Surviving really that bad?



  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,407

    Yeah, I looked at my stats for the last 25 games I had and it's 40% escape rate.

    Looked at my stats for the last fortnight and it's 27% escape rate.

    I had a week in early June where my escape rate that week was 10%.

    Factors like: coming up on rank reset (everyone sweating to get as high as they can), and the anniversary event (lots of killers playing a bit more chill) can affect it.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    Depends entirely on the pure RNG that is matchmaking really.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,000

    40% pretty good

    "I had a week in early June where my escape rate that week was 10%"

    jesus how do you even play anymore after that lol. I would've been traumatize forever

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,962

    I noticed people don’t do gens anymore and I do 3 gens solo practically every game

  • patronsaintofpizza
    patronsaintofpizza Member Posts: 123

    This question isn't meant to be snarky, but I'm genuinely curious, if your survivor games are all camping, tunneling, and slugging, what keeps you coming back? Like I said in my original post, my games really aren't bad the majority of the time. But if I had the games that others have, I would've stopped playing survivor ages ago. So just curious why others keep playing if they have such bad games?

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    It does happen just not as much as people like to think it happens.

    When you hyper-focus on the negative, which the community does a lot of on these forums, you tend to see the negative everywhere.

    There are also some pretty loose definitions of what constitutes camping and tunneling amongst the player base.

    So if you broaden your definitions as wide as possible you are able to see it every game no matter what happens. Then you can blame it for any outcome you don't like and your ego remains intact even in the face of loss.

    You can then demand changes even unhealthy or ridiculously over powered ones with impunity because "camping and tunneling are everywhere and its ruining the game" ooooh boogie boogie beware the camping tunnellers they are out to ruin your fun oohhh..

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,138

    I expect you to understand that my post stated a 76% survival rate in the past 25 games, not solo survivor in my entire time.

    People have good runs and bad runs. It's happened to me and everyone else.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,138

    I didn't base the amateur dramatic comment on a streak. I based it on some of the reactions groups of individuals have. The streak was just to point out people have good streaks, followed by bad streaks and it is naturally what's happening. Some people are probably doing better than they think but focus on the negative trials, which is what I also stated in my comment.

    So I feel amateur dramatics is a good way of describing some of the those complaining. My only amendment would be to have made my final sentence a bit clearer as to it being aimed at those who do over-exaggerate or outright lie. I hoped the rest of the comment may have made that clear, but hindsight dictates otherwise.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,000

    ah ok understand. Just kinda read it as you trying to say solo q was fine base on your streak but that wasn't the case.

  • bobateo
    bobateo Member Posts: 368

    In my region, it almost always comes down to the time of day that I play and whether it's during the week or on the weekend. Later in the evening and weekend? Way more slugging/camping/tunneling than during the mornings during the week. Unfortunately, it's very rare that I can play early during the week.

    Camping - used to be the most common in my games, but it's tapered off quite a bit except for end game, which doesn't bother me. Right now I'm seeing camping 1-2 times per play session, including end game. So, not a big deal in my games currently.

    Slugging - used to be the rarest, but I'm seeing a pretty big uptick to the point where I see more slugging than anything else. This past weekend, I got to bleed out 6 times while the Killer hunted my remaining teammates with three games of the Killer intentionally trying to slug all four of us. I'm seeing it so much during the event that I'm seriously considering changing up my build to compensate.

    Tunneling - was fairly rare, but recently spiked. Could just be the event, but it was right up there with slugging in number of times I saw it this weekend.

  • patronsaintofpizza
    patronsaintofpizza Member Posts: 123

    There are some survivor main heads exploding somewhere while reading the definition of scrub lol.

    I think the thing about this concept in DBD that is most wild to me is that a lot of survivor players that complain about killers playing sweaty will themselves play sweaty. Basically there's this mentality of "it's ok for me to sweat, but not you." I think the event has exacerbated this mentality because everyone wants their masks in the first day and want to get 300k BP every match.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,435

    This game has always been a big outlier to me, because i come from the FGC playing games like MvC2 where if you aren't exploiting infinites and glitches and "cheap things" then you aren't going to win. It is funny to me to think what the community of DBD would act like if they were transplanted into that community. Or could you imagine to the Smash Melee community? You'd have people talking about how unfair wavedashing is, or that fox is OP.