This event is really making me wish for hook stage counters

Don't want to be too negative and it is pretty nitpicky but specific hook stage counters would be a blessing.
I'm trying to 8 hook everybody before killing to get everybodies cakes worth and have failed every single time now.
I think it’s weird the killer can’t see hook stage for survivors as well. I mean, they don’t exactly officially support the merciful killer playstyle so that functionality is probably not really on their radar as that would be where it’s most helpful.
Sometimes I get in a not-death hooking anyone mood and same character/cosmetics has been the cause of several accidents. Lol.
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Yeah, I had more than one accidental death today. Sometimes I lose count, but it's especially likely to happen if someone hits second state on their first hook. Hook counters would be nice.
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Killers who will want to tunnel you don't need hook counters anyway, since they will pay attention very well on you.
Killers who don't care about killing would like to have hook counter to prevent killing someone.
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I used to be opposed to this but I would like to not accidentally tunnel /kill early in a farming game
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That’s when I usually just go kill the rest of the team depending on if it looked like anyone was actually going for the person. If I was going out of my way to not kill anyone, making sure to remove myself from the area and sometimes going as far as trying to flush the other survivors toward the hook and those 3 jerks couldn’t be bothered to stroll over and click their mouse then they can all sit on a hook and think about what they’ve done.
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Yeah I haven't done any accidental kills yet but there have definitely been times where I'm like "wait, is this person dead on hook? I don't remember. Oh well guess we'll see."
Or like, oh I'm sorry, I don't remember which of the 3 megs still had hook stages left.
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I'm still learning this game, but I watch a lot of streamers to help me learn the game, and I would be against hook stages being on HUD for the killer.
I think if you're playing the game properly on Killer, you don't need a counter, its part of the game to track downs on killer. You should be actively tracking hook stages in your mind to decide which of your targets are more valuable to you. That isn't necessarily a tunneling strategy, but it is important to keep it in your mind so you can effectively pressure by proxy of "you guys should be helping this survivor get away from me because he is down a hook" so that I chase them instead".
The principle I take on tunneling is I try to avoid doing it, but:
- Getting your first hook is a no mercy situation at all times. After hooks you should always move to pressure gens...
- If someone unhooks in your face, or has been stalking you for the unhook and does it while you are close by, let the unhooked survivor go and take the exchange. Another survivor will need to heal them, so that's 3 gens not being repaired currently.
- The unhooked survivor gets a 20s grace period where I will prioritise chasing the unhooker if I see them. If they linger around to help with flashy saves or pallets instead of getting away to heal, they are fair game and I take their second hook.
- Similarly if the unhooking survivor manages to completely remain out of my sight, they should be trying to get my attention to save their teammate, so if all i csn is the unhooked survivor, that is also fair game, I will take their second hook.
- Once at 2 hooks, this survivor should be playing safely, not making risky plays. I will pressure gens and chase other survivors, I will even avoid them if I run into them off hook when they couldn't reasonably help it. However if they are going for saves, trying to rush gens, doing risky heals, or generally running around in the open or into my arms, once again they are fair game.
The best piece of gameplay advice I learned thus far in this game came from Otz, and its the principle that if you are dead on hook, staying hidden and quiet, not doing much but staying alive is much better than playing risky and getting killed. The fact all 4 players are alive means they MIGHT be doing gens, so passively continuing to exist creates pressure on the killer.
My point is tracking downs on survivors is a huge part of the killers game plan. If you add it on HUD, you encourage tunneling from all killers, and you rob the killer of an important skill in tracking and decision making.
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Seconded. When churning through swing animations I’d rather not pause to check/record if that survivor is someone I’ve hooked before before I pick them up.
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Sadly too many hit to the head have made my short term memory really bad. Keeping track of things in my mind while i have to focus on other things doesn't work well for me any more.
Even worse if i played multiple matches that day. It all blends together
But even with that i would have reluctingly agreed with you if it wasn't for one thing.
Survivors do get them. And they are capable of keeping track of hook stages just as well as the killer.
I'm not usually one for us vs them nonsense but the fact that all players in this game gets the information of when somebody is hooked but only 1 out of 5 has to remember it while the others conveniently have the info available on their hud isn't fair.
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No, it's absolutely not needed feature. It promotes either tunneling/mega efficient plays or farming. Both are bad and shouldn't be incentivized
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This is something that comes into play only for starting killers. Anyone with any decent number of hours will have absolutely 0 problem knowing who to tunnel if they wish to. The reason is simple - if you tunnel, only 1 or 2 people will have hooks - so you actually need to remember just 1 or 2 pieces of information. If you want to play nice however - you need to keep in your head hook states of everyone (4 pieces of information). Considering this - I just know that showing hook states in HUD does not influence tunneling one bit after very short time playing this game (say 100hrs).
For me it would be true QOL if killers saw hook states in HUD. All this information does is offload the need to remember 4 numbers if you are trying to play nice (and playing nice is not the same as farming - it just means not using OP/meta things and not camping/tunneling survivors - but killing said survivors in the end is not refusing to play nice any more).
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If I want to tunnel, I don't need hook counter...
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Well. That was a very fast tl;dr version of my post 😂
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Well, this topic is not really complicated...
If I tunnel someone I am behind him since he was unhooked, who cares about hook counter at that point.
It might work against SWF with 4 same skins, but those deserve to get tunneled, so I wouldn't worry about that.
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I'm also trying to 8 hook everyone, but yesterday I failed to realize 1 person was on death hook... 😭 So I get what you mean
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Oh yeah, I'll do that. Hell, yesterday I got annoyed enough I killed someone just for letting their teammate reach second state. A Claudette near the hook decided she'd rather self-heal than save Nea in a timely fashion, then unhooked her about a second after she entered second state. I wanted my eight hooks and it wasn't Nea's fault.