait but that's not the case try being in my shoes
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trying your best to cause some trouble hu
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Again, you are losing nothing. There are THIRTY ONE other killers to play, and survivors, as well. I don't understand why you're acting like this game is completely unplayable with ONE killer unavailable.
Your inability to learn a different character does not get to come at the expense of all the survivors who would be abused and cheated out of a fair match due to Wesker mains exploiting the bug.
Get over it and pick someone else to play, or just go to a different game. The devs cannot bend over backwards and immediately repair a bug just because one player throws a fit over their main being unavailable.