Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

How should emps be tweaked?



  • Member Posts: 275

    Not sure about the regression but not producing a new EMP until the one it created is used would be balanced IMO. Another thought is that after like five minutes the crates stop completing the EMPs and stop at 75-80% and survivors have to manually finish remaining 20-25%.

  • Member Posts: 30

    In general, it is strategic to disperse the biopods to protect a generator, but it becomes difficult in confined spaces such as a shack or a corridor.

    The fact that a single EMP can neutralize all the infections and biopods in this type of zone is frustrating.

    After reflection, it would be advisable to limit the number of entities disabled by an EMP for a more strategic and balanced use.

    For example, we could consider neutralizing a maximum of X infections or biopods in the targeted zone, thus avoiding the decontamination of 4 survivors and 3 biopods in a single EMP.

    Perhaps this might seem too radical?

  • Member Posts: 755

    If I could... Emp should just remove Infection entirely and only disable Bipod cameras for 30 seconds, considering that it is a pain to lock on to survivors when they are more then 20 Meters of the camera which prevents survivors from be tag in view.

    Another idea, is to allow the killer to shoot unaffected survivors and tag them with the bod while on foot; but they get a cooldown. Not sure how they would balance that but I do agree that one EMP is so strong to take alot of Singularity powers and makes the camera useless for more then a minute long, that and they can stack more emp per person and get more easily.

  • Member Posts: 275

    If survivors want to avoid a three gen, run Deja Vu. No excuse anymore to get caught in a three gen with the buffs Deja Vu got.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,592

    Running a perk is only a short term solution for the 3 gen issue, we are looking for a longer term one.

    The comment that you are replying to is quite correct in their assessment.

  • Member Posts: 275
    edited June 2023

    Ugh, double post.

    Post edited by Zaydin on
  • Member Posts: 275
    edited June 2023

    You know, the funny thing is that for how often survivors complain about three gens is that most of the time when a three gen occurs, it is because the survivors did it to themselves, not because I forced one.

    If they can't learn map awareness that is their problem, not mine. If they are going to make a mistake like that I'd be a fool not to capitalize on it.

  • Member Posts: 4,162

    I hope that both sides of the problem are being looked into.

    It is bad when killers pick a 3-gen at the start of the game. But it's also bad when a generator is so far away, or in such a survivor-safe area, that it's not worth defending.

    Also, it is bad when killers refuse to commit to chases if they are going too far away from a 3-gen. But it's also bad when survivors are pre-leaving generators, and creating situations where they are so far away when the killer finds them, that it's a game loss if the killer chases after them. This is made worse when survivors use voice communication to help each other pre-leave generators. And

    And I've had long 3-gen games, where I patrol patrol patrol, and the survivors are excessively hiding to the point where I can't find any of them. The tempo in this game is broken. The major problems of this game (camping, tunneling, 3-gen) are all due to tempo issues, where it takes so long for killers to get into chases with a new survivor, that it's often seen as more valuable to just camp/tunnel/3-gen instead, and bypass the hide-and-seek part of the game as much as possible.

  • Member Posts: 755

    Exactly... Even though Chase are the "fun part" of the game; it never worth many killers like me time to engage in it, as usually I am wasting a precious second or two and let the other 3 survivors knock around 3 times that precious second of knocking a gen down. If I spend more then a minute in a chase or 60 seconds, the other three survivors are already hammering down 2 to 3 seperate gens with of 60 or more time shave off the gen; and therefore my long time spend chasing and down one survivors sacrifice my time in letting the other Survivors knock down half their objectives time clean.

    The game condemned killers to more often seek the three neighboring gens and try to create a 3 gen scenario; yet sometimes get lucky when the survivors don't have map awareness and working on Generators that is too far from the killer side of the map. It not like chase will passively slow down gen time, and getting a hook and trading for a another survivor hook is always worth the time, the others survivors can literally get away with completing their own objective.

    In a way, I want chase to be more rewarding for the killer and the power at least being functional and not completely stop by the survivors control; and the EMP sure ensures the killer waste more time destroying and summons more bods, waste time tagging them over and over when they used their "unlimited emp" gathering and used it every time they get tag or disabled a pod near Generator or exit gate.

    If I need to add one more nerf, I do think survivors whom carry a EMP on their person, cannot regenerate another emp from the same chest they got it from. If anything, the timer is paused and the emp needs to be used first in order for it to start.

  • Member Posts: 62

    I've mainly been worried about the quantity of these changes and their results on the more casual side of the playerbase, since pubstomping isn't exactly the most fun to deal with.

    Also since everyone's giving their feedback i'd like to ask: What were the team's thoughts on boxes not passively printing if a Survivor has an unused EMP from said box, if they've considered that at all. Im really curious.

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