Killers philosophy on "fair" play.

So I mainly play killer and I am curious as to what other killers think about the "fair" way to play the game. Im discussing tactics not perks. So personally I never go out if my way to tunnel someone but if they got unhooked and its a choice between a healthy survivor or a injured one I'm going to go after the injured one (Unless the healthy one body blocks, in which case I'll just switch to them) I've heard some people deliberately don't go after recently unhooked survivors but I've just kind of gone with the philosophy to chase the weakest survivor when I get the chance (whether it be that they're bad at looping, injured, exhausted, etc.) regardless of hook state or how long ago they were unhooked. Thoughts?


  • ShyPirate
    ShyPirate Member Posts: 377

    In most games I try to get 8 hooks before anyone dies. After hooking I leave the area to give ample opportunity for rescue. If I haven't found someone else when I get the unhook notification then I'll head back in that direction. I don't go out of my way to avoid hooking the same person twice in a row unless I haven't already hooked everyone twice.

    After 8 hooks I will either go for kills or let everyone go. If I perceive anyone as acting cocky I will almost definitely hook them a third time. If I decide to try for kills I won't slug for a 4k unless I'm doing a tome challenge.

    Since I go out of my way not to camp hooked survivors I get very upset when someone is left to die on hook (unless they clearly sped up the process) and in that situation I will go for 4 kills.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,662

    I just follow the official game rules:

    No reason for me to impose any other limits on myself. People will tell you not to do things but the truth is that is social manipulation. If you give into it then people will +rep you and if you don't then they -rep you but at least this way you can whatever you want.

  • Sometimes_Sage
    Sometimes_Sage Member Posts: 144

    I usually try to adapt to the Survivors, I start out casual and only start to play more "optimised" if they are doing it too.

    I feel that doing it this way is the most fair and fun for both sides.

  • Sharby
    Sharby Member Posts: 498


    All people ask for when they say to play fair is don't facecamp or tunnel at 5 gens. Which benefits the killer anyways because tunneling the wrong person results in a loss.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,248

    I play to the level of my opponent. Matchmaking in this game is horrendous. Matches top off in difficulty once you have about 1000 hours in the game, and then it's just your skill rising after that while matches more or less stay the same with some outliers here and there.

    I don't get the satisfaction in beating up on players well below someone's skill level. That's just being a bad sport. I'll take the W gracefully, but I'm not going camp and tunnel survivors with a fraction of my experience level from the jump and nod at them. That's a weak mindset and usually the sign of a killer that gets roasted if they actually encounter good players. No difference between me 4k'ing at 4 gens or 1 gen left.

    On the off chance that I run into good survivors who can give me a good game, I'll go hard. But that's about 1 out of every 10 games or so that I actually have to be awake for. Like I said, matchmaking is awful and games stop getting more difficult after a certain point. And obviously I'll be going all out if it's a scrim, because I'd be wasting their time if I didn't.

  • Justa335i
    Justa335i Member Posts: 223

    I apply pressure as I receive pressure.

    If the team isn't efficient on gens, ill 2 hook every survivor before I start killing them off. I also give the last person hatch.

    When I have 3 tinkerer notifications my first chase, ill play dirty and get a 4k if possible. Slugging, Proxy Camping, Tunneling, etc.

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    This is me pretty much exactly. It's not what I consider fair play though, I think of it as considerate play. Fair play is whatever is allowed by the rules set by the game. I play the way I do because winning or losing is not a big deal to me and camping, tunneling, and 3-gens are just a boring way to play. Slugging will sometimes find a way into my kit, but almost entirely used to avoid tunneling but keeping up pressure or to deal with altruism squads.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,737

    As others have said, I try to play to what the survivor give me.

    Fairness however isn't the big part of it, but most of the easy tactics are boring. Camping a survivor? Boring. Tunneling out a survivor and still having 9 hooks and 4 gens to go? I'd rather be the one to DC. 3 genning (when it was more viable), I don't want to spend 30 minutes in the game on either side.

    This only changes if the survivors are good. If the survivors know how to counter tunneling and camping, then it actually becomes interesting again.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,064

    If the match becomes sweaty I become the same. Otherwise I don't tunnel nor camp. This includes basements.

    And during the current event I like doing 8 hooks without any sacrifices.

    Still, nobody was grateful (which is not something I expect) and one survivor complained that his headset had issue at the beginning of the match. Because I found him first with Clown I tossed a lot of bottles to get some BPs but only made him injured and eventually I left. He wasn't grateful, at all.