made for this

pizzavessel15 Member Posts: 534
edited July 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

devs. ill be completely honesty and straight forward. you claim yall are monitoring the perk and that yall feel like it doesn't need changed. however, Im here to blatantly say if you think it doesn't need a change yall are either not monitoring it at all or have 0 clue what you're even looking at gameplay/data wise. like I am seriously SCARED to play a 110 killer because of this perk. its hard enough during middle game but borderline impossible at endgame if they simply have hope

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • mustdogen
    mustdogen Member Posts: 369

    Relax, i think they already know the problem, but can't nerf it in such a short time after the chapter release, so they add the op event power to killer to cover the problem, it might get changed after the event end, at least i believe so.

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    so whats the problem exactly lol

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,238

    Or escape rates are still extremely low and everyone is blowing a new perk out of proportion as usual.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Lost me at "scared to play 110 killers"

    Most 110 killers have the least issue with MfT cause the whole reason they are 110 is cause their power is strong enough that they don't need traditional chasing.

    Only exception to this rule is maybe trickster but that's a trickster issue

  • kaister901
    kaister901 Member Posts: 64
    edited July 2023

    The devs themselves have admitted that it is not wise to balance the game based on data alone. There are so many factors as to why kill rates are above 50% for half the killers. You have to consider new players and players that don't master survivor that drag down the survival rate even if higher MMR players survive more. Then there is the matter of the devs wanting to keep the game a horror game and kill rates at 60% not 50%. I can't find the post where they mention it. However, the goal is to have a 60% kill rate not a 50/50 - win/loss rate for the game. That is their goal. So, that's what you are seeing.

    However, that said. That still doesn't mean the balance should be based on statistics alone. For example, Myers. He has a 60% kill rate. Yet most would agree he is one of the weakest killers. He only is strong when he uses is iridescent add ons, which unless you have farmed 100s over 1000s of hours, you won't have with you all the time.

    So, now you have a killer that destroys when he has iridescent add ons and loses badly when he doesn't. So, when you average it out, it hits that 60%. So, is Myers weak or strong then? Is a killer that totally dependant on an iridescent add on considered strong or weak? Some say he is strong. I say he is weak because it is not economically reasonable to expect every player to have iridescent add ons all the time for Myers. Therefore, balancing on stats alone is a bad idea. You need to look at all these other factors before saying the game is too killer sided.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    Made For This is strong at small loops, but otherwise absolutely terrible. 110% Killers are typically anti-loop, with powers that revolve around zoning. I've yet to see a good example of MFT being busted. I've seen a lot of examples of killers being bad and admitting that it took them getting BL3 to down the survivor. For reference, BL3 takes a 115 killer to 130.

  • bazarama
    bazarama Member Posts: 243

    The only way to work out what the actual balance of the game is count hooks not kills.

    People say perks are too strong against some killers and against survivors.

    Hooks would give a better indication of actual killer game play. Kills mean nothing with survivors killing themselves on first hook, tunnelling and camping.

    But unfortunately devs only think about kill rates so in the meantime op perks continue.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited July 2023

    Because Killers only wants kill as win, not hook.

    I dont want to play 8 hooks before getting kills, end up 10 hooks 2 kills then put against top tier SWF. While a Bubba with Noed camping and the result is 2 hooks 2 kills then put against newbie that constant 4 hooks 4 kills every single match.

    As for survivor I dont want to carry a teammate who doesnt do Gen then I die, and because my perform was good, then put against Otz. While teammate hiding then escape through hatch dropped MMR to play against easier Killer.

    Try every possible thing to kill should be matched with try every possible thing to escape.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 397

    It hasn't been changed, but it hasn't been widely used either, mainly because Adrenaline was a better end game perk.

    90% of the complains I hear about MFT is that it stacks with hope, and what I see the most is people asking for the devs to address Haste stacking.

    It has been said that MFT is only worth it over an exhaustion perk if you're already a very good looper, otherwise it pales in comparison to them, and by a wide margin. It really doesn't sound to me like MFT is the issue here.

  • pizzavessel15
    pizzavessel15 Member Posts: 534

    no, made for this has almost 0 downside. basically permanent 3% while injured and can be used with perks like dh. this during middle game is hard enough but when combined with hope it really becomes a problem. this plus hope is a permanent 110 speed for survivors.

  • pizzavessel15
    pizzavessel15 Member Posts: 534

    theyre not the strongest at looping. with this youll not only be able to NOT catch up to them until bloodlust but theyre able to stay a decent distance from you while looping for the power to do anything

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    Hope doesn't become active until the gates are powered. Survivors who pair Hope with MFT are banking on making it to endgame. Haste stacking really shouldn't be a thing. As for MFT, the downside is that you have to remain injured and thus only have one health state.

    Its secondary effect is not great either. Would pair nicely with For The People, but it requires coordinating to get value out of Endurance. I'm fairly good at looping killers, and can easily take a bad killer on a 5-gen chase.

    You're complaining about survivors moving at 103% movement speed instead of 100% movement speed. MFT is the non-boon equivalent to Dark Theory, which was regarded as a perk that was far too situational since you'd have to be chased at a loop with the boon already set up.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,576

    It’s been out for 2,5 weeks.

    give ‘em some time to make sure their findings aren’t anomalous, and then figure out what they actually should do, and then do it.

  • ZombieFungusAnts
    ZombieFungusAnts Member Posts: 5

    Made for this is strong by itself, but becomes ridiculous when paired with resilence. I've been running those two perks with different combos in my other two slots since made for this was released and them together basically turns any window you would have just barely gotten hit at into a guaranteed not being hit, and since most killers are swinging in this situation it basically resets the loop and gives you so much more time in chase. 3% may not seem like a lot but in a game of micro seconds it is. I'll keep using it till it gets nerfed though because who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth when I'm given something so strong. My only hope is that they don't remove haste stacking to nerf it because running all haste perks with a buddy and having to loop together is always hilarious and if they remove haste stacking those types of builds aren't possible anymore.

  • bornagain234
    bornagain234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336
    edited July 2023

    You could literally make this perk 2 perks and it would be decent.

    The fact no one at BHVR thought this would be op with hope and resilience no joke tells me they dont know / play their game. I thought of that combo immediately.

    They need to actually hire some people whos whole job is just play the game in public lobbies, with public MMR.

  • mustdogen
    mustdogen Member Posts: 369

    I am a fool.

    I know nothing.

    I may sound like a silly clown.