What do YOU find fun in DbD?



  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,633

    As killer, on smaller maps : chases, mind games, survivors goofing off/"bullying" and not having gens flying off.

    As killer on bigger/cluttered/safe maps: nothing.

    As survivor : chases, mind games, not doing the gens.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,771

    To me, for both sides, my idea of fun is where everybody is able to play a long and rewarding game. It doesn't matter if I win or lose in the end, provided I've had plenty of time to express my skill and earn points, and I've been able to give others the chance to do so as well.

    Obviously, this means that facecamping, tunneling, etc. are all really unfun both for me to deal with and for me to do, alongside rushing gens or just generally bm'ing other players. There's nothing fun about finishing a game in 3 minutes because you were hard tunneled, or equally in 5 because the other team brought 4x god boxes with BNPs, when you're just trying to vibe and play the game. There is something so incredibly enjoyable about a close 15 minute long match where it's down to the wire- everyone is on death hook and it's a nail biting race to finish that last gen and get out, all the while you're trying to run a killer with minimum resources. It just scratches an itch in the one singular fold on my brain.

    12 hook games, as both sides, are far more enjoyable than games where someone is denied the ability to play the game. Just being able to play dbd is what I find fun, and it's a shame so many anti-fun tactics exists and it's even more of a shame they're so effective.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    In general, in both roles I love when I play (e.g. fill all four emblems).

    As a killer: bring complete havoc, being everywhere, control the game. They think I'm chasing another survivor? Surprise! Safe spot to heal? Nah-ah. No one feels safe and in control of situation.

    As a survivor: outsmart killer, strategically turn game in our advantage (draw attention, provide decoy and misdirection, break 3 gen), live to powered gates, don't care if die afterwards. Chases not so much, still don't understand how to do chases consistently.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564
    edited June 2023

    For me, as survivor it's chases and altruism. Even i die, if my game time was good enough i don't mind.

    Iconic characters also helps me to play DbD. Nemmy and Jill are great characters and i am happy to have them. Ofcourse there is more, they are just my favs.

    As killer, it's chases as well. But it really not helps when i have to worry about gens. I am not saying they should be imposible to finish. But when i forced to defend my gens instead of chasing survivors, game bores me so fast.


    I actually agree with @GoodBoyKaru here. It does not matter which role i play. If game is long enough and rewarding, i don't mind even i lose.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,737

    Generally, I really like the game. Sometimes feel like it is the best games I've played in 35 years of gaming. I think that is why the forums focus on the negatives, because there are some elements that ruin an otherwise amazing experience (I say this coming off a game where a Skull Merchant let me bleed out right until the last second, then picked me up and carried me to a hook even though I was the last survivor).

    But focusing on the positive:

    1: The variety. One of the reasons I prefer survivor over killer is that every game feels really different. I like that between map and killer variety each game feels unique. While I also want the game to be balanced, I prefer variety over balance if there has to be a trade off.

    2: The beginning and middle game. As survivor and killer, I really like how the game plays out. When the killer and survivors are roughly even in skill, it really feels like a tense race. Generators are getting done, but survivors are running out of resources and lives. The end game can frequently be disappointing on either side, but its a great run up to that point.

    3: Uncertainty. I play soloq, and I do enjoy that there is a lot going on the map that I don't know about.

    4: As survivor, escaping feels meaningful. In other multiplayer games, or as killer, it's nice to feel like you had a good game, but its not a major factor. As survivor, the game feels like an experience. In a close match helping the other survivors escape actually feels like we overcame a challenge. Getting downed after the doors are powered actually feels like a horror movie were someone gets caught at the last second (which feels devastating, but makes those escapes feel much more worthwhile). If another survivor played really well and dies at the end I legit feel bad that I/we weren't able to save them, which is not a feeling I've ever had in any other game.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,474

    As a survivor I guess I like being part of a team. I enjoy taking risks, especially when they pay off. It's a nice feeling to leave a game satisfied that I've pulled my weight and contributed, even if we all died (which is often). That's what I find fun, I guess.

    I also enjoy seeing myself improve over time. I can remember when I couldn't last 10 seconds in chase, and I remember the first time I ran a killer for a whole gen. It's motivating to see those improvements. I still have bad games and make potato choices every so often, but it's easy to say 'okay, that was a bad call' and let it go.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246
    edited June 2023

    As a killer: playing against 4 high level players in a competitive setting. It's about the only thing I find fun anymore in DbD. I don't really play anymore because I can sleepwalk and win 90% of my games, and the only way to basically ensure good matchmaking for me is to devote a ridiculous amount of time to custom lobbies and competitive scrims.

    As survivor: Essentially the same thing. I like playing with teammates at my skill level against a great killer and having to sweat to get people out.

    I also think this bit would be useful for the discussion: you know what I find fun in other PVP games? Feedback about your relative skill. I'm really bad at Street Fighter. But it is a tangible feeling of improvement when I beat a Gold player. It's satisfying and downright fun to have concrete feedback that the practice is paying off. You get absolutely none of that in DbD. I can acknowledge the downsides of showing MMR or player rankings, but I struggle to believe the game is better off as a whole for it. You reach a certain point in DbD where there's nothing left to play for if you find the fun in being skillful. There's no feedback about it.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    As survivor I have fun with games that have a good back and forth. Gens are getting done, killer is getting hooks, everyone is getting a chase in for interaction with the killer, killer is leaving hook during match, if killer camps it's only at end to secure a kill, and if they slug it is a very short time because someone is nearby otherwise they hook. When matchmaking gives me not only a decent team but a decent killer that we have a good back and forth it is the fun match I'm hoping for when I play DBD. In those matches the killer could get a 4k and I'd be happy because we had a good back and forth.

    If the killer is camping or slugging during the match it tends to not be a fun match - there isn't really a good back/forth and someone is stuck not even playing for portion of the match. If the killer is spending alot of time slugging people it's not a fun match, especially when they are running Knock Out. Not only do I not get to play because I'm on the ground but it feels like a waste of time being stuck in a match where for 4 minutes I'm just waiting to either bleed out or finally get picked up. It's also not fun because as teammate if killer is running Knock Out I feel bad not being able to find my teammate and help them up so they can play.

    It's not a fun match when one side doesn't feel like it's making any progress. It feels like bad matchmaking. If the killer is getting 0 hooks or survivors can't complete a gen it's not a fun time. When you have games where it feels like it's just being dragged out (3gen, nonstop mending, slugging, etc.) it's not fun, even if everyone escapes the match feels more like a slog.

    As survivor it is not fun when you get matched with teammates that don't help the team - either they just are useless hiding or they spend match screwing over their teammates like always leading killer to teammates. What could've been a good back and forth match is ruined.

    I tend to have the most fun against Trapper, Demo, Pig, Blight, and Billy. There are killers I would have fun playing against but their go to playstyle tends to be either slugging or camping. Like Bubba I have fun playing against when he leaves the hook but most Bubbas I face will just camp the first person they down.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    as a survivor i find being chases fun, especially if its a killer with loads of interaction like bubba or weeker.

    as a killer i find chasing survivors fun, but i also like certain aspects of various killers. such as the setup game of trapper, or chaining hits as legion.

  • Stroggz
    Stroggz Member Posts: 498

    Downing a survivor and land some nice hits as nurse or huntress -- fun.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    As survivor, i find fun in the trials. The matches are very different and unique, so i find fun trying to improve and just have a good time, especially with friends. Teamwork, looping the killer and just trying to outplay the situations you are putted in, gives me an adrenaline rush.

    As killer i find fun just messing around with builds on my favourite killers.

    I also find it fun when survivors and killers just act chill with each other for a few moments. Those moments of humanity behind the screen, i find them really memorable.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    As survivor I love a tight game. Too many games are landslides, but i love a game where I make it out by the skin of my teeth. Like when the gate opens while the killer is striding towards me.

    As killer i really enjoy making friends with survivors once I've killed a couple. Particularly new players or players who are struggling 😊

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,396

    For both sides, I find games that are not determined in the first 30-90 seconds the most enjoyable. A bunch of games are decided due to

    1. How quickly the killer finds the first survivor
    2. How quickly they get their first down
    3. How quickly the survivors get the first 2-3 gens done

    If the killer gets the first down and hook within the first 30-45 seconds, it's almost always wraps after that.

    The best games in my opinion are the ones that turn into war of attrition. This is where I feel like skill and game knowledge can really shine as the pressure ramps up for both sides to have to make good plays to win the game.

    I also get a lot of enjoyment from playing with and against players that are clearly just trying to have a good time, going for stupid stuff, being overly altruistic, etc. Had a game yesterday where my random three teammates and I were going for the dumbest 3 man basement saves for an easy 5-10 minutes in endgame against a Trickster. Stuff like that is always a good time.

  • Gummy
    Gummy Member Posts: 25

    When I'm survivor the match is fun if someone isn't getting camped or singled out or the killer isn't running around trying to knock everyone down at once. That's the bare minimum for me at least.

    When I'm killer the match is fun when survivors can last longer than 10 seconds in a chase and we're both able to kinda outplay or mind game each other.

    Generally matches where I can tell nobody is taking it too seriously (but not like farming, just goofing around but also still trying) are usually really fun, but that's rare understandably.

  • WingerSenpai
    WingerSenpai Member Posts: 48

    Would find a lot of things enjoyable to be honest, from back in the day the more horror like parts peaked my intrest and made the game fun. Like playing a "restless hunter" trying to take out their prey and with its essence serving its mysterious, higher power the entity or get excited by being chased by a scary yet humanlike "monster".

    Then when I grasped the actually more competetive side of the game, looping and chasing became more fun, strategies on how to prolong my life or ending someone's sooner if I rarely played killer.

    After that survive with friends came along and playing with friends refreshed and made it the more enjoyable, especially those moments where we risked everything for one another.




    But now. It is sad to see the game devolve into a "Who am I gonna get harassed by today?" Either I play survivor and get tunneled, slugged, facecamped, left on the hook until i switch phase or die, get left beind etc. Or if I get a group of friends who abuse killers and mechanics then that's not enjoyable. Also seeing killers getting overloaded, nigh "having no weakness" kits as a survivor main is just another nail in the coffin, and striking survivors constantly with nerfs is not helping either, first it was perks, then items, then generators, pallets, windows, add-ons etc. Most of the things getting nerfed are more survivor sided and killers have too much of an upper hand.

    Effectively in my opinion the game needs a whole facial reconstruction at this point because the game in it's terms is falling apart exponentially. Killers with more complex, more effective perks, powers, add-ons and game mechanics are gonna keep coming (would be understandable if not everything would give a person a mild migraine) and survivors only got a single base-kit change which affected them in a positive way. While killers keep coming out and they have 5 parts to their kit, and survivors have to spend sometimes a lot of time to get a fighting chance, while the killer is not punished for their actions most of the times (because spamming most powers with no or very little cooldown is fun I suppose) it's just not the same. It's not healthy for a game like this to have a side constantly hammered while the other gets paperweights added only. This is just not the game I fell in love with on release.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 417

    As killer: fun is chasing with the more "aggressive" powers like Billy's chainsaw or Huntress' hatchets and survivors who aren't hiding, good at chases and altruistic. I don't care much about kills.

    As survivor: it's fun when a risky move works out. Also (in solo queue which I play) it's great if we manage to coop so well as if we were on comms. Fun are also perks to fool/confuse the killer, e.g. Deception + Q&Q or Dance With Me. However, I can't really enjoy any of that if I'm on a lengthy loss/dying streak which happens a bit too often.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Trying out new perks/creating new builds with them. Or with perks that were recently buffed or reworked. Events. Reading patch notes

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,711

    I play killer a lot, and I think why that is is because it offers the most variety in gameplay. Survivors all function the same, but playing different killers creates an entirely different gameplay experience. Playing Nurse is completely different from playing Doctor, which is completely different from playing Myers, which is completely different from playing Demogorgon. And even when killers have similar powers there are still things that set them apart. Huntress, Deathslinger and Trickster are all ranged killers but none of them play the same way. The perks killers get really compound this too. People like to talk a lot about what perks pair well together, but I really enjoy the conversation of what perks synergize with killer powers well. There's something very fun about using a perk and knowing that that killer benefits particularly well from it.

    I do play survivor sometimes, but that will typically come from me wanting a break from the pressure that comes with killer. I do have fun viewing survivor as a learning experience though. Sometimes a good way to learn what certain killers can do is to play against them. I've got 2k hours and this game and sometimes playing against killers teaches me things I never thought to do with them. And there is definitely fun in comparing how others play certain killers. Both in comparison to each other and in comparison to me. Like I'll see demos that neglect their shreds and demos that neglect their portals, and there's something that makes me really happy about seeing a demo player who knows how to use his full kit of power.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 964

    Well, the most fun things in the game to me are successfully performing mindgames and using killer powers to catch survivors. That includes things like hitting survivors with damaging powers, teleporting into position for a quick immediate hit, sneaking up on people as stealth killers, instadowning with the Oni's Blood Fury, things like that. That doesn't count, however, for powers that gain value by not taking effect most of the time and having survivors run risks while avoiding them. Example: the Skull Merchant just places her drone in a loop and watches as survivors run away from it, potentially taking a free hit. That means the effect the power is supposed to inflict will rarely happen and you are left with the value gained when they avoid it, I don't like that. The Artist and the Dredge, on the other hand, have powers that will sometimes result in zoning, but you can actually use them to apply pressure and damage survivors most of the time and they are extremely fun at that.

    Mindgames are the reason why I like when tiles are designed in a way you can actually trick survivors during loops. That's why I dislike, for example, Fractured Cowshed, where almost every loop is extremely safe with no room for mindgames. A similar thing happens in Gideon Meat Plant: Survivors reach pallets, you break them, you continue after them, no other choice to be made.

    Stealth killer powers is also the reason I dislike maps that are way too wide open with too much visibility. If you get unlucky enough to end up in one of these maps as, let's say, Ghostface, you'll be unable to sneak up on people in many places. They're not very fun for other killers either, as survivors will just hold W once they see you from afar.

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 561

    I think i can say i'm a killer main that play some games on survivor (80% killer / 20% survivor)

    As survivor, the fun is in surviving a chase - or at least lasting as long as possible to give my team some time to escape. Another thing that is very fun to me is seen smart teamwork: when my teammates prioritize saves when needed, when they know where the killer can be looped and where they can't lead the killer. Feeling that the another surv is coordinating to outplay the killer and get us out such a good sensation!!

    As a killer, i really feel the fun when i can use my power to generate pressure on the survivors and possibily winning the game.

    Let me explain: i've tried playing Blight when i started on DBD (2020), but since i was so bad with his power, i was bumping into everything, could not get any survivor injured, and if i get any injure, i couldn't get a down. So, since my pressure on the match was so low the gens were flying and i made it back to the lobby soon. It wasn't any fun, it was frustating.

    After this time with Blight, i've tried some other killers like Wraith, Plague and Spirit, and being able to down survivors, get some hooks and good chases was a blast!!

    The most recent killer - the Singularity - can be quite fun when you can counter the EMPs, as you can be everywhere on the map at any time.

    This is what is fun for me in killer: being able to use a variety of powers and feeling there are having a huge impact in the match. Like: playing as Dredge is quite fun, but can be much more fun grabbing someone on a locker or spookying a survivor while in nightfall; shooting someone through a tiny gap with Deathslinger; or when a survivor is downed by a guard from the Knight.

    FEELING THE IMPACT OF THE POWER is where the fun resides to me.

  • THE_Crazy_Hyena
    THE_Crazy_Hyena Member Posts: 248

    Personal opinions:

    What I describe as fun experiences are the following ones.

    • Survivor side: Getting to play the game in its intended way, doing objectives, helping others, looping the killer, mindgames etc. I like the concept of random builds (i.e. Perk roulettes, like Monto used to do back in the day), and getting the most value from the perks chosen by RNG. We definitely needs the randomizer to be a permanent game mode, as it is super fun and enjoyable, not having to rely on the sweaty meta perks all the time. And I don't care if I escape or not, as long as I get a wholesome game which awards as much points as possible. More points = more fun, and I get to level up so many different characters, to keep expanding my perk list. Also, I love it when the full party of players bring cakes or party streamers.
    • Killer side: Like with the survivor side of things, getting to play the game as intended. Interacting with survivors in a fair way (always trying to rotate who's on the hook), mindgames, trying different characters, learning to use new powers, and having a fair challenge. Random builds are also incredibly fun as killer, and it is also fun to goof around with meme builds or jumpscare builds like Scratched Mirror Myers on indoor maps. I don't care if I kill anyone, as long as I get my 8 hook states (two per survivor) before the match ends. I also love close matches where it feels like it isn't a one-way street. I always try to be as fair as possible, so that everyone can earn as much points as possible. That ensures every player in the lobby had fun.

    What I define as anti-fun and detrimental to the game as a whole:

    • Survivor side: Getting found within the first 10 seconds of the match (lethal pursuer), and then getting tunneled/camped for 3 hook stages without getting a chance to play the game. This is super frustrating and extremely boring (especially during the anniversary events). Idle killers is another thing: Had a match against a Ghost Face the other day who did not move at all. He just stood still the entire game, and did not interact with anyone. Also, getting matched up against players way above my own skill is not fun at all (I used to hover around the purple ranks before the grade system got added, as I play mostly casually, so the closest analogy would be to face someone who is clearly rank 1). Also, facing Wesker or Huntress in 90% of my matches can be really boring, really fast, especially considering those two killers excel at camping/tunneling. Also, toxic killers who nods frantically if you make one little mistake.
    • Killer side: Getting genrushed by SWF squads who brought god-boxes with BNP's, flashlight squads (thank god for lightborn, but it should not be a requirement to use up one of your perk slots to counter that one thing), getting safe-looped (infinites) due to bad tile RNG, bodyblockers during the end-game, toxic teabaggers, and facing off against the same meta builds every match. It gets so repetitive and boring. Like with the survivor side, it is not fun to face off against squads of players that are way above my skill level. It gets one-sided too quickly, especially if I am trying new things.

    Grinning Meg added for extra silliness

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 964

    Continuing from that, I must say I really like variety. Mainly variety of options of ways of playing: different powers, playstiles, strategies, builds. That applies to both killer and survivor. Assembling a new build and then making it work is one of the most fun things in the game. However, I must say that variety on things you play against is also important. I don't want to play against the same survivor perks or the same killers everytime.

    When it comes to the variety of playstiles, I like that are multiple options to choose when playing killer. You can try to mindgame a pallet or you can break it right away, you can hook a survivor immediatly or you can slug to apply pressure, you can chase one survivor at a time or you can hit-and-run. The many playstiles and tactics are among the reasons why I love playing killer so much.

  • FilthyLegionRevival
    FilthyLegionRevival Member Posts: 313

    Looping is the only consistent mechanic I find fun in dbd anymore on either side after this long. Don't know if that's good or not.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,362

    I have fun sneaking up on ppl with Myers. He's a simple killer to play, but closing the distance using whatever LOS blockers I can, then BAM... Even better if it's a TTV and I get to see their reactions in their VOD after the game.

  • THE_Crazy_Hyena
    THE_Crazy_Hyena Member Posts: 248


    A fair and challenging match, with interactive survivors is the best killer experience. Not those who play super immersed and genrushes you into oblivion. Also, flashlight squads are the worst (good thing Lightborn exists).

    Now as someone who plays both sides equally, a fair game without tunneling or getting proxied is also very welcome, as well as seeing other killers aside from Wesker, Blight, Huntress and Nurse 95% of the time

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,723

    As killer, I find it fun messing around and not taking things overly serious. I love to meme around when the opportunities present themselves. Like, giving nodders to a survivor when they're a floor up out of reach, that sort of stuff.

    I do enjoy some minor taunting as well, like carrying a survivor to the Devour totem before Mori-ing them.

    Sweaty games are fine once in a while but I have a lot more fun playing it casual. In fact, a lot of my games I let people go because they do something silly or dumb that made me laugh.

    One of my favorite things is when survivors trade items for something, usually their lives. That's probably one of the best interactions on both sides for me. They drop an item and you just look at it, deciding if it was a worthy trade. I've also had games as killer and survivor both where an item hoard was made. When Appraisal first came out, I had a lot of games with like 10+ items just on the floor next to each other. That's the sort of stuff I love in DBD.

    Granted, if things like that were every game I'd probably get sick of it but because it's so rare for both sides to meme, it makes it all that more special. Even without those things, I do enjoy playing the game normally as well. I'm a bit of a trophy hunter so I enjoy trying to keep DBD at 100% completion. Though some of the achievements are pretty awful to do, Outbreak Breakout was really bad. -_-

    As survivor, I normally play in a 2-man and most of my fun comes from simple chit-chat and playing with a friend. Whether we win, lose, sweat or goof around it's all fun as we work on challenges and trophies. Neither of us take the game overly serious so whatever happens in the match is fine. Even when we do get salty it never goes from one match to another. We treat the game as a game and have a good time with it. We're both sitting at a bit over 2k hours and will probably play DBD till it's end.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,238

    Winning from my skill or contributions to the team. Losing while getting progress towards BP/Tome/Perk value from the perks I brought. Learning a new interaction such as a new Trapper spot, or the max/perfect distance to hit/dodge the Killer's specific power.

    On the opposite end the not enjoyable stuff are losing because a Killer pick making the game/match goal unplayable (eg. Blight/Nurse/Spirit when want to play the game in soloq/not premade 4 on comms, Plague when going for heals). Also losing because the team screws you over for the killer specific mechanics (feeding Myers stalk, feeding Oni Blood, Plague infecting you or cleansing to give the killer power without a reason behind it such as go for camped rescue/trade, overcleanse, etc.) Killer specific nuisances such as people letting other survs go 2nd stage/die when you weren't even camping, and other greedy plays in the anti-altruistic realm. Basically anything I would hate to deal with as a soloq Surv.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    Me and my 10 year old niece playing together as bunny Fengs :) She likes the green one and I'm the pink one!

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179
    edited June 2023

    Going against a killer who knows what they are doing but not using all the OP or borderline Op addons.

    Examples: I love a good Huntress who can snipe from across the map, but not one who uses Iri hatchets on top of that. I love to go against good Blights without the nasty addons. I love Billy. I love going against a Wesker who can do the funny stuff. I also have fun going against a TS Myers, but I don't know why.

    When I play Wesker it is so fun to fly around and see the Survivors surprised Pikachu faces.

    Post edited by LapisInfernalis on
  • LordHeXaGoN
    LordHeXaGoN Member Posts: 89

    As killer main i find interesting that developers fear to buff low tier killers.

    And can not making all perks viable to use.

    Because we have perks like Hangman's Trick that cannot be used in any build.

    We have nightmare and shape that waiting for their buff's by YEARS

    Thats realy fun and ironicly.

    I hope developers will make all killers viable and strong.

    Then we can get rid of camping and tunnel, or 3 gen playstyle/

    As survivior i have fun only if i have to play with my friends.

    As solo survivor i love to see how much use i can bring in match.

    AND YEAH "MADE FOR THIS" IS BROKEN!(For 4.4m/s killers. They cant catch survivor with this perk and "hope")

    Have a nice day Mandy!

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    As survivor I like trying to lose the killer in chase using perks to hide scrach marks, sound etc..that is fun. Looping the killer for as long as possible is not fun and doing gens, totems is not fun either.

    Killer I like chase mindgames vs survivors and to have perks helping in mind games. I don't like instead having to use slowdown perks Sloppy or gen slowdowns. Killers should not have to use boring perks to win more time. I like trap killers like Hag and Trapper and wish you would put more time to help these killers be more fun/better and get more of these kind of killers in the future.

    Also I love Nightfall on Dredge as survivor it would be more fun as survivor to have more surprise darkness in the game.

  • DavidHypnos
    DavidHypnos Member Posts: 730

    I know this wasn’t intended for me but I’d like to weigh in. When I play as survivor I always try to do my best. Many times I’ve seen players just give up once hatch is closed, etc. I prefer to try until the end is the end. If I’m being chased and I can get a pallet stun I go for it. On that same note, if I can stun the killer to help a teammate I will. Today I was facing a Legion and as they were chasing an injured Nea I hid behind a pallet to stun them and give her time to get away. To me, that’s playing the game and presenting a challenge to the killer. It’s the kind of gameplay I like to see when I’m playing killer. However, I’ve noticed in some games if I manage to get a stun on a killer in a chase or otherwise that they will tunnel me as if doing so offended them. I don’t understand that because I don’t see my behavior as bullying. I guess that’s how I would define that difference - if I was just going out of my way to ignore the gameplay mechanics (gens, helping teammates) and antagonize the killer instead yeah I’d consider that bullying rather than presenting a challenge.

  • DavidHypnos
    DavidHypnos Member Posts: 730

    For me, personally, the thing I like most about playing killer is scaring people. I know 90% of the time survivors don’t get scared playing this game lol but I still try to go for jumpscares if possible. What I think I like most about killer though is the agency. I can control how the game goes. Obviously, I can’t control survivors and if they’re better than me I’m going to get showed up, but what I mean is I can choose how to play. If I want to just scare ppl I can, if I want to just farm points I can, and if I want to play to win I can. Because of the imbalance in power you don’t get that agency in most survivor roles. However…

    What I like about playing survivor (and why I main it) is that imbalance of power and it’s the reason I love playing horror games in general. Growing up playing Resident Evil and Silent Hill these games were scary not just because of the spooky settings and music and the horrifying monsters but because you put yourself in the role of a survivor - like you were in a horror movie yourself. Knowing death could be imminent is scary. I love that feeling when playing games and I love playing survivor as if I’m in a scary movie. The lack of agency can be frustrating especially if a match lasts only a few minutes due to face camping but ultimately I like the thrill of playing survivor and having to make hard decisions - do I finish the gen so we’re one step closer to survival or do I go for the save?

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,197

    Personally, there's little I dislike about the game. Even unbalanced maps I enjoy because of the challenge.

    In particular, as a survivor I enjoy being against a killer who is able to illicit fear. A really good killer can make even the least threatening such as Trapper into something to fear.

    As a killer, I like the tougher fight and challenge that brings, so rarely would I tunnel (and if I do it's because the survivor made the error). I prefer tough challengers and feel a sense of satisfaction if I do well.

    Basically, I love challenges. Hate taking the easy options.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Chases are the most fun for me as survivor. I don't always go out of my way to attract the killer cause sometimes you have to be the one doing gens instead of throwing.

    It's also fun when sometimes killers are nice and you goof around, but as the game doesn't have much in the way of doing besides the core gameplay it can get boring fast. It would be nice if you could interact more with your environment for fun, like idk, break the bottles in dead dog saloon, change channels on TV etc.

  • tristenbennett381
    tristenbennett381 Member Posts: 117

    I think the element of hide and seek is very fun and underutilized, like not staying across the map from the killer but actively being in proximity to the killer and sneaking past them being a life or death decision, I’ve had a blast jumping into lockers around a corner mid chase to outwit the killer or doing a gen and then jumping into some nearby shrubs when I hear my heartbeat.

    I think stealth should be equally as important as being good at chase.

  • DavidHypnos
    DavidHypnos Member Posts: 730

    For me, it’s Ghost Face. I love him but half of my survivor matches are against him and I’d like to see some variety. Of course, you can’t decide who others play but it can get old.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    I enjoy taking perk combos or killer + perk combos that most people don't think are good and making them work anyway. Obviously some things will be so bad that almost nobody can make them work, but finding the off meta but pretty good stuff is fantastic for me.

    One thing I don't enjoy is any strat, perk, or killer that is very Boom or Bust. Either you win hard or lose hard with hardly any in-between. I know some people do like those sorts of mechanics, but I very much do not.

    If you're familiar with the MTG player types, I am firmly a Johnny.

    Between way too many of my little pet builds getting deleted from the game or nerfed so hard they may as well have been deleted and the current meta for both sides of Snowball or Lose... I am not playing the game and not planning to come back. Part of me hopes you guys can fix it, but honestly won't be surprised if you never do.

  • AlphaYandere
    AlphaYandere Member Posts: 66

    I like to Play Hunterss sometimes and only try to Cross-Snipe. Thats Fun for me in DBD

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,497
    edited June 2023

    I play for fun but im addicted to bp grind on both sides probably even more. On killer I enjoy downing survivors and hooking them because I like the screams and I like to outplay them. I also find fun to mess with survivors and sometimes let them escape.

    On survivor I find chases most fun and close games which can go for any side. Winning mindgames and tricking killers to make mistakes are fun.

  • Depressedlegion
    Depressedlegion Member Posts: 326

    As a dredge main I play for the sole reason that I get grabs when they lock lockers.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,978

    Just want to thank you all for your comments on this thread, there's some very interesting information here that I'm looking forward to sharing with the team.

  • Deathslinger1of2
    Deathslinger1of2 Member Posts: 130

    Yeah, I have fun when I find a survivor who can run me a long time but isn’t constantly t-bagging. Mad respect for those good in chase, I suck at looping as a survivor

  • Deathslinger1of2
    Deathslinger1of2 Member Posts: 130

    I’m not good at chase and looping, I get too nervous and I don’t really practice techs and such. As survivor, I like helping teammates like most any other survivor player, but I like to play the supporting role. People typically hate gens, but I enjoy doing them in aiding my teammates in the efforts to escape. The teamwork is fun

  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463

    When I can finally get out of a skull merchant game

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    Playing as the trickster and watching everyone glorified me. More cosmetics plz 🙏

  • MikeStev
    MikeStev Member Posts: 384

    When Behavior deletes Trapper from DBD, then all matches will become fun for me.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2023

    As a survivor I enjoy the sensation of fear and dread. That there is a killer approaching either because I hear the Terror Radius or because of the opposite: I hear nothing and the match has been going on for a while. This, coupled with the often great chase themes, gives me a superb gaming experience.

    To make it better a great SoloQ team includes people that help each other and know how to work together. And while winning is good at the end of a great match it's best when at least 2 of us (brothers or sisters-in-arms) can manage to escape. If none of us then the fact that the match was long (and I got a pip) feels very comforting.

    As a killer I always thought I am the one causing mentioned fear and dread. But what are the indicators for that? People do scream or bleed but if they keep teabagging or gesturing towards you or blinking with their flashlights perhaps they do know what they do and also I am facing a group of friends. I realised later it wasn't the case. Even with this attitude securing 3 or 4 sacrifices is doable.

    But the matches are sweaty this way. I feel like I try too hard sometimes. So what remains is the hunt itself. That (hopefully) there is only a short chase during which I make the right (not harsh) decisions and I secure knockdowns. That is great! Even if it is just 1 or 2k at the end. The aim is, naturally, 3 or 4k as it means I was able to "rule" the matches. And the best feeling is not when 4k happens with one survivor finding the hatch or opening the gate. No, it is when I allow them to do it. That is full domination! It feels great! And on rare occasions the best of all occurs: regardless of the outcome all 5 of us feel it was a good match. And all 5 people say "gg". And if they highlight me as the killer having good performance that makes my day.

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