Buff: Decisive Strike

This perk is necessary now more than ever with how many killers are hard tunneling which include waiting out the base kit borrowed time or hitting you after you've been unhooked and still chasing after endurance.
I feel one good fix would be to make it more like Dead Hard where it doesn't go away after doing any action other than using it + make it available during end game again.
I can also say the stun should be reverted back to the old time as well.
Overall Buffs to counter tunneling.
Make available during end game collapse + Make it "store-able" like Dead Hard + 7-second stun.
Hopefully then killer players will be less likely to hard tunnel people out.
I feel one good fix would be to make it more like Dead Hard where it doesn't go away after doing any action other than using it + make it available during end game again.
And you lost me. It should have it's stun duration increased, yes and disable powers for a couple of seconds. That's all.
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I think DS shouldn’t go away after doing an action because to me it’s just a worse OTR with that but it shouldn’t be accessed in endgame like DH though
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Were you here when DS worked almost exactly like that? DS was one of the most broken perks cause Survivors could make progress and still get a stun.
I do however believe it needs a longer stun duration. Revert it to 5 seconds. 3 seconds is literally nothing.
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If I wanted to buff DS; it would be not exactly the way you go at it; in which it reverts back, especially when it is active during Endgame as it is a free Second chance escape perk and become meta again.
Firstly, gives it the 4 seconds stun and make certain power token based killers like nurse and blight be unable to immediately used their power as soon the stun is applied. Second, you could increase the duration to 80 seconds like OTR; but only when the exits gates are not powered or not doing any form of conspicuous actions like doing gens or going for unhooks after being recently unhook.
This perk should only be used for straight up tunneling, but never be free to progress the game and ensure free escapes; or be passively aggressive "being tunnel" by bodyblocking the killer so that they can hit you and make them eat the DS.
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Borrowed times already basekit.
and you can run all flashlights ina Swif
body block ect.
Survivers are already pretty Strong lol.
So if you Die after getting borrowed Time Basekit when you couldv enterd a Locker ect then thats a (Skill Issue)
the Nerfs to DS tho was Un nessesary.
The Devs are essentally trying tk balence the game by making bad Survivers stronger and good killers bad killers.
thats not how you balence a game.
thats how you Kill a Game cause then no one would want to play killer.
so survivers wouldnr find any matches so theyd stop Playing as well cause they wouldnt be able to find a game cause no one would want to be killer and even killers would switch to survivers since theyd have an advantage and would be able to farm more Points amd do challenges more easily.
it be a total crap Show