Can you not do some nerf in secret?

MaxGuitarist Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

Since the patch 7.0.0 the perk Distorsion now activate even when you hook so you loose all your token when you can't even play. Its not the first time when you do a patch and nerf some perk in secret, like Jolt now the survivor scream on the gen.



  • MaxGuitarist
    MaxGuitarist Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

    Yeah i should do that thanks for the advice!

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287
    edited June 2023

    This case might really be unintended behavior, but they indeed do things like this. Let's look at perk saboteur. The intended change in update 6.1 was to highlight scourge hooks in yellow color (they even wrote so in patch notes). But then either bug, or deliberate change made it so, that you no longer see auras if it's you that is being carried to hook. I think the idea behind it is to nerf SWF information, but it nerfs the perk in soloQ too (because setup is everything for saboteur and knowing where you should go to make the sabotage in time without showing your scratchmarks and going for correct (usually scourge) hook is paramount). There was no mention for this anywhere. The only thing that happened is, that their wiki got changed AFTER the fact so, that the perk now states it activates if ANOTHER survivor is being carried. Sometimes even this is not enough. And this exact same perk is the best example. Devs absolutely ignore the fact, that the perk takes 3s to sabotage hook and keep 2.5s in all descriptions. There's a thread created for it (by me - for example see here: ) without any ackowledgement from devs and there's wiki stating it takes 2.5s (see here: )

    The bottom line is - devs have absolutely 0 problem doing silent changes like this. And the only way to know if it's bug or not is looking at wiki if they silently update the description, or if they rarely acknowledge the bug instead. Ignoring specific case OP mentioned - the basic premise is spot on and devs should really take note and inform us openly about things.

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,031

    Just an fyi, the wiki isn't run by the devs, there's no "silently updating" the wiki description by them, that stuff happens when the wiki editors notice something amiss. The devs have said themselves that patch notes don't always catch all the changes that happen behind the scenes.

    Also, the wiki editors have a general rule to not mention bugs outside of some very rare special cases, as people often forget to remove those mentions once the bugs get fixed (and it's not always clear if something's a bug or a shadow change).

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    Thanks for this note. I thought, that wiki is ran by devs. This explains things

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,090

    As Alionis already explained, the wiki is ran by the community, if they change descriptions or numbers it's because they might have noticed their numbers were off.

    Now regarding the topic at hand, if you notice an unintended behaviour, could be a bug and it's worth reporting it.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287
    edited June 2023

    I would not blame community that much though. The perk has this exact same wrong description/behavior also in game

    I can also provide video showing framecount where it's clearly visible, that it takes 3s instead (I have done so already in one of the threads). Or if you want, I can create specifically bug for it - as it's true I left this in feedback section only (because I was suggesting change to make this description actually true, or to split difference to 2.7s instead)

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,090

    I'm not blaming the community, I'm simply stating that the numbers changing on the Wiki don't always reflect changes happened in game.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    I didn't mean it literally :) Sorry for my wording. All I meant to say is, that the wiki has it wrong most probably because the actual game has it wrong. I chose bad words for that one. My bad

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,090
    edited June 2023

    Oh, no need to apologize, I could have probably phrased it better as well.

    All I meant to say is, that the wiki has it wrong most probably because the actual game has it wrong.

    That's also the reason why it's always a good idea to report unintended behaviours, could just be an issue with a description or a number change that didn't make it to the patch notes, etc.

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,031
    edited June 2023

    The wiki datamines every single numerical value you see on there, so that's very unlikely.

    The default sabotage time for hooks is 3 seconds and Saboteur is supposed to reduce it to 2.5 seconds by increasing the action speed by 20%, hence why the progress bar is yellow.

    What you're probably seeing here though is a side-effect of how DbD does animations. Most actions in DbD take effectively a teensy bit longer to complete than their values claim, simply because animation transitions are usually not accounted for.

    A good example is the pallet-break action. If you time it with video footage, going frame by frame, you'll notice it'll take about 0.3 to 0.5 seconds longer until you regain full control of your character, rather than the 2.34 seconds the action should take based on its code.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287
    edited June 2023

    Nope. It's not just transition that allows you to do anything after the fact. I can pretty reliably say it's most definitely good chunk more then 2.7s, after hit recovery time is 2.7s. A standard situation before patch 6.1, where this hit CD was changed from 3s to 2.7s was, that you could start and finish sabotage (without ability to do literally anything) right after bodyblocking hook into hook sabotage. Now you see a good bit of progress missing (that could account for 300ms) to do just that. However you can still manage to do this with alexis toolbox and double speed (in this case you are so quick, that you are able to even get away in case killer makes a small mistake). These are real-game experiences without even using said video and I can say this is the case with 100% certainty, as I realistically play around these things almost every single game.

    Now about the video where you see it frame by frame:

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,031
    edited June 2023

    What I see in that video is the on-screen timer making a sudden jump from 2.59 seconds to 3.00 seconds, goes to show how "reliable" video footage is sometimes, eh?

    But seriously, what I said applies to most interactions. Measure anything in this game frame-by-frame and you'll find that all actions take fractions of a second longer to fully complete (i.e. the time between losing control over the character and regaining it).

    For most stuff that doesn't matter. Whether it's 16 seconds to complete a heal or actually 16.3, who cares. But when it comes down to something that already has a very minor difference like 3 seconds default sabotage and 2.5 Saboteur-sabotage, then that stuff starts to matter, which is a whole different issue.

    I don't agree that this is a bug or even a shadow nerf, because that is not what that is.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287
    edited June 2023

    Again. It's FRAME COUNTER. The game has standard lock of 60FPS (60 frames per second - or each frame taking about 17 milliseconds). This should make it clear why it jumps from 2,59 to 3 (or to make it more clear - fractional part is NOT number of milliseconds - it's actually number of frames past after full second)...

    Another thing - if everything take fraction of second longer - why doesn't that apply to killer's hit cooldown? Why can't I sabotage hook right after being hit?

    As for bug - what is it then if the action takes longer, then is provided in perk description?

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,031

    Fair enough, I didn't realize that.

    As for your other questions: I don't know, I'm not a dev. I haven't programmed this game. My main issue was that you called this a shadow nerf, which I don't agree with. If you look into the code, everything fits. Default hook sabotage time is 3 seconds and Saboteur's action speed boost is 20%, which cuts that down to 2.5 seconds. Everything matches up.

    Why it doesn't apply in-game is a different issue. That is probably a bug that needs to be fixed. But again: not a shadow nerf, because then they would have changed some of the values I just mentioned, which isn't the case.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    Shadow nerf part was different issue with saboteur. When I was talking about shadow nerf, I was specifically mentioning not seeing aura of hooks when YOU are being carried. Go back to my previous post and you will see the exact point where I say this perk has yet another issue (outside of shadownerf with auras) of description not being correct...