Option to Hide Prestige

Venusa Member Posts: 1,481
edited August 1 in Feedback and Suggestions

Here's what I have experienced so far for having a P100 character in Dead by Daylight:

📌 in-game harassment and judgment for investing in a character I like

📌 people assuming I'm suppose to be invincible

📌 getting called sweaty or a no-life

📌 killers lobby-dodging when they see me as if I'm an e-sports legend

📌 made fun of at game-chat because somehow being P100 should've guaranteed my win

Here's what I haven't experienced so far for having a P100 character in Dead by Daylight:

📌 people thinking I just like that character's design or lore a lot and know how to farm bloodpoints

I know others have also made discussions regarding this and it seems like an easy option to implement. We already have an option regarding delayed match-making to prevent in-game harassment and ranks were made invisible years ago to combat the same issue. None of these reflect the skill of the player. What's the difference now?

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,218

    Give it time. It's been a year and now many people have a P100. Give it another year and nearly everyone will have a P100.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    Thank you so much for informing us again! I really hope this is considered since it's a really simple yet effective option to implement into the game.

    I completely agree with you. Thank you for your input!

    Yes! It's really interesting how we're back where we started.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 693

    Hope there is an update about this soon! It’s become exhausting having to deal with this, some people just play lower prestige characters they don’t even like to avoid harassment or judgement, and that’s not fair at all. Thanks for passing this feedback :)

  • jeffkillsyou96
    jeffkillsyou96 Member Posts: 249
    edited June 2023

    Well tbh prestige doesn’t mean anything I’m only getting my David to 100 just because of items other than that there’s not much point in prestige

    I wish there were cool cosmetics for getting high prestige

  • Stroggz
    Stroggz Member Posts: 498

    Okay, but do you have anime girls on profile?

  • bearr_trap
    bearr_trap Member Posts: 123

    I upvoted this yesterday and a few of the commenting posts as I agreed whole-heartedly with this. I've returned to this as it happened to me last night. Now, my higher leveled survivor isn't a p100 but I'm still above p50 so its still a little higher.

    Went against a Wraith on RPD, great loops between me and him - he had a hard time catching me so he whittled away at the less abled loopers until I was simply left on hook to die by the fearful Nancy who Urban Evaded for the last 3 hooks of her team-mates.

    I offered a GGWP in endgame chat and Wraith opted to do his best to get under my skin:

    "be better Carlos"

    "lvl ** noob xd"

    "lvl ** u a joke"

    I turned to a slightly different page in my book and offered a few of my owns words back. Apologized for embarrassing him around loops that made him feel the need to throw darts at me for my favorite character being higher level than his dainty Bingbong.

    tl:dr Yes, I'd like to hide prestige too - but namely for those who dislike ridiculousness like that.

  • uganda_calm
    uganda_calm Member Posts: 125
    edited June 2023

    First of, i dont play survivor and i also dont do this, so i am not sure about it.

    But i could imagine that a high prestige level also makes you a bigger target for tunneling or face-camping, as it is at least proof of a high playtime and a prestige 100 just looks like a threat to a killer, no matter the rank.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I am a Jeff Main and I got him to P100 about 3 months ago. And I can confirm every point you made.

    But you should add "being accused of having cheated the P100" to that list, because this happened to me as well lol.

  • Zenislev
    Zenislev Member Posts: 156

    Well hey, as long as you guys are taking feedback, I just want to say, as a killer, I like being able to guess how miserable a game is going to be for me. Prestige isn't a perfect indicator of skill, but if I see multiple high level survivors, then I can reasonably know that I'm in for a terrible time and I should either dodge, or just prepare for the worst. That's important info that I'd really rather not lose.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    I hate that so much. As if you were suppose to be invincible or a God for your Prestige level... and that goes for both sides: survivor and killer.

    I also heard about tunneling, camping high-prestige players but since I don't have any proof of that it would be an assumption unless the killer communicated that to me. So I just collect screenshots of me getting harassed LOL.

    Oh wow. That one didn't happen to me yet LOL.

    I understand you but imagine if I was able to see your killer's prestige and dodged whenever I saw you causing you to wait longer in lobbies...

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,977
    edited June 2023

    Probably no harm really to hide your rank in the pre game lobby. That would stop the tunneling/lobby DCs.

    Post game I'd keep the ranks visible, it's a beneficial tool for potentially making friends with people who have notice you play well and have put in the time. It's also valuable for measuring your progress as a killer (I'm like 1 and 1/2 months in and have gone against a few people with higher ranks in 1 char, than I have across my whole roster combined xD).

    Regards to the verbal abuse, it also sucks, though one piece of advice vs. any bully, is remove their source of power over you, however that works for you.

    Some people just say "yep" or "ok" to everything. Others treat them like children and baby talk them or pretend they can't hear them. If you're like me you have fun, and be twice as insulting back to them without saying any bannable words. In your case, say something like "sorry peasant, I only talk to 75 prestige minimum, go eat mud somewhere else".

    The point is to never let them see you sweat. If you ensure they can't see them getting under your skin, they can't beat you ;)

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    Or it can just be optional and players who still want to show their Prestige level can do so freely. Nothing friendly happens at post-game let me tell you that LOL.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    I would generally like to see less pre-game and see more post-game. My own and others MMR included. But I presume to be in minority here.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    Why does there have to be a big debate? Why do the devs need to spend time discussing wheter it should be visible or hidden?

    Just make it OPTIONAL, like the OP asked for. Then those who want it have it, and those who want to hide it can turn it off.

  • Zenislev
    Zenislev Member Posts: 156

    Cool. Your point?

    Survivors used to be able to do that. There was a file they could open up in the lobby to see which killer they were playing against so they could dodge the lobby. I didn't care about getting dodged then and I don't care now.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,977

    I can believe that... xD

    Fair, I mostly threw it in without thinking as I personally would like to see if I'm being paired with more experienced players as a gauge of personal progression, but not like one can/should try to force anyone or take precedence. Options are options. 😏

    All, friends only, hidden would be good for such a feature.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I remember that one. Back then you could still swap between killers after getting into a lobby. After players found out about that one, they would queue with Doc or Plague and swap to their actual killer a few seconds before the match starts. For some reason people put away medkits when you were using Plague or you would see Calm Spirit when you used Doc before.

    I know of a player who used Hag, got 4 flashies and then switched to a killer with lightborn.

  • Göch
    Göch Member Posts: 113

    My friend you dont want to even know how many P3-9 survs you play against have another char on P100, or even multiple. Your explained behaviour is the exact reason most people dont pick their p100, so even with prestige shown, you have literally no idea who you're up against. With prestige hidden at least people can go back to playing their favorite character instead of hiding behind a low prestige to not make killers sht their pants in the pre game lobby.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481
    edited June 2023

    Yeah I don't really understand opposing to this idea of it being optional. If you really want to show off your prestige you still can.

    That's literally cheating though... LOL. Not sure how it relates to prestige.

    Yeah because while I try to understand their point: they're still making an ASSUMPTION based on someone's Prestige which is the cause of toxicity anyways...

    Yes! It also affects survivors judging eachother based on their Prestige level and leave lobbies wasting everyone's time.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    then people who turned it off would get dodged, because "they have something to hide".

    Pretty accurate. I have every survivor on P9 or 10 except Thalita, Renato and Gabriel because i don't like them that much. Then I got Felix on P12 and Chris on P20......

    And Jeff on P100.

    I play Chris more often now because I don't get harassed that much.

  • Zenislev
    Zenislev Member Posts: 156

    I never said the system we have now is perfect, or even good, but the answer isn't to obfuscate things further. Hell, if it were up to me you'd be able to see who's in a team and you'd get an "hours played" counter next to people's names. Playing killer is miserable enough as it is, you should at the very least have some tools to figure out if you want to stick through a game or leave.

    There's a reason why you have the ability to leave matches before they start. If you think lobby shopping is really a problem, then what you should advocate for is for people to get the leaver penalty if they drop out of a game in the lobby.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    Thanks for commenting on this post because it perfectly depicts why we definitely need an option to hide prestige for a better community.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    Someone said something similar to me (about anime girls lol I don't watch anime.) as I've multiple p100s. I said go ahead and check my profile, I'm an actress/model with a life, who just has a lot of free time and luxury, they called me a faker so I took a pic in front of my PC screen, linked my twitch and yeah...

    Wonder how those words taste.

    But yeah getting harassed for playing my favorite character is silly. I've my off matches and good ones, just because I've multiple p100s doesn't turn me into a machine that makes 0 mistakes and can carry every match for most of the day.

    I get tired, mess up but still keep going. If me niece or friend wants to keep playing then hey, I've got no problem with it. However, people need to keep their ridiculous insults to themselves.

    Also being tunneled for my level isn't fun. I also enjoy getting harassed in egc for that as well. Killer tries to tunnel me out, over commits, can't and then says all this junk in the chat. I always ignore (they're not getting my attention) or hide the chat, but often times I take screenshots to show what I've to deal with just for my level showing. It's great. /s

  • Zenislev
    Zenislev Member Posts: 156

    These games aren't totally analogous, but I've been playing a lot of street fighter lately. In SF6 you can see a person's connection type, rank, character, and control type before you match up with them, and based off that you can decide if you want to play against them or not. That's a LOT of info which can be used to give someone an advantage. Only want to play against people using classic controls rather than the easy mode modern controls? You can do that. Don't want to play against a specific matchup because you know it'll be bad for your character? You can do that.

    I've played over 500 matches since launch and do you know how many times I've been rejected? 0. You know how many times I've rejected a match? 0. SF6's matchmaking is actually pretty good, so most games don't feel like hopeless curb stomps and the game is mostly balanced enough that even if you get stomped, there's a lot you can look at throughout the match and say "Yeah, I could have done this better"

    DBD's matchmaking is abysmal. It's map balance is abysmal. It's perk balance is abysmal. If you're a killer, the deck is almost always going to be heavily stacked against you. I'm not looking for easy games, I want games where I stand a chance. That's not too much to ask for, I mean, street fighter gives me that just fine, despite having comparable player base sizes (again, not perfectly analogous I know), and in the absence of a good matchmaking system, being able to filter out matches that I know for a fact are going to be one sided stomps is important.

    I mean I could ask for BHVR to improve their matchmaking, fix their maps and balance perks properly, but that absolutely is asking too much from them, so I'm just trying to keep my ask realistic here.

  • saintjimmy456
    saintjimmy456 Member Posts: 185
    edited June 2023

    I'm prestige 100 and out of the hundreds and hundreds of games I've played this year I think three people have mentioned it, and I think two of those were compliments.

    You shouldn't care what other people think about you, ESPECIALLY strangers on the internet. ESPECIALLY strangers on the internet that go out of their way to try and make other people feel bad. They are just lonely and insecure, and probably get bullied irl and need to pass it on in whatever way they can. Report them and move on.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    I just want an option to hide prestige due to reasons on my original post. I swear it's not that deep or complicated.😭

  • Zenislev
    Zenislev Member Posts: 156

    I never said anything about your motives, I believe you when you explain why you want to hide your prestige level, I just don't care. It's not that deep for me either. I want my experience in the game to be made better, which, with these devs, is likely never going to happen, so at the very least I'd rather it not be made worse, which is what your suggestion would do.

    Realistically speaking, with how survivor biased the devs are, you're going to get what you want, but I figure I'd rather speak up about it before it happens so I can at least say that I tried to get my feedback through.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481
    edited June 2023

    What does this even have to do with being survivor-biased or "us vs. them"... How do you even minimize this topic to that...

    Your experience won't change if you don't see my prestige level. I swear, you'll live.

    Also I'm disengaging from this conversation. Thank you for your feedback on this topic.

  • Zenislev
    Zenislev Member Posts: 156

    It's really easy to understand and I don't get how you don't see it. Although it's not a perfect indicator of skill, reaching P100 on a character takes time. Time =~ experience =~ skill. A player that's P100 on a character is more likely to be better at the game than someone who doesn't have one. Again, not a perfect indicator, but it gives you a rough idea of what to expect. The game isn't going to be ruined by not being able to see character levels, but in the absence of better matchmaking or more ways to gauge the overall survivor team's skill, it makes the game worse.

    As far as it being an "us vs them" thing, I mean, that's also obvious. The devs cater to survivors. If survivors want something, they get it. If survivors don't like a thing, they don't get it. The devs have already mentioned that they're talking about this, so it's likely that you're going to be able to hide your character level at some point, despite it making the killer's experience worse because they want to cater to survivors. It's not hard to connect the dots man, and it's hardly a simplification.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Sure. That explains why best killers have literally 1000 wins in a row while best soloQ survivor 34. Or why devs target kill rate to be over fair 50%. And you talk about bias...

  • Zenislev
    Zenislev Member Posts: 156

    Do you think the average killer is going to be getting 1000 wins in a row? Look man, I can't speak for the experiences of content creators. It's their job to play this game. Like I said before time =~ experience =~ skill, and who has more time to play this game than someone who's literal job it is to do so.

    I will never reach the point where I'm getting a 1000 win streak, and neither will most people, so I can only speak to my own experiences playing the game as an "average" killer.

    Not really sure where you're pulling your solo queue survivor streak number from, but let's say it's true. And? What's your point? Someone losing their escape streak doesn't mean that the game they personally lost in was a loss for the team as a whole. It's a 4 v 1 game. If a person loses their streak but they did so while looping the killer for 5 gens, then they did great and that killer lost.

    The devs claim that they aim for a 60% kill rate, which means they expect the average game to be about 7 hooks, with 2 of them being death hooks. I don't believe that for a second. If that were true than they would have implemented something to incentivize hooks over kills, because as it is right now, you can get 7 hooks and unless those hooks manage to kill someone, you can get no value out of them and end the game in a 4 person escape. They also would have pushed the healing nerfs through to give killers some form of pressure after they gutted gen kicking and they wouldn't have allowed DH to be the most broken perk in the game for years and years, while gutting every killer perk that inconveniences survivors. If a meta rolls around that allows survivors to have easy games, it gets to stick around forever. If a meta rolls around that makes things even slightly easier for killers, it needs to be deleted as soon as possible. What would you call that if not a survivor bias?

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    Don't hide prestige, how else am I suposed to dodge the toxic SWF 3 flashlight 1 toolbox TTV sweaty try-hards that play full time?

    I have a real-life job and I want to have fun too.

    some of us are adults with lives and I'd rather not waste my time playing with edgy pre-teen that think they are cool for using mom's credit card to get the latest thristy female survivor skin y'know.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Ah. So suddenly it's not devs making every game easy for survivors, but your lack of skill.

    Highest soloQ escape streak holder is by Ayrun and some German streamer (both at 34 or something close to it). As for killer, there's a blight player with 1000 winstreak, but I don't remember his name. There's also Supaalf with 555+ kill streak on nurse. All of which is on VODs.

    As for "average" experience - you said it right. Kill rate is above 50%. So what gives? How can you call the game totally survivor sided, when in fact even weaker killers do good in "high MMR" now. Top ~10 killers do very well even against comp survivors with insane experience and clock callouts and all that.

    And yet here we are with people like you that are unhappy with "just" more kills then escapes - calling the game sided for people that has less then 50% survivol rate. Don't you even feel bad for that?

  • DavidHypnos
    DavidHypnos Member Posts: 730

    How are survivors to know if the killer they’re going up against isn’t going to waste their time by facecamping them? They won’t. Dodging a lobby because someone has a P100 is stupid.

  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 279

    Just because you would filter for fair games doesn't mean everyone else will. How many killer players will fish for a game they can stomp to feel better about themselves? How many survivors, if they could see killer info, would lobby shop until they can stomp the poor 4.5hr huntress that got the game yesterday?

    If Street Fighter's matchmaking is sufficient to make lobby shopping irrelevant, as you've pointed out from 0 usage of match rejection since you started playing, then that's awesome. But given we both recognise that DBD's matchmaking is just as likely going to give you baby survivors as it is 4 man bully squad SWF loaded up with dead dawg saloon offerings and power struggle builds, we both know that there are plenty of people on both sides that would use the info to get free games.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    Why does everything turn into a balance debate on this forum... Please leave this topic out of it. Not everybody thinks DbD is a competitive e-sports game. I couldn't care less which side is stronger or weaker. I just want to not get harassed for my prestige level...

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869
    edited June 2023

    Yes please, also hide globe icon so I don't spend ages in lobby simulator because of people who lobby dodge console and then lose their next game anyway lol.

    I found lobby dodge annoying since ages ago. Before it was annoying because it would boot you out back in menu when killer does it but now its still annoying just less so.

  • Zenislev
    Zenislev Member Posts: 156
    edited June 2023

    You're probably not going to like this answer but; I don't care how other people choose to use the tools given to them. I just want the tools to be available.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 693

    I very much feel this! You could say here you ate a cheeseburger last weekened and somebody would turn it either into a balance debate or survivor mains vs killer mains oppression olympics.

  • darksouls3600
    darksouls3600 Member Posts: 237

    Well said, prestige means nothing on dbd, you just invest time in the character, like a play this game a lot as a killer, my pyramid head is prestige 10 is my highest prestige, because I'm leveling up all others killer to prestige 2 or 3, I'm playing legion a lot in this event, it's a great farm of points, I get a 4k with legion on the nurse map against a prestige 100, 80..., 40... And 20..., With lazy mind games, literally stand still on shack and they run into me, but players think that prestige is something and means god like skill.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    I mean, how is killer going to know if bully squad is going to waste his time with 4 flashlights without doing gens at all?

    The reality is, if a survivor gets facecamped, that's probly a 3 survivor escape EASY if they just play for gens...

    Sure, the one on hooks dies but hey, if they are on the hook it means they got to play a chase AND LOST.

    Face camping is actually fair and square, like it or not.

  • DavidHypnos
    DavidHypnos Member Posts: 730

    What kind of entitled nonsense is this? Camping in and of itself is an issue when it comes to fair play, but if someone is face camping they came or one reason: to make other players miserable. How is that different from survivors that come just to bully? Let me answer for you: it’s not, really. And here’s a newsflash: the game isn’t designed for survivors to be able to escape every chase. Chases tend to favor killers more hence why it’s a 3-hook out - if everyone died after losing the first chase there’d be a major problem.

  • Göch
    Göch Member Posts: 113

    You can literally see the survivors items in the lobby. Also most bully squads are propably smart enough to run low prestige survs because they EXACTLY know that insecure people will instantly dodge the lobby.

This discussion has been closed.