Am I Only One Who Hates Insta-Pallet Breaking?

I kinda changed my mind about event after a lot games. Event powers favors killers.
Insta pallet breaking just feels so unfair when you go against it. They are not slowing killer while using it but pallet is going for forever.
And if there is no loop to near, you will just get hit.
People said this snow-man was so unfair for killers. But now what is this?
Survivor powers are honestly so useless. I mean killers are using vaults so rarely. So blocking it for killer does nothing. And dream pallets are just... Useless. Because if killer respects it, you have no value from it.
But killers have insane values from their event powers. Exposing survivor, removing pallet, no stun.
I dont like any of the gameplay changes. The pallet breaking or window blocking. I only like the blood points
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The instant pallet breaking, the exposure with bloodlust, the window blocking........its all nonsense and unfair.
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I found windows blocking pretty useless but i want to hear why you think it's unfair. Maybe i used it wrong.
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its reverse of snowman event from 2 years ago for killer. it was unfair event sided for survivors because they got free endurance. now it is the opposite. it is an event that highly favour's killers. on following snowman event, they did some modifications to the event to make it more favourable for killer. they'll likely redo this event next year with more survivor-sided type powers.
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I don’t mind the pallet breaking since survivors can respawn pallets too. The Exposed on Bloodlust is what bothers me.
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I'm okay with the pallet breaking and pallet respawning. I think both are cool.
Exposed upon Bloodlust is dumb and so is the window blocker
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You have to have bloodlust to activate the exposed invitation effect? That explains why I'd never been able to do it or seen it used.
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I think you're supposed to use it on buildings like House of Pain or the houses in Haddonfield.
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exposed on bloodlust is easy to outplay. you just stand still and bloodlust does not build-up. Personally I like the event for survivor because it is actually challenge to escape. normally survivor is kinda boring because most of killer are kinda weak but the event pallet break makes every killer a lot stronger and fun to play vs. I imagine escape rate for survivor on this event is going to be like less than 30%-25% but for high-level. the game feels more balanced. killer is fun to play because basic m1 killer are a lot more playable.
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That's fine, it's still a really dumb mechanic that rewards really bad play.
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Trust me game was already challange for solo survivors. At least for mid to high mmr players.
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I run Dissolution anyways, all this does it just free up a perk slot for the event.
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I am smiling and giggling. I mean your not wrong but this conversation topic is bizarre to talk about.
i think only challenge of survivor is playing vs A-tier/S-tier killers. most of weak killer are pretty free in my experience if the survivors are of equal as the killer in the chase. I think I tend to lose more on survivor due to poor macro misplay from my team then killer themselves. It is stuff like survivor running to a hook when the killer is obviously facecamping hook instead of doing generators. It is stuff like looping survivors running killer into worked on generators. People healing at wrong times. it is hard to explain. again I don't know what to say about this. I think if your team is generator efficient, you generally escape B-tier or lower killers with ease because the game is kinda not balanced too well. Killer only feel strong if they tunnel/camp, 3 man slug, 3 gen. overall I do not think survivor is that hard to play. The event makes the game a lot more interesting for more veteran survivors against killer cast.
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Its not an instant break, it takes two seconds. Its only a big deal if you run yourself into a deadzone or if the killer uses it to deny a vault, both of which require some level of skill or lack of it. Fun fact: survivors can instantly win the chase by blocking a god window and vaulting through it.
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I feel like the exposed should have been a unique exposed effect that could be dispelled while in chase by also counter using your invitation.
Same thing with pallets - It should have been a resource war instead of abilities you cannot counter or fairly play around.
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what do you mean it is not instant break? it is instant break. you can look at pallets and delete them. remember, pallet breaking is big deal with killers because the killer is stuck in animation when breaking them for 2.34 seconds. This gives a lot of time for survivor to hold-w to next pallet loop because survivor is always ahead of the killer. The event pallet break allows you to move and break pallets at the same time. It is like better then enduring spirit fury. god windows are like 9/10 window loops into 10/10 loop makes little difference. it is already strong with 0 perks. The only place I would say where window blocking can make difference is if your playing haddonfield or garden of joy and you vault the 2nd floor windows to block the killer from following you. Otherwise, most of windows the killer can go around. It does counter killer that use bamboozle like bubba but whatever.
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As a killer main... I'm having a blast. Been playing Myers games tonight and doing the pallet break RIGHT before a survivor tries to vault it, then getting a T3 stab is pretty fun. The pallet is unvaultable during the animation, resulting on like a 1 second panic.
As for the survivor temp pallet power... just counter it with the killer enduring power. Don't respect the pallet.
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When they break, I replace. Always have charges on you.
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It makes really strong windows impossible to play around for most killers.
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I think the Expose on Bloodlust 1 is too much, but the rest is okay I think.
Also I wouldn't call these respawned pallets useless. They are clips where SWF team can use them to save Survivors after you downing them many times, very annoying to go againts. The window blocker can sometimes come handy, I managed to get some value out of it allready.
It really isn't that bad honestly.
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Pallet break is definitely not instant from the time you hit the button. If I had to guess it's about 60-75% faster, but not instant. The fact that it isn't instant is what makes it more powerful. Rather than break pallets that a survivor drops in my path, I use it when a survivor is looping around a pallet that's down then trigger it right before they go to slide across the dropped pallet. The second or so it takes to break blocks the survivor and it's a guaranteed hit. I get way more value out of that than the exposed.
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Exposed on bloodlust gives weaker M1 killers a fighting chance. It doesn’t really benefit the stronger killers who are using their power most of the time.
Pallet break and spawn is ok
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Where are people getting instant break pallets from?
Every time I've used the event power to break a pallet, it feels no shorter than if I kicked it normally. The only benefit I've seen is being able to move while I wait for the pallet to break.
Personally though, the invite powers equate to my least favorite event so far on both sides.
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Honestly I thought everyone gonna complaining in day 1 and expected to see all such post on forums, and it took... a week? to pop up?
Both exposed and pallet breaking is strong af power, survivor powers aren't anywhere near as those, but even then it's not like survivors can't finish generators with all those powers sooooo....
Considering all those powers mostly only helps weaker end of killers, we could keep it as basekit and still have kill rates of nothing out of ordinary.
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Because... the break... takes time???? Thats the opposite of what instant means??????
Its supposed to be impactful... just path with the break in mind. Dont go somewhere where the pallet getting kicked is your only chance. Its not like it breaks windows.
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snowmen were literaly a meme, cant compare at all
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Yes, creating infinities by blocking windows is very bad, having a single loop with 3 pallets next to each other is also very bad. Please nerf killer to the ground.
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I think you people don't understand how strong pallet break thing.
When survivor drops pallet, killer needs to break it if pallet is strong. And while they are breaking it, they stucked in animation which gives good time to survivor for reach another loop. But in event, they are not stucked in animation. They activating it, so survivor can't use this pallet anymore. And then zoning out survivor. And bum. Free hit.
I don't know what you are talking about lol. I am not talking about map balance here.
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If you spawned real pallet, it would be super broken.
You can get lot of value from event pallet, you simply know all killers are going to respect that pallet. Just hope they don't have enduring...
Blocking window is really strong on some tiles/maps. Garden of Joy is kinda broken with this.
I really wouldn't mind this implemented as base mechanic, but without exposed on bloodlust for sure. That's stupid.
I have seen survivors counter it. You simply stop running as soon you see killer blood lusting. It's free hit, but at least not insta down.
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And I think even you don't understand how to best use pallet breaking feature. In fact - pallet breaking is not instant with the ability. It takes a second or so. But during that time, pallet can't be vaulted. You can trigger pallet breaking whenever you are in chase - making it a trap that guarantees a hit. Pallet breaking is very strong this event
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Both sides clearly don't know how to use it.
Enduring effect is probably most niche, but breaking pallet, event pallet and window block are really good.
Exposed effect is broken.
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Sadly u can't endure yourself during M2 ability. I just wanted to have 5 perks during this event - getting enduring for free on my bubba. But no matter how much I tried, it just didn't work. Still other effects (and maybe even enduring on other killers) are very strong
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Enduring probably depends on killer.
It can be worth using on unsafe pallets, where stun is only chance for survivor to get away.
I think it's good this effect is better for M1 killers.
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And I don't think you are really comprehending what I wrote. I'm not saying it's not powerful. I'm saying:
1) It's more powerful than a lot of people realize because they use it just to get a pallet out of the way, which is good, but it can also be used even more effectively because:
2) It's not instant.