Rework this perk already

I'm gonna say it: The worst perk rn is Self-Care
Winning as killer against survivors running this feels cheap and losing as survivor with teammates running this is depressing
This game really needs a new tutorial for survivors, just to incentivize them to know how to play INJURED. Self care heals a health state in ######### 46 seconds, thats half of a generator, and with Mangled is beyond 60
Some rework ideas I thought for this perk:
- After unhooking someone, Self-Care Activates. When Self Care is active, you can heal yourself without a medkit at 75% of the normal healing speed. The perk deactivates when you heal yourself once.
- Self-Care starts with 2 tokens. Grants you the ability to heal youself without a medkit at 66% of the normal healing speed. Whenever you heal youself with this perk, Self-Care loses a token. The perk deactivates for the rest of the match when it lose all of the tokens
I feel like the dust is still settling around the healing nerfs for survivors in general. The questions currently are: -
- Was nerfing all self healing indeed healthy for the game?
- Was it nerfed too hard?
- What, if any, elements of it should come back?
Not opposed to the idea of Self Care being reworked in light of the nerf. A simple one might be to grant it the ability to heal yourself at this current speed without a medkit, but with a medkit it stacks your healing, so you have to have both to get a strong self heal...
But adding that depends on where the dust settles on the healing nerf in general, and whether 1 perk slot and 1 add-on slot is expensive enough to allow it to return.
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Tbf while it may be terrible I don't blame people from running it since the self care from COH was removed, how else are they going to be healed when their teammateswon't?
Sure they can just do gens injured but not everyone is confident enough to do it this way so they may feel that the best perk to take is self care (even if it it basically throwing the game)
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Medkits and Inner Healing are still 100% viable. Self-Care and Botany Knowledge is also a viable combo, albeit one with a risk. There's really no excuse for running Self-Care on its own, especially since this idea of your teammates refusing to heal you hardly happens every match.
To the wider topic, it is worth pointing out that Self-Care isn't totally worthless. As mentioned above it pairs really nicely with Botany, and using it to finish uneven amounts of heals from medkits isn't completely useless either. Still, some kind of rework would probably be healthier overall.
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Very ironic to say Self-care is the worst perk considering it's the 3rd most used perk in dbd right now, I think limiting the amount of heals you get out of it, in exchange for faster heals is a great way to balance out the perk but it would have to be a reasonable speed because right now it makes no sense why it heals so slow when inner healing exists and heals so fast when you account for cleansing time yeah I get why you'd say it still takes long, but the actual healing of inner healing is way more powerful than self-care especially since you'll be cleansing anyways
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I guess most of an entire continent that plays the game is just wrong, then.
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They need to do something about healing in general. I feel cheated on points that I used on purple med kits that could now be used to get more brown med kits. I wish they'd put the med kits back, or make it more viable to use self-care. Right now the only decent option is Inner Healing, which still takes time to find the totems and cleanse them. I want med kits back to how they were. They are worthless now, especially to solo survivors who can't rely on randoms. It seems that a majority of recent changes do hurt solo survivors more than SWFs.
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i would say SC on its own is garbage but revolved around a build it can be good like here’s one of my fav SC builds
4.resilience/WMT if you wanna be medic
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Haha yeah I bet you do. Bonus appeal to solo bad.
Run leader. Underrated perk.
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I have a buddy who runs self-care and bite the bullet as a combo almost every game. He doesn't even care about the healing part, it's just a good way to be completely silent when you absolutely need to hide your noise from the killer.
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I do admit that Self Care got heavily nerf, that it went from worthless to be completely garbage perk, after the self-healing nerfs... but I also don't want it to be viable overpowered all the time in Giving unlimited self healing at insane speeds when stacks.
If it was up to me to rework it. This is my new and final proposal change!
Self-Care is now a Unhook requirement perk now. Once you get off the hook by any means, the perk activates. You can now heal without a medkit for 24 seconds, same as any medkit self healing speed. Once the self healing action is done, the perk deactivate until you get hook again. You can only used it 2 times per match. Hemorrhage will effect your healing, if you stop by any means; but yoy can still keep on healing afterwards until it is completed.